Redirecting the output

Hi there,

I have a problem redirecting the output of Fenics. The command

file = File("…/output/poisson.pvd") % note the …/

used to work until version 2018.2.0 but it does not work anymore in version 2019.1.0 (macOS 10.14.6, Docker The command

file = File("./output/poisson.pvd") % note the ./

works without a problem. A MWE is the poisson-demo only changing the line defining the output.

Thanks in advance for any help,


Are you sure the three dots isn’t a typo? (Is it intended to be ../ instead of .../?) If not, what is the desired behavior? (If I recall, you could use ... in DOS, and it was equivalent to Unix ../.., i.e., the directory above the directory above the current working directory.)


no, the syntaxis is right in Unix. …/ is the directory above. The solution is simple: call docker from the parent directory and then go to the src directory, in this way the syntaxis …/ works.

By the way, the command fenicsproject run does not work on macOS 10.14.6.
(using Docker instead)

Thank for the ideas!!

