Problem about creating mesh

Hello, everyone:
I am working on multiscale problems with fenics 2019.1.
First, I create a rectangle mesh on fenics with triangle elements. Then, I need create mesh on the every elements(triangle) and solve a pde system on this mesh.My problem is that how to create a mesh for a triangle.
A solution I come out is that I get coordinates of the rectangle mesh first,; then ,create a triangle mesh from
three vertices with mshr’s Polygon function. But I meet a problem such as some elements vertices 'order are clockwise and others are anticlockwise.
Attached is my code:

from fenics import *
import numpy as np
import mshr

mesh01 = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0), 10, 10)
mesh01_point_data = mesh01.coordinates()
mesh01_cells = mesh01.cells()
cells_data = np.zeros([200, 3, 2])
aa = mesh01_cells.shape[0]
for i in range(aa):
    cells_data[i, 0, :] = mesh01_point_data[mesh01_cells[i][0]]
    cells_data[i, 1, :] = mesh01_point_data[mesh01_cells[i][1]]
    cells_data[i, 2, :] = mesh01_point_data[mesh01_cells[i][2]]

# print(cells_data[0])
# print(cells_data[1])
# print(cells_data[2])

# """

for i in range(5):
    domain02 = mshr.Polygon([Point(cells_data[i, 0, :]), 
                             Point(cells_data[i, 1, :]),
                             Point(cells_data[i, 2, :])])
    mesh02 = mshr.generate_mesh(domain02, 5)

Or, Is there any other solution?

It would help if you could explain what kind of PDE and appropriate bokndary conditions you would need to solve on each cell? Couldnt you just implement this with a DG function space on the full mesh, and have no coupling conditions between cells?