SUPG in dolfinx: how to replace C++ expressions?

Hi all,
we’re updating some old codes from fenics 2019 to dolfinx and would appreciate some pointers on how to implement functionalities for which in the past we used CompiledExpressions defined by C++ strings via the pybind11 interface. We would use these Expressions in UFL forms of the variational formulations which is not possible in dolfinx.

Here is a MWE using an expression for SUPG for illustrating the issue:

from dolfin import (CompiledExpression, Constant, FiniteElement, Function,
                    TestFunction, TrialFunction, UnitSquareMesh, FunctionSpace,
                    VectorFunctionSpace, assemble, compile_cpp_code, dx, grad,
                    inner, interpolate, as_backend_type)

tau_cpp = """
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;

#include <dolfin/function/GenericFunction.h>
#include <dolfin/function/Expression.h>
#include <dolfin/common/Array.h>
#include <dolfin/mesh/Cell.h>
#include <dolfin/mesh/Mesh.h>
#include <dolfin/function/FunctionSpace.h>

class tau : public dolfin::Expression
    std::shared_ptr<dolfin::GenericFunction> viscosity, density;
    std::shared_ptr<dolfin::GenericFunction> u;

    tau() : dolfin::Expression() { }

    void eval(dolfin::Array<double>& values, const dolfin::Array<double>& x,
               const ufc::cell& c) const
        const std::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh = u->function_space()->mesh();
        const dolfin::Cell cell(*mesh, c.index);
        double h = cell.h();
        dolfin::Array<double> mu(viscosity->value_size());
        dolfin::Array<double> rho(density->value_size());
        viscosity->eval(mu, x, c);
        density->eval(rho, x, c);

        dolfin::Array<double> w(u->value_size());
        u->eval(w, x, c);
        double u_norm = 0.0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i)
            u_norm += w[i]*w[i];
        u_norm = sqrt(u_norm);

        // Peclet number
        double Pe = 0.5*u_norm*h*rho[0]/mu[0];
        // "doubly asymptotic" formula
        double xi = (Pe < 3.0) ? Pe/3. : 1.0;
        values[0] = (u_norm > 0) ? 0.5*h/u_norm*xi : 0;

    py::class_<tau, std::shared_ptr<tau>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "tau")
    .def_readwrite("u", &tau::u)
    .def_readwrite("density", &tau::density)
    .def_readwrite("viscosity", &tau::viscosity);

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
mu = Constant(0.1)
rho = Constant(1.0)
u_convection = interpolate(Constant((2, 2)), V)

tau = CompiledExpression(
    element=FiniteElement("DG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0),
tau.viscosity = mu.cpp_object()
tau.density = rho.cpp_object()
tau.u = u_convection.cpp_object()

a = tau * inner(grad(u) * u_convection, v) * dx
A = assemble(a)

Another rather different example we need to translate to dolfinx is a tensor expression of element metrics, in order to have element length scales in direction of the flow (this time not depending on a Function):

cppcode = """
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;

#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <dolfin/function/Expression.h>
#include <dolfin/mesh/Mesh.h>
#include <dolfin/mesh/Cell.h>

class Metric : public dolfin::Expression
        std::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh;

        Metric() : dolfin::Expression({D}, {D}) {{ }}

    void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values,
              Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x, const ufc::cell& c)
            const override
        const dolfin::Cell cell(*mesh, c.index);
        std::vector<double> coord;
        Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, {D1}, {D}, Eigen::RowMajor> > \
        Eigen::Matrix<double, {D}, {D}, Eigen::RowMajor> F, Finv;
        for (uint i=0; i < {D}; ++i)
            F.col(i) = XC.row(i+1) - XC.row(0);
        Finv = F.inverse();
        F = Finv.transpose() * Finv;
        values = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(, {DD});

    py::class_<Metric, std::shared_ptr<Metric>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "Metric")
    .def_readwrite("mesh", &Metric::mesh);
G = CompiledExpression(
        cppcode.format(D=dim, D1=dim + 1, DD=dim**2)
    element=TensorElement("DG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0),

We would use G in a UFL form in inner(u, G*u).

I realize that this is quite specific, but would appreciate any hints on how to achieve this in dolfinx. What is the recommended way to handle such problems?


I would suggest using a dolfinx.fem.Expression, that can be interpolated into any function space, as for instance shown here:

You can use ufl.conditional for the conditionals in your output.

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Thank you, dokken. I’m still uncertain how to replicate the second example, the mesh metric, which uses the coordinates of all vertices of a cell. I have this old python version, too, doing the same (but slowly) as the 2nd C++ expression in my first post (I think adapted from some post in the old forum):

        class Metric(Expression):
            def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
                self.mesh = mesh
                self.dim = mesh.topology().dim()

            def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
                x = Cell(self.mesh, cell.index).get_vertex_coordinates()
                if self.dim == 2:
                    x0, x1, x2 = x.reshape(3, 2)
                    F = np.c_[x1 - x0, x2 - x0]
                elif self.dim == 3:
                    x0, x1, x2, x3 = x.reshape(4, 3)
                    F = np.c_[x1 - x0, x2 - x0, x3 - x0]
                Finv = np.linalg.inv(F)
                values[:] = (

            def value_shape(self):
                return (self.dim, self.dim)

        G = Metric(self.mesh, degree=0)
        Th = TensorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0)
        Gh = interpolate(G, Th)

Is there a way in dolfinx to do that?
Thank you!

I think the ufl Jacobian function should answer your needs.


Oh, fantastic! I didn’t know this existed at all. Thank you :slight_smile:
(And it’s not even new…)