Unwanted Eigenmode Concentration At Dielectric Interface

Hello everyone. I am new to Fenicsx. I practically copied the Modal Analysis of a Dielectric Waveguide into vscode and changed the domain functions to include absorbing pml, vacuum, and dielectric. I then deleted the conducting boundary condition. There happens to be something very wrong with the “eps” function which defines the value of the dielectric permittivity over the domain. As a test, I made all of the permittivities equal to 1, and still, the program seems to solve for eigenvalues that reside on the outline of my domains which look like nested squares. Needless to say there is some serious error here. When I instead said eps.x.array[:] = 1.0 # Assign eps = 1 for all cells in the domain, it worked. But when I set it equal to 1 in the code below, it does not work at all. The simulational results of the malfunctioning code will be also included as an image. What you are seeing is two squares separating three dielectric domains. The innermost domain is dielectric. The middle domain is vacuum. The outermost and thickest domain is absorbing pml. Of course my code has their permittivities set to 1 just for the demonstrative purpose that the error is not in the physics but with something else. Thanks for your help - Frank.
The tutorial I am referencing: Electromagnetic modal analysis for a waveguide

# imports

import sys

from mpi4py import MPI

import numpy as np

import ufl
from basix.ufl import element, mixed_element
from dolfinx import default_scalar_type, fem, io, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import assemble_matrix
from dolfinx.mesh import CellType, create_rectangle, exterior_facet_indices, locate_entities

    import pyvista

    have_pyvista = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("pyvista and pyvistaqt are required to visualise the solution")
    have_pyvista = False

    from slepc4py import SLEPc
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("slepc4py is required for this demo")

# geometry

l0 = 1  # free space wavelength
p = 4   # thickness of PML region
g = 1   # gap thickness
d = 2   # dielectric thickness
w = p + g + d  # total width/height
h = w
nx = 300
ny = nx

msh = create_rectangle(
    MPI.COMM_WORLD, np.array([[0, 0], [w, h]]), np.array([nx, ny]), CellType.quadrilateral
msh.topology.create_connectivity(msh.topology.dim - 1, msh.topology.dim)

eps_p = 1  # complex permittivity in PML
eps_v = 1  # vacuum permittivity
eps_d = 1  # dielectric permittivity

# Center coordinate
c = w / 2.0

def Omega_d(x):
    Dielectric region:
    A central square of side d, centered at (c, c).
    return (
        (x[0] >= c - d/2) & (x[0] <= c + d/2) &
        (x[1] >= c - d/2) & (x[1] <= c + d/2)

def Omega_v(x):
    Vacuum region:
    A square of side (d + g), centered at (c, c),
    but excluding the smaller dielectric square.
    in_big_square = (
        (x[0] >= c - (d + g)/2) & (x[0] <= c + (d + g)/2) &
        (x[1] >= c - (d + g)/2) & (x[1] <= c + (d + g)/2)
    # Vacuum region is the big square minus the dielectric
    return in_big_square & (~Omega_d(x))

def Omega_p(x):
    PML region:
    Everything in the domain [0, w] x [0, w] not in Omega_d or Omega_v.
    in_domain = (
        (x[0] >= 0) & (x[0] <= w) &
        (x[1] >= 0) & (x[1] <= h)
    return in_domain & (~Omega_d(x)) & (~Omega_v(x))

D = fem.functionspace(msh, ("DQ", 0))
eps = fem.Function(D)

cells_p = locate_entities(msh, msh.topology.dim, Omega_p)
cells_v = locate_entities(msh, msh.topology.dim, Omega_v)
cells_d = locate_entities(msh, msh.topology.dim, Omega_d)

eps.x.array[cells_p] = np.full_like(cells_p, eps_p, dtype=default_scalar_type)
eps.x.array[cells_v] = np.full_like(cells_v, eps_v, dtype=default_scalar_type)
eps.x.array[cells_d] = np.full_like(cells_d, eps_d, dtype=default_scalar_type)

# definition

degree = 1
RTCE = element("RTCE", msh.basix_cell(), degree)
Q = element("Lagrange", msh.basix_cell(), degree)
V = fem.functionspace(msh, mixed_element([RTCE, Q]))

lmbd0 = 5*l0 # If this value is too large, you might not have supported modes!
k0 = 2 * np.pi / lmbd0

et, ez = ufl.TrialFunctions(V)
vt, vz = ufl.TestFunctions(V)

a_tt = (ufl.inner(ufl.curl(et), ufl.curl(vt)) - (k0**2) * eps * ufl.inner(et, vt)) * ufl.dx
b_tt = ufl.inner(et, vt) * ufl.dx
b_tz = ufl.inner(et, ufl.grad(vz)) * ufl.dx
b_zt = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(ez), vt) * ufl.dx
b_zz = (ufl.inner(ufl.grad(ez), ufl.grad(vz)) - (k0**2) * eps * ufl.inner(ez, vz)) * ufl.dx

a = fem.form(a_tt)
b = fem.form(b_tt + b_tz + b_zt + b_zz)

# solving with SLEPc

A = assemble_matrix(a)
B = assemble_matrix(b)

eps = SLEPc.EPS().create(msh.comm)

eps.setOperators(A, B)


tol = 1e-9


# Get ST context from eps
st = eps.getST()

# Set shift-and-invert transformation


eps.setTarget(-((0.5 * k0) ** 2))



# Save the kz
vals = [(i, np.sqrt(-eps.getEigenvalue(i))) for i in range(eps.getConverged())]

# Sort kz by real part
vals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].real)

eh = fem.Function(V)

kz_list = []

for i, kz in vals:
    # Save eigenvector in eh
    eps.getEigenpair(i, eh.x.petsc_vec)

    # Compute error for i-th eigenvalue
    error = eps.computeError(i, SLEPc.EPS.ErrorType.RELATIVE)

    # Verify, save and visualize solution
    if error < tol and np.isclose(kz.imag, 0, atol=tol): # This chooses the eigenvalues which are close to zero

        # I deleted the assert statement which checks against the analytical solutions.

        print(f"eigenvalue: {-kz**2}")
        print(f"kz: {kz}")
        print(f"kz/k0: {kz / k0}")


        eth, ezh = eh.split()
        eth = eh.sub(0).collapse()
        ez = eh.sub(1).collapse()

        # Transform eth, ezh into Et and Ez
        eth.x.array[:] = eth.x.array[:] / kz
        ezh.x.array[:] = ezh.x.array[:] * 1j

        gdim = msh.geometry.dim
        V_dg = fem.functionspace(msh, ("DQ", degree, (gdim,)))
        Et_dg = fem.Function(V_dg)

        # Save solutions
        with io.VTXWriter(msh.comm, f"sols/Et_{i}.bp", Et_dg) as f:

        with io.VTXWriter(msh.comm, f"sols/Ez_{i}.bp", ezh) as f:

        # Visualize solutions with Pyvista
        if have_pyvista:
            V_cells, V_types, V_x = plot.vtk_mesh(V_dg)
            V_grid = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(V_cells, V_types, V_x)
            Et_values = np.zeros((V_x.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float64)
            Et_values[:, : msh.topology.dim] = Et_dg.x.array.reshape(
                V_x.shape[0], msh.topology.dim

            V_grid.point_data["u"] = Et_values

            plotter = pyvista.Plotter()
            plotter.add_mesh(V_grid.copy(), show_edges=False)
            if not pyvista.OFF_SCREEN:
                plotter.screenshot("Et.png", window_size=[400, 400])

I solved this using the interpolate function to assign the eps function rather than the way showed in the tutorial. Here is the code:

# imports
import sys
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import ufl
from basix.ufl import element, mixed_element
from dolfinx import default_scalar_type, fem, io, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import assemble_matrix
from dolfinx.mesh import CellType, create_rectangle, exterior_facet_indices, locate_entities

    import pyvista
    have_pyvista = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("pyvista and pyvistaqt are required to visualise the solution")
    have_pyvista = False

    from slepc4py import SLEPc
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("slepc4py is required for this demo")

# geometry (all lengths in nanometers)

l0 = 1550  # free space wavelength in nm

w_si = 400    # core width (nm)
h_si = 220    # core height (nm)

w_clad = 3040  # overall domain width (nm)
h_clad = w_clad  # overall domain height (nm)

w_dom = w_clad + 100
h_dom = h_clad + 100

nx = 200
ny = nx

msh = create_rectangle(
    MPI.COMM_WORLD, np.array([[0, 0], [w_dom, h_dom]]), np.array([nx, ny]), CellType.triangle
msh.topology.create_connectivity(msh.topology.dim - 1, msh.topology.dim)

# Set up a Pyvista plotter with 1 row and 4 columns
plotter = pyvista.Plotter(shape=(2, 2))
showvectorplot = False

# ----------------------------------------
# Subplot (0,0): Mesh Geometry
# ----------------------------------------
cells, cell_types, points = plot.vtk_mesh(msh)
grid = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(cells, cell_types, points)
plotter.subplot(0, 0)
plotter.add_mesh(grid, color="lightgray", opacity=0.3, show_edges=True)
# Add text annotation with domain dimensions (all values in nm)
mesh_info = (
    "Mesh Geometry\n"
    f"Domain: 0 - {w_clad} nm (x) × 0 - {h_clad} nm (y)\n"
    f"Core: Center = ({w_clad/2:.0f}, {h_clad/2:.0f}) nm, Size = {w_si} nm × {h_si} nm"
plotter.add_text(mesh_info, font_size=10)

# ----------------------------------------
# eps Field: Dielectric Permittivity
# ----------------------------------------
eps_d = 3.48    # core permittivity (unitless)
eps_c = 1.44    # cladding permittivity (unitless)
eps_p = 1.00
# Center coordinate for core
ctr = w_dom / 2.0

def Omega_d(x):
    # Core region: centered at (ctr, ctr)
    return ((x[0] >= ctr - w_si/2) & (x[0] <= ctr + w_si/2) &
            (x[1] >= ctr - h_si/2) & (x[1] <= ctr + h_si/2))

def Omega_c(x):
    in_cladding = ((x[0] >= ctr - w_clad/2) & (x[0] <= ctr + w_clad/2) &
                   (x[1] >= ctr - h_clad/2) & (x[1] <= ctr + h_clad/2))
    return in_cladding & (~Omega_d(x))

def eps_expr(x):
    # Return eps_d in the core, eps_c elsewhere
    return np.where(Omega_d(x), eps_d, 
           np.where(Omega_c(x), eps_c, eps_p))

# Define a CG1 function space and interpolate eps
D = fem.functionspace(msh, ("CG", 1))
eps = fem.Function(D)

# Get the array of epsilon values at the vertices
eps_values = eps.x.array

# Print unique values (you should see values close to eps_d, eps_c, and eps_p)
unique_vals = np.unique(eps_values)
print("Unique epsilon values at vertices:", unique_vals)

# Optionally, print min/max of the imaginary part to check for the PML
print("Imaginary part: min =", np.min(np.imag(eps_values)),
      "max =", np.max(np.imag(eps_values)))

# Create a new grid for eps display
cells, cell_types, points = plot.vtk_mesh(msh)
grid_eps = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(cells, cell_types, points)
# For CG1 the dof values are associated with vertices
eps_values = eps.x.array
grid_eps.point_data["eps"] = np.real(eps_values)

plotter.subplot(1, 0)
    grid_eps, scalars="eps", cmap="viridis", show_edges=False,
    scalar_bar_args={"title": "Dielectric Permittivity\n(unitless)"}
plotter.add_text("Dielectric Permittivity Field\n(Core: 3.48, Cladding: 1.44)", font_size=10)

# ----------------------------------------
# Problem Definition and Eigenmode Computation
# ----------------------------------------
degree = 1
NED = element("Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", msh.basix_cell(), degree)
Q = element("Lagrange", msh.basix_cell(), degree)
V = fem.functionspace(msh, mixed_element([NED, Q]))

lmbd0 = l0  # in nm
k0 = 2 * np.pi / lmbd0  # in 1/nm

et, ez = ufl.TrialFunctions(V)
vt, vz = ufl.TestFunctions(V)

a_tt = (ufl.inner(ufl.curl(et), ufl.curl(vt)) - (k0**2) * eps * ufl.inner(et, vt)) * ufl.dx
b_tt = ufl.inner(et, vt) * ufl.dx
b_tz = ufl.inner(et, ufl.grad(vz)) * ufl.dx
b_zt = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(ez), vt) * ufl.dx
b_zz = (ufl.inner(ufl.grad(ez), ufl.grad(vz)) - (k0**2) * eps * ufl.inner(ez, vz)) * ufl.dx

a = fem.form(a_tt)
b = fem.form(b_tt + b_tz + b_zt + b_zz)

A = assemble_matrix(a)
B = assemble_matrix(b)

eps_eigensolver = SLEPc.EPS().create(msh.comm)
eps_eigensolver.setOperators(A, B)
tol = 1e-9
st = eps_eigensolver.getST()
eps_eigensolver.setTarget(-((0.5 * k0) ** 2))

vals = [(i, np.sqrt(-eps_eigensolver.getEigenvalue(i))) for i in range(eps_eigensolver.getConverged())]
vals.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].real)
eh = fem.Function(V)
kz_list = []

# ----------------------------------------
# Eigenmode Visualization: Transverse Electric Field (Et)
# ----------------------------------------
for i, kz in vals:
    eps_eigensolver.getEigenpair(i, eh.x.petsc_vec)
    error = eps_eigensolver.computeError(i, SLEPc.EPS.ErrorType.RELATIVE)
    if error < tol and np.isclose(kz.imag, 0, atol=tol):
        print(f"eigenvalue: {-kz**2}")
        print(f"kz: {kz}")
        print(f"kz/k0: {kz / k0}")

        eth, ezh = eh.split()
        eth = eh.sub(0).collapse()
        ez = eh.sub(1).collapse()

        # Transform eth, ezh into Et and Ez
        eth.x.array[:] = eth.x.array[:] / kz
        ezh.x.array[:] = ezh.x.array[:] * 1j

        gdim = msh.geometry.dim
        V_dg = fem.functionspace(msh, ("DQ", degree, (gdim,)))
        Et_dg = fem.Function(V_dg)

        # Save solutions (if needed)
        with io.VTXWriter(msh.comm, f"sols/Et_{i}.bp", Et_dg) as f:
        with io.VTXWriter(msh.comm, f"sols/Ez_{i}.bp", ezh) as f:

        if have_pyvista:
            V_cells, V_types, V_x = plot.vtk_mesh(V_dg)
            V_grid = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(V_cells, V_types, V_x)
            Et_values = np.zeros((V_x.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float64)
            Et_values[:, :msh.topology.dim] = Et_dg.x.array.reshape(V_x.shape[0], msh.topology.dim).real
            V_grid.point_data["u"] = Et_values

            # Place each eigenmode in its own subplot (starting at column 2)
            plotter.subplot(0, 1)
            plotter.add_mesh(V_grid.copy(), show_edges=False)
            # Annotate the eigenmode display. Here we assume Et is a transverse electric field,
            # and we note that its values are scaled (hence “arb. units”).
            plotter.add_text(f"Eigenmode {i}\nTransverse Electric Field (Et)\n[arb. units]", font_size=10)
        if have_pyvista and showvectorplot:
            # Create a Pyvista grid for the DG field of Et
            V_cells, V_types, V_x = plot.vtk_mesh(V_dg)
            V_grid = pyvista.UnstructuredGrid(V_cells, V_types, V_x)
            # Set the point data to be the vector field (here we assume real values are sufficient)
            Et_values = np.zeros((V_x.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float64)
            Et_values[:, :msh.topology.dim] = Et_dg.x.array.reshape(V_x.shape[0], msh.topology.dim).real
            V_grid.point_data["u"] = Et_values
            # Debug: print the magnitude stats of the vector field
            norms = np.linalg.norm(Et_values, axis=1)
            print("Min, max, mean of Et vector magnitudes:", norms.min(), norms.max(), norms.mean())
            # Use the glyph filter to display arrow glyphs representing the field vectors.
            # Increase 'factor' to make the arrows visible
            all_indices = np.arange(V_grid.n_points)
            # This gives the indices we originally extracted (every 10th point)
            extracted = np.arange(0, V_grid.n_points, 10)
            # Inverse: all indices *not* in the extracted set
            inverse_indices = np.setdiff1d(all_indices, extracted)
            inverse_grid = V_grid.extract_points(inverse_indices)

            arrow_glyphs = inverse_grid.glyph(orient="u", scale="u", factor=10000)
            # Place in its subplot (for instance, row 1, column 1+i)
            plotter.subplot(1, 1)
            plotter.add_mesh(arrow_glyphs, color="red")
            plotter.add_text(f"Eigenmode {i}\nTransverse Electric Field (Et)\nDisplayed as Arrows", font_size=10)

# Finally, display all subplots in one window.

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