Hi guys,
simple question: How can I create a 2D mesh where each element is a square and not a triangle ?
Hi guys,
simple question: How can I create a 2D mesh where each element is a square and not a triangle ?
There is very limited support for quadrilateral elements in dolfin. However, this support has been extended in dolfinx, see Defining FunctionSpace over a Quadrature Element in dolfinx
Thanks @dokken !
And without dolfinx, is there not a simple way to create custom mesh inside FEniCS ?
There are built in meshes in dolfinx (and dolfin), like the unitsquare, where you can use quadrilateral elements. In general, you can use Gmsh to create quadrilateral meshes.
Thank you! is there a simple way to convert then from gmsh format to dolfin XML ?
I would not use dolfin-xml, as it is not suited for parallel computing. I suggest using: Converter from GMSH to XDMF (with physical groups)