UFL quadrature degree error


I’ve got a quick question regarding UFL and the choice of quadrature degrees. Particularly, consider the following problem, which raises an error

from fenics import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
dx = Measure('dx', mesh)

assemble(1*dx(degree=3) + 1*dx(degree=4))

due to the different degrees of the integrals.

The background is that I want to do automatic manipulation of form objects, and I could boil it down to the above problem (at least that’s what I think). In particular, my best guess is that the form compiler estimates the degree of the objects automatically which then leads to a situation as above.
Is this intended behavior?

You can see a short discussion about this at: https://github.com/FEniCS/ufl/pull/27.

In the case above it does not really make sense to have different integral degree’s. Is the real problem forr assembling a matrix or vector?

Thanks for the link, now I understand the problem.

The above code was only some toy example, for the real problems this concerns (mostly) vectors, but also matrices.

As I said I generate the forms automatically (via derivative and replace) and what I’ve found to work is to do the degree estimation before the assembly. So if “F” is the UFL form, I could run

from ufl.algorithms.compute_form_data import  estimate_total_polynomial_degree
assemble(F, form_compiler_parameters= {'quadrature_degree' : estimate_total_polynomial_degree(F)})

which should lead to the “expected” behavior of only having one assemble loop which possibly over integrates some terms, right?

That seems right. Does this degree become the largest or smallest degree (in the case of your scalar example)?

Well, for the scalar problem it unfortunately does not work, it seems that the degrees given in the measures override the degree specified in assemble

from fenics import *
from ufl.algorithms.compute_form_data import  estimate_total_polynomial_degree

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
dx = Measure('dx', mesh)

form = 1*dx(degree=3) + 1*dx(degree=4)
assemble(form, form_compiler_parameters= {'quadrature_degree' : estimate_total_polynomial_degree(form)})

which still throws the same error.

If I generate the code automatically, I don’t hard code the degree in the measure and in this case I get the maximum as wanted.

In general, where will you want to mix quadrature degrees? You can simply split your assemblies into pieces (which in turn can cause a slow down due to multiple loops through cells and kernels).

I actually do not want to mix quadratures, but fenics does that somehow, internally.

I just created a MWE for this

from fenics import *
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
from ufl import replace
from ufl.algorithms.compute_form_data import  estimate_total_polynomial_degree
import numpy as np

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
dx = Measure('dx', mesh)

W = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
W_vec = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
V = TestFunction(W_vec)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

f = Expression('pow(x[0],2) + pow(x[1],2) - 1', degree=2, domain=mesh)
idx = f.id()

u_expr = Expression('sin(2*pi*x[0])*sin(2*pi*x[1])', degree=1)
u = interpolate(u_expr, W)
v_expr = Expression('x[0]*x[0]+x[0]*x[1]+x[1]*x[1]+sin(x[0])+cos(x[0])', degree=1)
v = interpolate(v_expr, W)

F = inner(u,v)*dx - inner(f,v)*dx
dF_ex = inner(u,v)*div(V)*dx - div(f*V)*v*dx
sd_ex = assemble(dF_ex)
dF_ad = derivative(F, x, V)

### First possibility
material_derivative1 = derivative(F, f, dot(grad(f), V))
material_derivative1 = expand_derivatives(material_derivative1)

### Alternative
f_elem = f.ufl_element()
func_space = FunctionSpace(mesh, f.ufl_element())
argument = Function(func_space)
temp = derivative(F, f, argument)
material_derivative2 = replace(temp, {argument : dot(grad(f),V)})

dF_ad1 = dF_ad + material_derivative1
dF_ad2 = dF_ad + material_derivative2

### Fails
# sd1 = assemble(dF_ad1)
# sd2 = assemble(dF_ad2)

### Works
sd1 = assemble(dF_ad1, form_compiler_parameters={'quadrature_degree' : estimate_total_polynomial_degree(dF_ad1)})
sd2 = assemble(dF_ad2, form_compiler_parameters={'quadrature_degree' : estimate_total_polynomial_degree(dF_ad2)})

assert np.allclose(sd_ex[:], sd1[:])
assert np.allclose(sd_ex[:], sd2[:])
assert np.allclose(sd1[:], sd2[:])

The goal is to compute shape derivatives, where u and v are state variables and f should experience a pull-back (similarly to our previous discussion: Shape Derivatives in UFL)

Also, is there any difference between using the replace approach and differentiating directly?

Oh, and as a remark: That only happens when I use an expression, if I interpolate the expression to a FE space it works fine. Also using other degrees in the expression totally works fine.

I tend to avoid using the Expression class (rather use spatial coordinates, at least for the example you present here), as Expressions are difficult to differentiate correctly.

Okay, I see, but still I want to support them.

Thanks a lot for the help.