Using Nedelec FE FunctionSpcae in Solving Electromagnetics Test Problem

I am trying to solve a test problem related to the concept of electromagnetics. In this problem, I aimed at solving the following expression,

\nabla \times (\frac{1}{\mu} \nabla \times E) + \epsilon_r \dfrac{\partial^2 E}{\partial t^2}= - \dfrac{\partial J}{\partial t}

To obtain the electric vector field. For this purpose, I introduce a “Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)”. In the case of the structured mesh, the results, which ParaView views, have a homogenous and uniform distribution. However, in the case of the unstructured mesh, oscillations are observed in the post-process. Does anybody know what to do to obtain a uniform distribution of the electric field when the domain has an unstructured mesh?

You can find the code attached below:

from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

T_max  = 2.
nSteps = 100
dTime  = T_max/nSteps

Geometry = Rectangle(Point(-2.,-2.), Point(2.,2.))
mesh = generate_mesh(Geometry,50)
# mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(-2.,-2.), Point(2.,2.), 50, 50)
subdomain = CompiledSubDomain("x[1] >=-0.2 && x[1] <= 0.2 && x[0] >= -1.2 && x[0] <= 1.2")
markers = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim(),
dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=markers)
subdomain.mark(markers, 1)
mesh_data = open('', 'w')
numel = mesh.num_cells()
mesh_hmax = mesh.hmax()
mesh_hmin = mesh.hmin()
print("Number_of_Elements=", mesh.num_cells())
mesh_data.write( \
                 "Numer of Elements=%i\n Max. Element Size=%e\n Min. Element Size=%e" \
                 %(numel, mesh_hmax, mesh_hmin))
# Define function spaces
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 2)
##V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 1)
##W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
# Define test and trial functions
v = TestFunction(V)
u = TrialFunction(V)

zero = Constant((0.0,0.0))

u_n   =Function(V)
u_n_1 =Function(V)

u_n   = interpolate(zero, V)
u_n_1 = interpolate(zero, V)

TOL = 1E-5

# Define functions for boundary condiitons
def LeftBoundary(x, on_boundary):
    return near(x[0],-2.,TOL) and on_boundary

def RightBoundary(x, on_boundary):
    return near(x[0],+2.,TOL) and on_boundary

def TopBoundary(x, on_boundary):
    return near(x[1],-2.,TOL) and on_boundary

def BottomBoundary(x, on_boundary):
    return near(x[1],+2.,TOL) and on_boundary

BC_Left   = DirichletBC(V, zero,   LeftBoundary)
BC_Right  = DirichletBC(V, zero,  RightBoundary)
BC_Bottom = DirichletBC(V, zero,    TopBoundary)
BC_Top    = DirichletBC(V, zero, BottomBoundary)

# class DirichletBoundary(SubDomain):
#     def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
#         return on_boundary

BCs = [BC_Left, BC_Right, BC_Top, BC_Bottom]
## BCs = DirichletBC(V, zero, DirichletBoundary())
Jt = Expression(("x[0]*t","x[1]*t"), degree=2, t=0)

# Define magnetic permeability
class Permittivity(UserExpression):
    def __init__(self, markers, **kwargs):
        super(Permittivity, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.markers = markers
    def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
        if self.markers[cell.index] == 0:
            values[0] = 1.0 # vacuum
        elif self.markers[cell.index] == 1:
            values[0] = 3.5      # iron (should really be 6.3e-3)

eps_r = Permittivity(markers, degree=1)
mu = 1.

a = dTime*dTime*inner(curl(v), curl(u)/mu)*dx + dot(v,eps_r*u)*dx
L = 2.*dot(eps_r*u_n,v)*dx - dot(eps_r*u_n_1,v)*dx + dTime*dTime*dot(v,Jt)*dx(1)

E_Field = Function(V)

VTKFile = File("./Results/Electric_Field.pvd")
Time = 0.
for n in range(nSteps):
    Jt.t = Time
    solve(a == L, E_Field, BCs)
    VTKFile << E_Field

First of all, you should use a Vector-DG function and XDMFFile.write_checkpoint for visualization in Paraview. Otherwise, the field is interpolated into CG1.
This can be done with the following modification:

xdmf = XDMFFile("ElectricField.xdmf")
V_out = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 2)
E_out = Function(V_out)

Time = 0.1
for n in range(nSteps):
    Jt.t = Time
    solve(a == L, E_Field, BCs)
    xdmf.write_checkpoint(E_out, "E", Time)

Secondly. Your sub-domain does not align with the grid lines, as shown with

File("markers.pvd") <<markers

Which would give you a radically different result than on the structured grid

Thanks for your reply. I use a Vector-DG function and XDMFFile.write_checkpoint for visualization in Paraview as you stated above. But when I tried to open the output files in ParaView, it has crashed so I cannot visualize the results in ParaView.

You need to use the Xdmf3ReaderT to open the file (there is an option between three readers).