Run "mesh(XXX.xml,gz)" meet error

I try to run the following demo


The following error has occurred

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
    mesh = Mesh("box_with_dent.xml.gz")
RuntimeError: gzip error: iostream error

the code and the XXX.xml.gz file are in the same folder. You can see it in my picture.

Dolfin uses git-lfs to store meshes, and the repository has to be cloned with git-lfs, see: fenics-project / DOLFIN / issues / #806 - demos failed opening xml.gz files — Bitbucket


Thanks for your reply. It works well.

Here are some of the Settings I made. I think it can help more people
① using you MS or Google account log in bitbucket
② setting an app password with checking all the options
③ Open the Website FEniCS Project repositories - Dolfin ,and then click Clone and choose Http, you can get the clone command.
④ install git-lfs in you Linux Computer, run the clone command. you’ll be asked to enter your bitbucket app password.
⑤ now your computer get Dolfin, run the FEniCS code with XX.xml.gz file in this folder.