RuntimeError: In instant.recompile: The module did not compile with command 'make VERBOSE=1'

hello,everyone. I ran sample code using Fenics2016, Python2.7.15, and Conda environments, but the following error is prompted. May I ask where the problem may have occurred?

The following is the error message:
(fenics2016) xx@xx:/mnt/c/xx_files/研究生资料/课题资料/FEnics$ python
Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time.
In instant.recompile: The module did not compile with command ‘make VERBOSE=1’, see ‘/home/xx/.instant/error/ffc_element_6f207fe7cb7a4724787b60b35d278be111fc5980/compile.log’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 17, in
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ‘P’, 1)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/functions/”, line 206, in init
self._init_convenience(*args, **kwargs)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/functions/”, line 258, in _init_convenience
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/functions/”, line 224, in _init_from_ufl
dolfin_element, dolfin_dofmap = _compile_dolfin_element(element, mesh, constrained_domain=constrained_domain)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/functions/”, line 89, in _compile_dolfin_element
ufc_element, ufc_dofmap = jit(element, mpi_comm=mesh.mpi_comm())
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/compilemodules/”, line 65, in mpi_jit
return local_jit(*args, **kwargs)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dolfin/compilemodules/”, line 124, in jit
result = ffc.jit(ufl_object, parameters=p)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ffc/”, line 201, in jit
module = jit_build_with_instant(ufl_object, module_name, parameters)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ffc/”, line 113, in jit_build_with_instant
cache_dir = cache_dir)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ffc/backends/ufc/”, line 73, in build_ufc_module
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instant/”, line 563, in build_module
recompile(modulename, module_path, new_compilation_checksum, build_system)
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instant/”, line 165, in recompile
instant_error(msg % (cmd, compile_log_filename_dest))
File “/home/xx/anaconda3/envs/fenics2016/lib/python2.7/site-packages/instant/”, line 85, in instant_error
raise RuntimeError(text)
RuntimeError: In instant.recompile: The module did not compile with command ‘make VERBOSE=1’, see ‘/home/xx/.instant/error/ffc_element_6f207fe7cb7a4724787b60b35d278be111fc5980/compile.log’

You have not added an error message to the post, so we cant help you.

It’s quite hard to debug conda error messages for a very outdated version of fenics.
Is there a reason you are sticking to python 2.7 and fenics 2016, and not something newer (say DOLFINx?)

Thank you very much for your answer!

Because I want to run a py file, the dependencies provided by the file are FENICS 2016.1 and matplotlib, and the file format is in Python 2 format.

If I run with the latest version of FEniCS, there will be errors, such as “editor. open (mesh, 2, 2)” not being recognized and an error will be reported.

You would have to provide the instructions you used in conda to install fenics, and what system you are on, for anyone to be able to reproduce the error, and then give you any guidance.