Porting over a Coupled Linear Elasticity-Reaction Diffusion Problem from Legacy FEnicS to FEnicSx

Hey all,

I’ve just been trying to translate some coupled linear elasticity reaction diffusion code from legacy FEnicS to FEnicSx. Originally wasn’t planning to post this here due to the length of the two code pieces but am at wits’ end on what to do… I was wondering if someone could have a quick look over it to see if the problem stems from how I’m generating functions and spaces.

The legacy code produces the desired result of the mesh moving in the positive x-direction (using Paraviews Warp Vector Field Function). However, the FEnicSx code does not, even though the problem and weak formulations are identical.

The Legacy FEnicS code is as follow and produces the desired result:

from fenics import *
from mshr import *
from ufl import nabla_div, transpose, inv
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.tri as tri

def main():

    # C O N T R O L   P A N E L :   I N P U T S

    # Simulation Displacement Type
    sim_multiple = True    # False - Every simulation outputs to output/main (overwriting)
                            # True  - Every simulation generates new output directory to output/main_i (i = 1, 2, 3, ...)

    # Simulation Runtime Parameters
    T = 30                 # final time
    num_steps = T*10        # number of time steps
    dt = T / num_steps      # time step size
    output_freq = 1        # number of time steps per output

    # Geometric Parameters
    mesh_radius = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi)      # Radius of Circle
    mesh_resolution = 32                # Higher number is higher resolution
    vol = np.pi*mesh_radius**2          # Initial Volume

    # Wave Pinning Kinetic Parameters
    b_0 = 4.0                # Basal Activation
    b_1 = 0.1                # Chemical Gradient on Basal Activation
    delta_0 = 2.0            # Constant Negative Feedback
    delta_1 = 50.0           # Area-dependent Negative Feedback
    b2 = 5.0                 # Magnitude of Positive Feedback
    n = 6                    # Hill's Coeefficient

    # Diffusivity
    Da = 0.01               # Active Rac Diffusivity
    Di = 10.0               # Inactive Rac Diffusivity

    # Elasticity Parameters (sim_disp == 2)
    T_scale = 0.3                      # Scaling Factor for Polymerization Force
    s_0 = 1.0
    s_1 = 10.0
    E = 0.3                             # Youngs Modulus
    nu = 0.45                           # Poisson's Ratio
    beta = 10.0                         # Internal Damping: Viscoelastic Modulus
    gamma = 20.0                        # External Damping: Stokes Damping
    lambda_ = E*nu/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))    # Lame's First Parameter
    mu = 0.5*E/(1+nu)                   # Lame's Second Parameter (Shear Modulus)

    # F E M   D O M A I N   S E T U P

    # M E S H

    # Create mesh and define function space
    domain = Circle(Point(0.0,0.0), mesh_radius)
    mesh = generate_mesh(domain, mesh_resolution)

    # F U N C T I O N   S P A C E S

    # Define function space and elements for displacments and concentrations
    P1 = FiniteElement('P', triangle, 1)
    element = MixedElement([P1, P1])
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)        # Function space for concentrations
    W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)   # Function space for displacments

    # V A R I A T I O N S

    # Define variational problem
    u = Function(V)
    v_1, v_2 = TestFunctions(V)

    w = TestFunction(W)

    # R E A C T I O N   D I F F U S I O N

    # I N I T I A L   C O N D I T I O N S

    # Define initial conditions
    u_0 = Expression(('0.0', '2.0'), degree=1)
    u_n = project(u_0, V)

    # S O U R C E S

    # S P L I T T I N G

    # Split system functions to access components
    u_1, u_2 = split(u)
    u_n1, u_n2 = split(u_n)

    # C O N S T I T U T I V E   E Q N :   R E A C T I O N   K I N E T I C S

    # Negative Feedback
    delta = Expression('delta_0 + (vol-vol_init)*delta_1', \
        delta_0=delta_0, vol=vol, vol_init=vol, delta_1=delta_1, degree=2)

    # Fields for Kinetic Parameters
    b2 = Constant(b2)
    n = Constant(n)
    Da = Constant(Da)
    Di = Constant(Di)

    # M E C H A N I C S

    # I N I T I A L   C O N D I T I O N S

    # Define initial value
    disp_D = Expression(('0.0','0.0'),degree=2)

    # S O U R C E    T E R M S

    # K I N E M A T I C S
    # Need the following defined for all three simulations modes (sim_disp)
    disp = TrialFunction(W)
    disp_t1 = interpolate(disp_D, W)
    d = disp_t1.geometric_dimension()           # Define space dimension
    I = Identity(d)                             # Identity Tensor (Matrix)
    def_grad = I + nabla_grad(disp_t1)          # Deformation Gradient Tensor
    J = det(def_grad)                        # Jacobian
    def_grad_inv   = inv(def_grad)              # Inverse Deformation Gradient Tensor
    def_grad_inv_T = transpose(inv(def_grad))   # Inverse Transpose Deformation Gradient Tensor
    vol_init = assemble(J*dx)
    delta.vol_init = vol_init
    delta.vol = vol_init
    # Kinetmatics at previous time step
    disp_t2 = interpolate(disp_D, W)
    I_n = Identity(disp_t2.geometric_dimension())
    def_grad_n = I_n + grad(disp_t2)
    J_n = det(def_grad_n)

    # Chemical Gradient
    b = Expression('b_0 + x[0]*b_1', b_0=b_0,b_1=b_1,degree=2)

    # Wave-Pinning Model
    G = (b + b2*(pow(u_1,n)/(1+pow(u_1,n))))*u_2 - delta*u_1

    # B O U N D A R Y   C O N D I T I O N S

    # Actin Polymerization Magnitude of Force (traction)
    T_mag = T_scale /(1+exp(-2*s_1*(u_n[0]-s_0)))

    # Unit Normal Vector on Reference Domain
    Normal_Ref = FacetNormal(mesh)
    # Unit Normal Vector on Deformed Domain
    Normal_Def = J*def_grad_inv_T*Normal_Ref
    Normal_Def1 = Normal_Def/sqrt(Normal_Def[0]**2+Normal_Def[1]**2)

    # Actin Polymerization Force
    Trac_disp = T_mag*Normal_Def1

    # Small Strain Approximation
    def epsilon(disp_func):
        return 0.5*(nabla_grad(disp_func) + nabla_grad(disp_func).T)

    # C O N S T I T U T I V E   E Q N :   S T R E S S - S T R A I N

    # Linear Elasticity
    def sigma_p(disp_func):
        return lambda_*nabla_div(disp_func)*Identity(d) + 2*mu*epsilon(disp_func)

    # Define expressions used in variational forms
    beta = Constant(beta)
    gamma = Constant(gamma)

    # R D   B O U N D A R Y   C O N D I T I O N S
    # _______________________________________________________________________
    # F U N C T I O N A L S

    # Time Step
    k = Constant(dt)

    F_disp_damping = (gamma / k) * inner((disp - disp_t2),w)*dx
    F_disp_elasticity = inner(sigma_p(disp), epsilon(w))*dx
    F_disp_viscous = (beta / k) * inner(sigma_p(disp - disp_t2), epsilon(w))*dx
    F_disp_traction = - dot(Trac_disp, w)*ds

    F_disp = F_disp_damping + F_disp_elasticity + F_disp_viscous + F_disp_traction
    F_disp_lhs = lhs(F_disp)
    F_disp_rhs = rhs(F_disp)

    disp = Function(W)

    #Active Rac
    F_1_temporal  =   J*((u_1 - u_n1) / k)*v_1*dx
    F_1_diffusion =   J*Da*dot(def_grad_inv*def_grad_inv_T*grad(u_1), grad(v_1))*dx
    F_1_reaction  = - J*G*v_1*dx
    F_1_dilution  =   u_1*v_1*((J - J_n) / (k))*dx
    F_1 = F_1_temporal + F_1_diffusion + F_1_reaction + F_1_dilution

    #Inactive Rac
    F_2_temporal  =   J*((u_2 - u_n2) / k)*v_2*dx
    F_2_diffusion =   J*Di*dot(def_grad_inv*def_grad_inv_T*grad(u_2), grad(v_2))*dx
    F_2_reaction  = + J*G*v_2*dx
    F_2_dilution  =   u_2*v_2*((J - J_n) / (k))*dx
    F_2 = F_2_temporal + F_2_diffusion + F_2_reaction + F_2_dilution

    # Functional for Conservation of Mass
    F_rd = F_1 + F_2

    # S O L V I N G

    # O U T P U T    S E T U P

    dir_count = 1
    output_dir_original = 'output/main'
    output_dir = output_dir_original

    if sim_multiple == True:
        while os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            output_dir = output_dir_original + "_" + str(dir_count)
            dir_count += 1

    # Outputs
    ActiveGTPase_file = XDMFFile(output_dir + '/ActiveGTPase.xdmf')
    InActiveGTPase_file = XDMFFile(output_dir + '/InActiveGTPase.xdmf')
    Displacement_file = XDMFFile(output_dir + '/Displacement.xdmf')

    # I N I T I A L   C O N D I T I O N S   O U T P U T

    # Time-stepping
    t = 0
    i = 0

    #Output Labels
    _u_1, _u_2 = u_n.split()

    # Calculate Volume and Update Feedback
    vol = assemble(J*dx)    #dv = JdV, Jacobian relates Reference Volume to Deformed Volume
    delta.vol = vol         #Updating Delta Feedback
    total_rac = assemble((u_1+u_2)*J*dx)

    #Writing Outputs

    if sim_multiple == True:
        os.system('mkdir ' + output_dir + '/frames')

    # T I M E    L O O P

    for n in range(1,num_steps+1):

        # Update current time
        t += dt

        # Mechanical Deformation Solver
        solve(F_disp_lhs == F_disp_rhs, disp)

        # Calculate Volume and Update Feedback
        vol = assemble(J*dx)    #dv = JdV, Jacobian relates Reference Volume to Deformed Volume
        delta.vol = vol         #Updating Delta Feedback

        # Reaction Diffusion Solver
        solve(F_rd == 0, u)

        # Useful Info
        total_rac = assemble((u_1+u_2)*J*dx)
        print("Time Step {} of {}".format(n,num_steps))
        print("Current Volume: ", vol)
        print("total Rac: ", total_rac)
        # Save to file and plot solution
        if n%output_freq == 0:
            _u_1, _u_2 = u.split()
            # Update current output indent
            i += 1
            # Writing Outputs

        # Update previous solution

if __name__ == '__main__':

The FEnicSx translation is as follows:

import ufl
import numpy as np
import gmsh

from petsc4py import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI

import dolfinx
from dolfinx import fem, mesh, plot, log, default_scalar_type, geometry
from dolfinx.io import gmshio, XDMFFile
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem, LinearProblem, assemble_matrix, create_vector, create_matrix, assemble_vector, apply_lifting
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver
import basix


# Initialise the GMSH module

# Create the membrane and start the computations by the GMSH CAD kernel, to generate the relevant underlying data structures
# Create Circular Mesh with area of A0 = 1
membrane = gmsh.model.occ.addDisk(0, 0, 0, np.sqrt(1/np.pi), np.sqrt(1/np.pi)) # x, y, z, x-radius, y-radius

# Make membrane a physical surface for GMSH to recognise when generating the mesh
gdim = 2 # 2D Geometric Dimension of the Mesh
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim, [membrane], 0) # Dimension, Entity tag, Physical tag

# Generate 2D Mesh with uniform mesh size
gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin", 0.023)
gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax", 0.023)

# Create a mesh from the GMSH model
gmsh_model_rank = 0
mesh_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
domain, cell_markers, facet_markers = gmshio.model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, mesh_comm, gmsh_model_rank, gdim=gdim)
domain.name = "initial_mesh"

# Finalize GMSH


# Global Spatial Coordinates as a Vector-Valued Expression i.e. x[0] = x, x[1] = y
x_spatial = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)

metadata = {"quadrature_degree": 6}

# Define Measure Over Cells of Mesh
dx = ufl.Measure('dx', domain=domain, metadata=metadata)

# Define Measure Over Boundary of Mesh
ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=domain, metadata=metadata)

# Time Discretisation Process
t = 0 # Initial Time
T = 30 # Final Time
dt_original = 0.1
dt = fem.Constant(domain, dt_original) # Time Step Size
Nsteps = int(T/dt_original) # Number of Time Steps


V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1, (domain.geometry.dim, ))) # mesh, element

# Trial and Test Functions for Linear Elasticity Problem (Mechanics Vectors)
# Initial Conditions: Mechanical System is at Rest
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)# Trial Function (Displacement)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V) # Test Function

u_ = fem.Function(V) # Function for Area Calculation
u_.name = "u_"

u_n = fem.Function(V) # Function for Previous Time Step (Displacement)
u_n.name = "u_n"

u_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 0.0)

u_n.sub(0).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), u_0))
u_n.sub(1).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), u_0))

u_.sub(0).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), u_0))
u_.sub(1).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), u_0))


# Mixed-Element Function Space for Reaction Diffusion
P1 = basix.ufl.element(family="Lagrange", cell=domain.topology.cell_name(), degree=1)
element = basix.ufl.mixed_element([P1, P1])
C = fem.functionspace(mesh=domain, element=element)

# Trial and Test Functions for Reaction-Diffusion Problem (Concentrations)
c = fem.Function(C)
c.name = "c"

c_n = fem.Function(C)
c_n.name = "c_n"

c_A, c_I = ufl.split(c)
c_A_n, c_I_n = ufl.split(c_n)

w_A, w_I = ufl.TestFunction(C)

# Initial Species Concentration Conditions of Species I=2 and Species A=0
c_A_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 0.0)
c_I_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 2.0)

c.sub(0).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), c_A_0))
c.sub(1).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), c_I_0))
c_n.sub(0).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), c_A_0))
c_n.sub(1).interpolate(lambda x: np.full((x.shape[1],), c_I_0))



# Spatial Dimension
spa_dim = len(x_spatial)

# Current Time Step
# Identity Tensor
I = ufl.Identity(spa_dim)

# Deformation Gradient Tensor
F = I + ufl.nabla_grad(u_) # Nabla_grad (Jared's Code) or grad?

F_inv = ufl.inv(F) # F^-1
F_inv_tra = F_inv.T # F^-T

# Jacobian Function
J = ufl.det(F)

# Previous Time Step
# Identity Tensor
I_n = ufl.Identity(spa_dim)

# Deformation Gradient Tensor
F_n = I_n + ufl.grad(u_n)

F_n_inv = ufl.inv(F_n) # F^-1
F_n_inv_tra = F_n_inv.T # F^-T

# Jacobian Function
J_n = ufl.det(F_n)

# Initial Cell Area (i.e. A0=1) and Tension Calculations (i.e. T0=0)
A0 = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(fem.Constant(domain, 1.0) * dx))
Area = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(J * dx))
Tension = Area - A0

# Calculate Normal Vectors along Boundary in Reference/Undeformed Configuration (might need minus to point outwards)
# n0 = ufl.FacetNormal(domain) # Stationary Domain Normal Vector
theta = ufl.operators.atan2(x_spatial[1], x_spatial[0]) # Unit Normal Vector on Reference Domain
n0 = ufl.as_vector([ufl.cos(theta), ufl.sin(theta)])
piola_transform = J * F_inv_tra * n0
n = piola_transform/ufl.sqrt(piola_transform[0]**2 + piola_transform[1]**2) # Unit Normal Direction of Membrane

# Mechanics Constants
youngs_modulus_E = 0.30 # kPa
poisson_ratio_nu = 0.45
stoke_drag_gamma = fem.Constant(domain, 20.0) # kPa*s/um^2 for final velocity of 0.17 um/s
lambda_ = fem.Constant(domain, youngs_modulus_E*poisson_ratio_nu/((1+poisson_ratio_nu)*(1-2*poisson_ratio_nu))) # ~0.93 kPa
mu_ = fem.Constant(domain, youngs_modulus_E/(2*(1+poisson_ratio_nu))) # ~0.1 kPa
beta_ = fem.Constant(domain, 10.0) # s

# Polymerisation Force Constants
s0 = fem.Constant(domain, 1.0)
s1 = fem.Constant(domain, 10.0)
f_R = fem.Constant(domain, 0.3) # nN/um

# Cauchy Stress Tensor
def sigma(u_current):
    eps_current = epsilon(u_current)
    stress = lambda_ * ufl.nabla_div(u_current) * ufl.Identity(len(u_current)) + 2 * mu_ * eps_current
    # stress = lambda_ * ufl.tr(eps_current) * ufl.Identity(len(u_current)) + 2 * mu_ * eps_current
    return stress

# Small-Scale Strain
def epsilon(u):
    small_strain = 0.5 * (ufl.nabla_grad(u) + ufl.transpose(ufl.nabla_grad(u)))
    return small_strain

# Heaviside Polymerisation Force from Actin
polymerisation_force = f_R / (1 + ufl.exp(-2 * s1 * (c_A - s0)))


# Linear Elasticity Weak Form
damping = (stoke_drag_gamma/dt) * ufl.inner((u - u_n), v) * dx # Damping Term #SHOULD IT BE NEGATIVE? OR IS GAMMA NEGATIVE?
elastic = ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * dx
viscous = (beta_/dt) * ufl.inner(sigma(u - u_n), epsilon(v)) * dx
traction = - ufl.inner(polymerisation_force * n, v) * ds # Traction Term
#body = 0.0 # No source term

# Create Linear Problem and Solver
mechanics_formulation = viscous + elastic + traction + damping
mechanics_lhs = fem.form(ufl.lhs(mechanics_formulation))
mechanics_rhs = fem.form(ufl.rhs(mechanics_formulation))

lhs_bilinear_matrix = create_matrix(mechanics_lhs) 
rhs_linear_vector = create_vector(mechanics_rhs)

mechanics_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(domain.comm)


class DeltaExpression:
    def __init__(self, delta_0, area, area_init, delta_1):
        self.delta_0 = delta_0
        self.delta_1 = delta_1
        self.area = area
        self.area_init = area_init

    def eval(self, x):
        return np.full(x.shape[1], self.delta_0 + (self.area - self.area_init) * self.delta_1)

delta_0 = 2.0 #fem.Constant(domain, 2.0)
delta_1 = 30.0 #fem.Constant(domain, 30.0)
delta_expr = DeltaExpression(delta_0, Area, A0, delta_1)

# Create a Function to hold the values of delta
M = fem.functionspace(domain, ("CG", 2))
delta = fem.Function(M)

class BGradExpression:
    def __init__(self, b_0, b_1):
        self.b_0 = b_0
        self.b_1 = b_1

    def eval(self, x):
        return np.full(x.shape[1], self.b_0 + x[0] * self.b_1)

b_0 = 4.0 # Basal Activation Rate
b_1 = 0.1
b_grad = BGradExpression(b_0=b_0, b_1=b_1)

b = fem.Function(M)

c_hill = fem.Constant(domain, 5.0) # Hill Function Magnitude
cA_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 1.0)
n = fem.Constant(domain, 6.0) # Hill's Coefficient

# Reaction Function (Identical for Both Inactivate and Active GTPase)
reaction_function = (b + c_hill * (c_A**n/(cA_0**n + c_A**n))) * c_I - delta * c_A

# Examine Isotropic Diffusion where D_A=D*I (Diffusivity Constant multiplied by the Identity Tensor)
D_a = fem.Constant(domain, 0.01)
D_i = fem.Constant(domain, 10.0)

D_A = D_a * I
D_A_eq = J * F_inv * D_A * F_inv_tra
D_I = D_i * I
D_I_eq = J * F_inv * D_I * F_inv_tra

u = fem.Function(V)


# Derive Weak/Variational Formulation of 2D Reaction-Diffusion PDE with Two Chemical Species
term1_A = J * ((c_A - c_A_n)/dt) * w_A * dx # Temporal Term
# term2_A = J*D_a*ufl.dot(F_inv*F_inv_tra* ufl.grad(c_A), ufl.grad(w_A)) * dx
term2_A = ufl.dot(D_A_eq * ufl.grad(c_A), ufl.grad(w_A)) * dx # Diffusion+Flux+Source? (Mass Conservation)
term3_A = -J * reaction_function * w_A * dx # Reaction Term
term4_A = c_A * ((J - J_n)/dt) * w_A * dx # Dilution Term

Func_A = term1_A + term2_A + term3_A + term4_A

term1_I = J * ((c_I - c_I_n)/dt) * w_I * dx # Temporal Term
# term2_I = J*D_i*ufl.dot(F_inv*F_inv_tra* ufl.grad(c_I), ufl.grad(w_I)) * dx
term2_I = ufl.dot(D_I_eq * ufl.grad(c_I), ufl.grad(w_I)) * dx # Diffusion+Flux+Source?
term3_I = J * reaction_function * w_I * dx # Reaction Term
term4_I = c_I * ((J - J_n)/dt) * w_I * dx # Dilution Term

Func_I = term1_I + term2_I + term3_I + term4_I

reaction_diffusion_formulation = Func_A + Func_I

# Non-Linear Reaction-Diffusion Problem and Solver Formulation
reaction_problem = NonlinearProblem(reaction_diffusion_formulation, c, bcs=[])

reaction_solver = NewtonSolver(mesh_comm, reaction_problem)
reaction_solver.atol = 1e-12
reaction_solver.rtol = 1e-12
reaction_solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
reaction_solver.report = True


# Create XDMF file for writing
xdmf = dolfinx.io.XDMFFile(mesh_comm, "jarod_move2.xdmf", "w")

# Write initial function to XDMF file
xdmf.write_function(u_n, 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(c.sub(0), 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(c.sub(1), 0.0)

for i in range(Nsteps):
    # Update time step
    t += dt

    # Assemble Jacobian and residual
    with rhs_linear_vector.localForm() as loc_1:
    assemble_vector(rhs_linear_vector, mechanics_rhs)

    assemble_matrix(lhs_bilinear_matrix, mechanics_lhs)
    rhs_linear_vector.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)

    # # Step 1: Solve Linear Elasticity Problem
    mechanics_solver.solve(rhs_linear_vector, u.vector)
    u_.x.array[:] = u.x.array #Might NEED [:] on the right side too
    # Step 2: Compute new area and tension
    Area = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(J * dx))
    Tension = Area - A0
    delta.area = Area

    # Step 3: Solve Reaction-Diffusion PDE Problem
    num_its, converged_reaction = reaction_solver.solve(c)
    assert converged_reaction
    c_n.x.array[:] = c.x.array # Update Concentrations at previous time step
    u_n.x.array[:] = u.x.array # Update Displacement at previous time step

    total_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_A + c_I) * J * dx))
    active_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_A) * J * dx))
    inactive_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_I) * J * dx))
    print(f'Original Area: {A0}')
    print(f'Area: {Area}')
    print(f'Tension: {Tension}')
    print(f'Total Rac: {total_rac}')
    print(f'Active Rac: {active_rac}')
    print(f'Inactive Rac: {inactive_rac}')

    xdmf.write_function(u_n, float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(c.sub(0), float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(c.sub(1), float(t))

# Close Save Files

Legacy FEnicS was installed from the docker using the latest build. FEnicSx was installed via micromamba and is v0.8.0.

I assume a potential area where the problem could stem from is how the function spaces are set up and whether the values are being updated properly in the time loop as I’ve noticed total_rac is not conserved and slowly increases in the FEnicSx code. In this case, are my time-dependent variables (Area, Jacobian J and J_n, delta) being updated properly and therefore updating the problem (linear problem matrices and vectors, and reaction-diffusion J, J_n, and reaction_function) to be solved at each time step properly?

Additionally, in the FEnicSx code are you supposed to use classes instead of Expression now?


Ended up fixing this in a less than ideal way. Last ditch effort was to just recalculate weak forms and values in the time loop. Unfortunately, this is a lot slower and not ideal for readability.

If anyone knows how FEnicSx can automatically update values for a Jacobian and functions which are updated every time loop that would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the new time loop:

#Output Labels
_c_A, _c_I = c_n.split()

# Create XDMF file for writing
xdmf = dolfinx.io.XDMFFile(mesh_comm, "cell_move2.xdmf", "w")

# Write initial function to XDMF file
xdmf.write_function(u_n, 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(_c_A, 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(_c_I, 0.0)

for i in tqdm(range(Nsteps), desc="Solving PDE"):
    # Update time step
    t += dt
    # Heaviside Polymerisation Force from Actin
    polymerisation_force = f_R / (1 + ufl.exp(-2 * s1 * (c.sub(0) - s0)))

    # Linear Elasticity Weak Form
    damping = (stoke_drag_gamma/dt) * ufl.inner((u - u_n), v) * dx # Damping Term #SHOULD IT BE NEGATIVE? OR IS GAMMA NEGATIVE?
    elastic = ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * dx
    viscous = (beta_/dt) * ufl.inner(sigma(u - u_n), epsilon(v)) * dx
    traction = - ufl.dot(polymerisation_force*n, v) * ds # Traction Term
    #body = 0.0 # No source term
    # Create Linear Problem and Solver
    mechanics_formulation = viscous + elastic + traction + damping
    mechanics_lhs = fem.form(ufl.lhs(mechanics_formulation))
    mechanics_rhs = fem.form(ufl.rhs(mechanics_formulation))
    lhs_bilinear_matrix = assemble_matrix(mechanics_lhs, bcs=[]) 
    rhs_linear_vector = assemble_vector(mechanics_rhs)
    mechanics_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(domain.comm)

    # # Step 1: Solve Linear Elasticity Problem
    mechanics_solver.solve(rhs_linear_vector, u_.vector)
    # Current Time Step
    # Identity Tensor
    I = ufl.variable(ufl.Identity(spa_dim))
    # Deformation Gradient Tensor
    F = ufl.variable(I + ufl.grad(u_)) # Nabla_grad (Jared's Code) or grad?
    F_inv = ufl.variable(ufl.inv(F)) # F^-1
    F_inv_tra = ufl.variable(ufl.transpose(F_inv)) # F^-T
    # Jacobian Function
    J = ufl.variable(ufl.det(F))

    # Step 2: Compute new area and tension
    Area = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(J * dx))
    Tension = Area - A0

    delta = delta_0 + Tension * delta_1 # THIS WAS THE FUCKING ISSUE????
    # Reaction Function (Identical for Both Inactivate and Active GTPase)
    reaction_function = (b + c_hill * (c_A**n_power/(cA_0**n_power + c_A**n_power))) * c_I - delta * c_A
    D_A_eq = J * F_inv * D_A * F_inv_tra
    D_I_eq = J * F_inv * D_I * F_inv_tra
    # Derive Weak/Variational Formulation of 2D Reaction-Diffusion PDE with Two Chemical Species
    term1_A = J * ((c_A - c_A_n)/dt) * w_A * dx # Temporal Term
    # term2_A = J*D_a*ufl.dot(F_inv*F_inv_tra* ufl.grad(c_A), ufl.grad(w_A)) * dx
    term2_A = ufl.inner(D_A_eq * ufl.grad(c_A), ufl.grad(w_A)) * dx # Diffusion+Flux+Source? (Mass Conservation)
    term3_A = -J * reaction_function * w_A * dx # Reaction Term
    term4_A = c_A * ((J - J_n)/dt) * w_A * dx # Dilution Term
    Func_A = term1_A + term2_A + term3_A + term4_A
    term1_I = J * ((c_I - c_I_n)/dt) * w_I * dx # Temporal Term
    # term2_I = J*D_i*ufl.dot(F_inv*F_inv_tra* ufl.grad(c_I), ufl.grad(w_I)) * dx
    term2_I = ufl.inner(D_I_eq * ufl.grad(c_I), ufl.grad(w_I)) * dx # Diffusion+Flux+Source?
    term3_I = J * reaction_function * w_I * dx # Reaction Term
    term4_I = c_I * ((J - J_n)/dt) * w_I * dx # Dilution Term
    Func_I = term1_I + term2_I + term3_I + term4_I
    reaction_diffusion_formulation = Func_A + Func_I
    # Non-Linear Reaction-Diffusion Problem and Solver Formulation
    reaction_problem = NonlinearProblem(reaction_diffusion_formulation, c, bcs=[])
    reaction_solver = NewtonSolver(domain.comm, reaction_problem)
    reaction_solver.atol = 1e-8
    reaction_solver.rtol = 1e-8
    reaction_solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
    reaction_solver.report = True
    # Step 3: Solve Reaction-Diffusion PDE Problem
    num_its, converged_reaction = reaction_solver.solve(c)
    assert converged_reaction
    c_n.x.array[:] = c.x.array # Update Concentrations at previous time step
    u_n.x.array[:] = u_.x.array # Update Displacement at previous time step
    # Previous Time Step
    # Identity Tensor
    I_n = ufl.variable(ufl.Identity(spa_dim))
    # Deformation Gradient Tensor
    F_n = ufl.variable(I_n + ufl.grad(u_n))
    F_n_inv = ufl.variable(ufl.inv(F_n)) # F^-1
    F_n_inv_tra = ufl.variable(F_n_inv.T) # F^-T
    # Jacobian Function
    J_n = ufl.variable(ufl.det(F_n))
    # total_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_A + c_I) * J * dx))
    # active_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_A) * J * dx))
    # inactive_rac = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((c_I) * J * dx))
    # print(f'Original Area: {A0}')
    # print(f'Area: {Area}')
    # print(f'Tension: {Tension}')
    # print(f'Total Rac: {total_rac}')
    # print(f'Active Rac: {active_rac}')
    # print(f'Inactive Rac: {inactive_rac}')

    xdmf.write_function(u_n, float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(c.sub(0), float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(c.sub(1), float(t))

# Close Save Files

You have given us quite a lot of code to parse through, which makes this quite time-consuming.

I guess you are updating delta in the wrong way in the initial post.
I would suggest reading through how to update constants over time:
and I think your handling of delta should be similar to what I have done for u_exact in:
i.e. you should update delta_expr in the loop, delta_expr.area = area
and then do delta.interpolate(delta_expr)

1 Like

Hey dokken,

Thanks so much for replying to this!

Yes, definitely don’t/didn’t expect anyone to look at this obtusely long code, sorry about that.

It seems this was the fix I needed for my problem.

I will leave the lines I updated here for anyone looking for a mixed problem in the future.

Updated the solver:

# Linear Elasticity Weak Form
damping = (stoke_drag_gamma/dt) * ufl.inner((u - u_n), v) * dx # Damping Term #SHOULD IT BE NEGATIVE? OR IS GAMMA NEGATIVE?
elastic = ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * dx
viscous = (beta_/dt) * ufl.inner(sigma(u - u_n), epsilon(v)) * dx
traction = - ufl.dot(polymerisation_force * n, v) * ds # Traction Term
#body = 0.0 # No source term

# Create Linear Problem and Solver
mechanics_formulation = viscous + elastic + traction + damping
mechanics_lhs = fem.form(ufl.lhs(mechanics_formulation))
mechanics_rhs = fem.form(ufl.rhs(mechanics_formulation))

petsc_options = {
    "ksp_type": "preonly",
    "pc_type": "lu",
    "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",
mechanics_problem = dolfinx.fem.petsc.LinearProblem(mechanics_lhs, mechanics_rhs, u=u_, bcs=[], petsc_options=petsc_options)

Delta expression as per your instructions:

class DeltaExpression:
    def __init__(self, delta_0, area, area_init, delta_1):
        self.delta_0 = delta_0
        self.delta_1 = delta_1
        self.area = area
        self.area_init = area_init

    def eval(self, x):
        return np.full(x.shape[1], self.delta_0 + (self.area - self.area_init) * self.delta_1)

delta_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 2.0)
delta_1 = fem.Constant(domain, 50.0)
delta_expr = DeltaExpression(delta_0, Area, A0, delta_1)

M = fem.functionspace(domain, ("CG", 2))
delta = fem.Function(M)

Deleted the class for b and replaced it with a constant term, as well as renaming n to n_power (was using n for the normal vector):

c_hill = fem.Constant(domain, 5.0) # Hill Function Magnitude
cA_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 1.0)
n_power = fem.Constant(domain, 6.0) # Hill's Coefficient

b_0 = fem.Constant(domain, 4.0) # Basal Activation Rate
b_1 = fem.Constant(domain, 0.1)
b = b_0 + b_1 * x_spatial[0] # Applies an Internal Chemical Gradient Perturbation Function in the X-direction

# Reaction Function (Identical for Both Inactivate and Active GTPase)
reaction_function = (b + c_hill * (c_A**n_power/(cA_0**n_power + c_A**n_power))) * c_I - delta * c_A

And finally an overhaul of the time loop update:

#Output Labels
_c_A, _c_I = c_n.split()

# Create XDMF file for writing
xdmf = dolfinx.io.XDMFFile(mesh_comm, "cell_move.xdmf", "w")

# Write initial function to XDMF file
xdmf.write_function(u_n, 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(_c_A, 0.0)
xdmf.write_function(_c_I, 0.0)

for i in tqdm(range(Nsteps), desc="Solving PDE"):
    # Update time step
    t += dt

    # Step 1: Solve Linear Elasticity Problem

    # Step 2: Compute new area and tension
    Area = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(J * dx))
    delta_expr.area = Area
    # Step 3: Solve Reaction-Diffusion PDE Problem
    num_its, converged_reaction = reaction_solver.solve(c)
    assert converged_reaction

    # Step 4: Update Concentrations and Displacements
    c_n.x.array[:] = c.x.array # Update Concentrations at previous time step
    u_n.x.array[:] = u_.x.array # Update Displacement at previous time step

    # Step 5: Write to File
    xdmf.write_function(u_n, float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(_c_A, float(t))
    xdmf.write_function(_c_I, float(t))

# Close Save Files

Thanks as always :smiley: