Subdomains with unique Constitutive Equation Setup

Hey All,

I want to conduct a simple deformation over a 2D square with subdomains defined by constitutive equations. An example geometry is shown here:

The constitutive equations are a Guccione for the straight thin section, and simple Mooney-Rivlin for the remainder.

I have these regions defined via GMSH and have been following the example setup in the relevant Subdomain Tutorial however because my material property setup is quite complex it doesn’t seem like I can apply the same steps of applying a constant:


kappa = Function(Q)
bottom_cells = ct.find(bottom_marker)
kappa.x.array[bottom_cells] = np.full_like(bottom_cells, 1, dtype=default_scalar_type)

My material setup:

# += Identify the subdomains of interest  
str_myo = ct.find(MYO_STRAIGHT)
cytosol = ct.find(CYTOSOL)
# += Test and Trial Parameters
u, p = ufl.split(w)
v, q = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
# += Curvilinear Coordinates
    x = Function(V)
    x.interpolate(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
    # += Tensor Indices
    i, j, k, a, b = ufl.indices(5)
    # += Curvilinear Mapping
    Push = ufl.as_matrix([
        [ufl.cos(ROT), -ufl.sin(ROT)],
        [ufl.sin(ROT), ufl.cos(ROT)]
    x_nu = ufl.inv(Push) * x
    u_nu = ufl.inv(Push) * u
    nu = ufl.inv(Push) * (x + u_nu)
    # += Metric Tensors
    Z_un = ufl.grad(x_nu).T * ufl.grad(x_nu)
    Z_co = ufl.grad(nu).T * ufl.grad(nu)
    Z_ct = ufl.inv(Z_co)
    # += Christoffel Symbol | Γ^{i}_{j, a}
    gamma = ufl.as_tensor((
        0.5 * Z_ct[k, a] * (
            ufl.grad(Z_co)[a, i, j] + ufl.grad(Z_co)[a, j, i] - ufl.grad(Z_co)[i, j, a]
    ), [k, i, j])
    # += Covariant Derivative
    covDev = ufl.grad(v) - ufl.as_tensor(v[k]*gamma[k, i, j], [i, j])
    # += Kinematics
    I = ufl.variable(ufl.Identity(MESH_DIM))
    F = ufl.as_tensor(I[i, j] + ufl.grad(u)[i, j], [i, j]) * Push
    C = ufl.variable(ufl.as_tensor(F[k, i]*F[k, j], [i, j]))
    E = ufl.variable(ufl.as_tensor((0.5*(Z_co[i,j] - Z_un[i,j])), [i, j]))
    J_myo = ufl.variable(ufl.det(F))
    # += Material Setup | Guccione
    Q = (
        GCC_CONS[1] * E[0,0]**2 + 
        GCC_CONS[2] * (E[1,1]**2) + 
        GCC_CONS[3] * (2*E[0,1]*E[1,0])
    piola = GCC_CONS[0]/4 * ufl.exp(Q) * ufl.as_matrix([
        [4*GCC_CONS[1]*E[0,0], 2*GCC_CONS[3]*(E[1,0] + E[0,1])],
        [2*GCC_CONS[3]*(E[0,1] + E[1,0]), 4*GCC_CONS[2]*E[1,1]],
    ]) - p * Z_un
    myo_term = ufl.as_tensor(piola[a, b] * F[j, b] * covDev[j, a])

Which is repeated but for a Mooney-Rivlin.

    I = ufl.variable(ufl.Identity(MESH_DIM))
    F = ufl.variable(I + ufl.grad(u))
    C = ufl.variable(F.T * F)
    Ic = ufl.variable(
    IIc = ufl.variable((Ic**2 - ufl.inner(C,C))/2)
    J_cyt = ufl.variable(ufl.det(F))
    c1 = 2
    c2 = 6
    # += Mooney-Rivlin Strain Energy Density Function
    psi = c1 * (Ic - 3) + c2 *(IIc - 3) 
    gamma1 = ufl.diff(psi, Ic) + Ic * ufl.diff(psi, IIc)
    gamma2 = -ufl.diff(psi, IIc)
    piola = 2 * F * (gamma1*I + gamma2*C) + p * J_cyt * ufl.inv(F).T
    cyt_term = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(v), piola)

My question is:
Can I define my variational terms “myo_term” and “cyt_term” in a similar way to the tutorial (i.e. kappa.x.array[bottom_cells]) as myo_term.x.array[bottom_cells] does not work or myoterm[bottom_cells] like:

metadata = {"quadrature_degree": quad_order}
ds = ufl.Measure('ds', domain=domain, subdomain_data=ft, metadata=metadata)
dx = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=domain, metadata=metadata)
term.x.array[str_myo] = myo_term
term.x.array[cytosol] = cyt_term
R = term * dx + q * (J - 1) * dx

Is there a way to achieve this with measures like below:

dx_myo = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=domain, subdomain_data=MYO_STRAIGHT, metadata=metadata)
dx_cyt = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=domain, subdomain_data=CYTOSOL, metadata=metadata)
R = myo_term * dx_myo + q * (J_myo - 1) * dx_myo + cyt_term * dx_cyt + q * (J_cyt - 1) * dx_cyt

Neither approaches are working thus far.

I apologise for any obvious ignorance or issues with my question, happy to amend.
Thank you :slight_smile:

No, this wont work, as you are now trying to place a symbolic representation of a part of the varitional form into a DG-0 space. You should use @jpdean’ s implementation of sub-meshes and co-dim 0 assembly: Add support for mixed-domain coefficient packing by jpdean · Pull Request #3093 · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub
or @francesco-ballarin’s multiphenicsx:

Amazing - thank you for the confirmation :slight_smile:

Hey @dokken, a quick follow up on the above.
Is it possible to achieve something like the following:

    u, p = ufl.split(w)
    v, q = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
    x = Function(V)
    x.interpolate(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))

## Portion of Interest Below:
    r = Function(V)
    r.x.array[cytosol] = np.full_like(cytosol, 0.0, dtype=default_scalar_type)
    r.x.array[str_myo] = np.full_like(str_myo, np.pi/4, dtype=default_scalar_type)
    Push = ufl.as_matrix([
        [ufl.cos(r), -ufl.sin(r)],
        [ufl.sin(r), ufl.cos(r)]
    x_nu = ufl.inv(Push) * x
    u_nu = ufl.inv(Push) * u
    nu = ufl.inv(Push) * (x + u_nu)

i.e. setting up a function variable like r here as a matrix such as Push?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I dont see in issues with this snippet. However, as it is a non-reproducible snippet with little context I cant be 100% confident.