Rotational boundary condition

Hello everybody. My problem is to find a way in order to impose a velocity field v = U + w x r
to a subdomains (a sphere) inside a cylindrical channel.
For what concern the translational velocity, U, no problem occurs following these step:

translation_x = Constant((1, 0, 0))
translation_y = Constant((0, 1, 0))
translation_z = Constant((0, 0, 1))

But for the angular velocity component I’m writing

rotation_x = Expression(("0", "x[1]-50", "-x[2]-50"))
rotation_y = Expression(("x[2]-50", "0", "-x[0]-50"))
rotation_z = Expression(("-x[1]-50", "x[0]-50", "0"))

These last three conditions coming from assuming the cross product between w (angular velocity) and r = 50 mm (distance from center of mass of the sphere). I don’t know if this can be right in order to reproduce a rotating sphere around the three axes . Many thanks

Please do not add duplicate posts of your issues, as: Define rotatinal velocity fields over a boundary is asking about the same thing.

The link seems to be not working. Can you post it again. Thanks in Advance

The post here is identical to the one posted in the now deleted topic.