Rank Error, "Assuming scalar element"

Hi! This is my very first project using FEniCS and I’m having some issues when running my code. The error I receive is the following:

WARNING: user expression has not supplied value_shape method or an element. Assuming scalar element.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “partc1.py”, line 38, in
u0 = interpolate(indata,V)
File “/usr/lib/petsc/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfin/fem/interpolation.py”, line 71, in interpolate
File “/usr/lib/petsc/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfin/function/function.py”, line 383, in interpolate

*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Error: Unable to interpolate function into function space.
*** Reason: Rank of function (0) does not match rank of function space (1).
*** Where: This error was encountered inside FunctionSpace.cpp.

This is what my code looks like:
from dolfin import *
from fenics import *

# Create mesh and define function space
mesh = Mesh("circle.xml")

# Construct the finite element space
V = VectorFunctionSpace (mesh, 'P', 1)

# Define parameters :
T = 150
dt = 0.5
alpha = 0.4
beta = 2
gamma = 0.8
delta = 1

# Class representing the intial conditions
class InitialConditions(UserExpression):
    def eval(self,values,x):
    #values[0] = Expression(("(4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)"),degree=2)
    #values[1] = Expression(("(22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)"),degree=2)
    values = Expression(("(4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)","(22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)"), degree=2)
def value_shape(self):
return (2 ,)

# Define initial condition
indata = InitialConditions(degree=2)
u0 = Function(V)
u0 = interpolate(indata,V)

# Test and trial functions
u,v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)

# Create bilinear and linear forms
s0 = (pow(u0[0],2) + (u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha))*dx
s1 = (u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha)*dx

a0 = (u[0]*v[0]*dx) - (dt*u[0]*v[0]*dx) - (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx)
a1 = (u[1]*v[1]*dx) + (dt*gamma*u[1]*v[1]*dx)(0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx)   

L0 = (u0[0]*v[0]*dx) + (dt*u0[0]*v[0]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx) - (dt*u0[0]*v[0]*dx*s0) 
L1 = (u0[1]*v[1]*dx) - (dt*gamma*u0[1]*v[1]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx) + (dt*beta*u0[1]*v[1]*dx*s1)

a = a0 + a1
L = L0 + L1

#Set up boundary condition
g = Constant([0.0,0.0])
bc = DirichletBC(V,u_initial,DirichletBoundary())
bc = [] #NEUMANN

#Assemble matrix
A = assemble(a) 

# Set an output file
out_file = File("Solution_partc1.pvd","compressed")

# Set initial condition

u = Function(V)

t = 0.0

out_file << (u,t)

u_initial = Function(V)

t_save = 0
num_samples = 20

# Time - stepping
while t < T:
# assign u0

#Assemble vector and apply boundary conditions
A = assemble(a)
b = asseble(L)

t_save += dt

if t_save > T/ num_samples or t >= T-dt:
    #Save the solution to file
    out_file << (uv,t)

    t_save = 0

#Move to next interval and adjust boundary condition
t += dt

I think that my error is located where I set my initial conditions and define values[0] and values[1], however I am not completely sure.

Thanks in advance for any tips you might have!

I noticed that def values_shape was not inside the class which triggered the first error, however I’m having a new problem now and this the error I get:

Expecting a tuple of Index objects to A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “partc1.py”, line 52, in
L0 = (u0[0]v[0]dx) + (dtu0[0]v[0]dx) + (0.5deltadtinner(grad(u0[0]),grad(v[0]))dx) - (dtu0[0]*v[0]dx)((u0[0]^2) + (u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha)*dx)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ufl/exproperators.py”, line 91, in _as_tensor
error(“Expecting a tuple of Index objects to A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices).”)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ufl/log.py”, line 158, in error
raise self._exception_type(self._format_raw(*message))
ufl.log.UFLException: Expecting a tuple of Index objects to A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices).

This is my updated code:

from dolfin import *
from fenics import *

# Create mesh and define function space
nx = ny = nz = 30    
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nx,ny)

# Construct the finite element space
V = VectorFunctionSpace (mesh, 'P', 1) 
# Define parameters :
T = 150
dt = 0.5
alpha = 0.4
beta = 2
gamma = 0.8
delta = 1

# Class representing the intial conditions
class InitialConditions ( UserExpression ):
     def eval (self , values , x):
         values[0] =(4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)
         values[1] =(22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)
     def value_shape ( self ):
         return (2 ,)

# Define initial condition
indata = InitialConditions(degree=2)
u0 = Function(V)
u0 = interpolate(indata,V)

# Test and trial functions
u,v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)

# Create bilinear and linear forms

a0 = (u[0]*v[0]*dx) - (dt*u[0]*v[0]*dx) - (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx)
a1 = (u[1]*v[1]*dx) + (dt*gamma*u[1]*v[1]*dx) - (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx)

L0 = (u0[0]*v[0]*dx) + (dt*u0[0]*v[0]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[0]),grad(v[0]))*dx) - (dt*u0[0]*v[0]*dx)*((u0[0]^2) + (u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha)*dx) 
L1 = (u0[1]*v[1]*dx) - (dt*gamma*u0[1]*v[1]*dx) + (0.5*delta*dt*inner(grad(u0[1]),grad(v[1]))*dx) + (dt*beta*u0[1]*v[1]*dx*(u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha)*dx)

a = a0 + a1
L = L0 + L1

If I change the u0[0]^2 to pow(u0[0],2) in L0 I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “partc1.py”, line 52, in
L0 = (u0[0]v[0]dx) + (dtu0[0]v[0]dx) + (0.5deltadtinner(grad(u0[0]),grad(v[0]))dx) - (dtu0[0]*v[0]dx)(pow(u0[0],2) + (u0[0]*u[1])/(u0[0]+alpha)*dx)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘Power’ and ‘Form’

Welcome to the FEniCS forum. Some pointers on your example code above:

  • Please use an built-in mesh in your Minimal code example to make sure the error is reproducable
  • Please remove any code not required to reproduce your error.

For your particular problem, you are mixing the UserExpression class with the Expression class.
The intended behavior for each of this classes for your particular problem is illustrated below:

from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10,10)
# Construct the finite element space
V = VectorFunctionSpace (mesh, 'P', 1)

# Class representing the intial conditions
class InitialConditions(UserExpression):
    def eval(self,values,x):
        values[0] = (4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)
        values[1] = (22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)
    def value_shape(self):
        return (2 ,)

# Define initial condition
indata = InitialConditions(degree=2)
u0 = interpolate(indata,V)

indata_2 = Expression(("(4/25)-2*pow(10,-7)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-225)*(x[0]-0.1*x[1]-675)", " (22/45)-3*pow(10,-5)*(x[0]-450)-1.2*pow(10,-4)*(x[1]-150)"), degree = 2)
u1 = interpolate(indata_2, V)

Thank you for your answer! I’m sorry I will use a built-in mesh from now on! I noticed that my mistake was that def value_shape was not inside the InitialConditions class.