The topic could be titled "Trouble Opening Output File in ParaView After Solving Laplace Equation

I am solving the Laplace equation and everything is going correctly, but when I try to open the output file in ParaView, it crashes or closes. I’m using this command to save the file:

uh = problem.solve() = “u”
with io.XDMFFile(msh.comm, “25.xdmf”, “w”) as file:

If you are on linux, try opening paraview from the terminal. This will give you a stack trace of where the crash is happening. The typical cause is that you move the xdmf file to another folder, but forget to move the associated h5 file as well.

Thank you so much for your quick response. I opened ParaView in the terminal and received the following message.

Loguru caught a signal: SIGSEGV
Stack trace:
66 0x555ad08f671a paraview(+0x871a) [0x555ad08f671a]
65 0x7f9dcaa4c24d __libc_start_main + 239
64 0x555ad08f63cb paraview(+0x83cb) [0x555ad08f63cb]
63 0x7f9dc8fb40b7 QCoreApplication::exec() + 151
62 0x7f9dc8faa87a QEventLoop::exec(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) + 314
61 0x7f9dc900e95c QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) + 92
60 0x7f9dc31f2c5c g_main_context_iteration + 44
59 0x7f9dc31f2bd0 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dc31f2bd0]
58 0x7f9dc31f282b g_main_context_dispatch + 363
57 0x7f9dbcb0f65a /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dbcb0f65a]
56 0x7f9dc93e3b8b QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlagsQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag) + 171
55 0x7f9dc940d095 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent*) + 309
54 0x7f9dc940bdeb QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent*) + 1851
53 0x7f9dc8fac013 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 275
52 0x7f9dca1ba2ff QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 575
51 0x7f9dca1b353c QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 156
50 0x7f9dca2115fd /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dca2115fd]
49 0x7f9dca20e58c /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dca20e58c]
48 0x7f9dca1b987f QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer&, bool, bool) + 479
47 0x7f9dc8fac013 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 275
46 0x7f9dca1ba877 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 1975
45 0x7f9dca1b353c QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 156
44 0x7f9dca34523f QPushButton::event(QEvent*) + 79
43 0x7f9dca1f3da8 QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 456
42 0x7f9dca2a16ad QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 253
41 0x7f9dca2a14ba /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dca2a14ba]
40 0x7f9dca2a005a /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dca2a005a]
39 0x7f9dca29fdd2 QAbstractButton::clicked(bool) + 66
38 0x7f9dc8fe9785 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dc8fe9785]
37 0x7f9dc9e39bc7 pqPropertiesPanel::apply() + 695
36 0x7f9dc9ceb862 pqPropertiesPanel::applied(pqProxy*) + 66
35 0x7f9dc8fe9a0b /usr/lib64/ [0x7f9dc8fe9a0b]
34 0x7f9dca7c1396 pqApplyBehavior::applied(pqPropertiesPanel*, pqProxy*) + 246
33 0x7f9dca7c247e pqApplyBehavior::showData(pqPipelineSource*, pqView*) + 446
32 0x7f9dc6431186 vtkSMParaViewPipelineControllerWithRendering::ShowInPreferredView(vtkSMSourceProxy*, int, vtkSMViewProxy*) + 230
31 0x7f9dc642ec61 vtkSMParaViewPipelineControllerWithRendering::UpdatePipelineBeforeDisplay(vtkSMSourceProxy*, int, vtkSMViewProxy*) + 241
30 0x7f9dc8b47540 vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdatePipeline(double) + 80
29 0x7f9dc8abf418 vtkSMOutputPort::UpdatePipelineInternal(double, bool) + 200
28 0x7f9dc8a0e015 vtkPVSessionBase::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 53
27 0x7f9dc8a0f15b vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 75
26 0x7f9dc8a0f405 vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStreamInternal(vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 245
25 0x7f9dc5ed162d vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessStream(vtkClientServerStream const&) + 29
24 0x7f9dc5ed144e vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessOneMessage(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 1518
23 0x7f9dc5ed0cad vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessCommandInvoke(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 1437
22 0x7f9dc5ed0577 vtkClientServerInterpreter::CallCommandFunction(char const*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&) + 199
21 0x7f9dc6b89fb7 vtkSIMetaReaderProxyCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&, void*) + 535
20 0x7f9dc5ed0577 vtkClientServerInterpreter::CallCommandFunction(char const*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&) + 199
19 0x7f9dc6b8f743 vtkSISourceProxyCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&, void*) + 1091
18 0x7f9dc8a465a5 vtkSISourceProxy::UpdatePipeline(int, double, bool) + 453
17 0x7f9dc55c3e4a vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::Update(int, vtkInformationVector*) + 282
16 0x7f9dc55867db vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::UpdateData(int) + 155
15 0x7f9dc55c2899 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 905
14 0x7f9dc5587e9e vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 238
13 0x7f9dc558094b vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ForwardUpstream(vtkInformation*) + 379
12 0x7f9dc55c2899 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 905
11 0x7f9dc5587efa vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 330
10 0x7f9dc5581a71 vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 129
9 0x7f9dc5585047 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 55
8 0x7f9dc558b930 vtkExecutive::CallAlgorithm(vtkInformation*, int, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 80
7 0x7f9dc1c3446d vtkFileSeriesReader::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 349
6 0x7f9dc1c342b7 vtkFileSeriesReader::RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 103
5 0x7f9dc187da55 vtkXdmfReader::RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 581
4 0x7f9dc1891f25 vtkXdmfHeavyData::ReadData() + 645
3 0x7f9dc1892549 vtkXdmfHeavyData::ReadTemporalCollection(xdmf2::XdmfGrid*, int) + 921
2 0x7f9dc1891418 vtkXdmfHeavyData::ReadUniformData(xdmf2::XdmfGrid*, int) + 552
1 0x7f9dbe8efb0f xdmf2::XdmfDOM::FindElement(char const*, int, _xmlNode*, int) + 31
0 0x7f9dcaa61dc0 /lib64/ [0x7f9dcaa61dc0]
( 14.902s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGSEGV

Without a minimal reproducible example or the .xdmf and .h5 file, it is hard to give any further guidance.

can i send you file via email.

It would be better to post the file in a public place, such as Zenodo.
If you cannot share the data for privacy reasons, please consider trying to reproduce the error on a simple grid.

ok how i can send you files i saw there is no option.

As I mentioned, putting the mesh on Zenodo or in a public place (github repo). Sending meshes by email is something i would like to avoid as it doesn’t make it transparent and reproducible to others.

I have uploaded my input and output files to Zenodo.

It would be helpful if you posted the link here, rather than having us hunt them down throughout the whole zenodo portal :stuck_out_tongue:

That link is surely wrong, as it points to your account (see me in the URL), to which we don’t have access.

I downloaded the inputandout archive, opened output.xdmf, and I can see in paraview a solution roughly constant around 60. Hence I would conclude that there is nothing wrong with the output from dolfinx itself, but there may be something wrong with your paraview installation.

Since we don’t develop paraview, your best bet would be to ask for further help in a paraview support forum.