I am trying to figure out which fenics version or installation type comes with pre installed superlu_dist solver. I have tried installing the latest version but once i print list of solvers using “list_linear_solver_methods()” i dont see superlu_dist in the list no matter which version of fenics i try. I have tried installing all versions form 2016 till the latest one. I am using fenics on docker enterprise edition.
I would be thankful if someone from the community can kindly point me towards the correct version or environment (Anaconda, Docker, Ubuntu … or any other)
Users of FEniCS typically install suplerlu_dist along with PETSc. It’s not a requirement of DOLFIN. I’d check your PETSc installation.
Further to this it looks like the stable Docker images don’t download superlu_dist, see here. It should be straightforward for you to build PETSc with superlu_dist with the additional --download-superlu_dist argument.
Exactly as @nate pointed out. You can either do it yourself when installing PETSc or if you want to test I have a Docker image with superlu_dist installed.
Thanks for your reply. I did try your solution and was able to pull the docker image you had created. I am not able to open jupyterbook using urls that appear once i run docker container
I’m not sure which link you mean. If you’re using Ubuntu then you’d don’t need to use docker, unless you have some particular packaging requirements not addressed by the Ubuntu build.
Looks like you’re using Docker on Windows and I don’t see any error messages on the screen. Have you tried copy-pasting the bottom most url into your browser? What is the error you’re getting if you do that? I don’t use Jupyter notebook from within Docker, but I do remember setting everything up properly.
I am trying to pull your docker image but it does not work: I do docker pull bhaveshshrimali/dolfin_superlu:latest
But then I don’t know where the image is stored nor how to build it.
How should I proceed once I did the docker pull? I am on OSX 14.6
Thank you !
docker run -it bhaveshshrimali/dolfin_superlu:latest
Please keep in mind that this question is about basic docker knowledge, and is not specific to dolfin or superlu dist. You could have easily used a search engine to determine what to do after having pulled docker image, and should do so in case of any follow up question.
I did before posting, and found this. None of the solutions suggested there work.
See if the dockerfile is into /var/lib/docker as suggestd
cd: no such file or directory: /var/lib/docker
Check file cd /Users/xxx/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/data/Docker.raw as suggested. The file exists, but it does not work either
% sudo docker build -t fe /Users/xxx/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/data/Docker.raw Password: [+] Building 0.0s (0/0) docker:desktop-linux ERROR: unable to prepare context: path "/Users/xxx/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/data/Docker.raw" not found
So no, this is not ‘easy’. I will see if your solution works!
I guess what @francesco-ballarin is trying to say is that you have to first use the basic commands to start a docker container, i.e.:
which is the same for all docker images where you want to attach to a session (in terminal or through jupyter).
Instructions for this can be found at Run containers | Docker Docs