Set limits to the solution function

I’m working with FEniCSx with the dolfinx.fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem class in order to recover a displacement field from a hyperelasticity problem.

However, I was wondering if I could bound the solution, in order to control the solver and give physical meaning to the final result.
I found this topic linked to the subject, but I couldn’t find the set_bounds method in the NonLinearProblem class.

Thank you for your help.

The Nonlinear solver that is included in DOLFINx does not include SNES, which is what one would use to set bounds. See dolfinx/ at 8140591d980ba4e0705588999294e37704c96186 · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub
on how to use SNES in nonlinear problem and: Set bounds in a NonLinearProblem - #4 by nate

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