Removing surface bounded by intersection polyline

Hi all,

Is there a possibility to remove a specific part of a surface, which is bounded by a polyline?
The surface does not contain a lot of points/cells. Furthermore, I want to prevent to remesh the entire surface. Removing specific cells or points, will cause a distortion of the surface if there are so little cells available.
Will it still be possible to make a clean cut of the surface along this polyline and remove everything inside the bounded region?
Can I find a general code somewhere to make this happen?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to share the files, so I will share some images of the problem at hand.
The clipped part is in another file.

Kind regards

This sounds like a meshing problem, and should probably be done with GMSH and boolean operations: tutorials/python/ · gmsh_4_13_1 · gmsh / gmsh · GitLab