I would like to import a 3D gmsh mesh into FEniCS, composed of prisms. The .geo
code for the mesh generation is:
Lbox = 100;
Hbox = 100;
Wref = 12;
size_el = 1.5;
n_pts_big = Lbox/size_el + 1.;
n_pts_small = Wref/size_el + 1.;
Rectangle(1) = {0, 0, 45, Lbox, Hbox};
Transfinite Curve {:} = n_pts_big Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {1} Alternate;
Extrude {0, 0, Wref} {
Surface{:}; Layers{n_pts_small}; Recombine;
Here is a snapshot of the mesh:
Is it possible to convert this mesh into a format readable by FEniCS? (2019.2.0.dev0)