Hi! My problem is perhaps very simple, but I could not find an answer yet.
Basically, I am making complex meshes with Salome. These are meshes with various solids inside. To make things simple, I made a simple mesh made of 2 concentric spheres to start things off. Basically, I aim to run acoustics simulations buy having the outer shell acting as an adiabatic absorber.
I pretty much followed Dokken’s excellent tutorial and I came up with this code:
import pathlib
import meshio
import tempfile
import fenics
# This is a 3D mesh with concentring spheres, differently marked.
mesh_path = pathlib.Path('ConcentricSpheres.med')
# We read te MED file with meshio
raw_mesh_data = meshio.read(mesh_path)
# This list will contain FEniCS meshes, in this order: line (1D), triangle (2D) and tetra (3D).
# To make the FEniCS meshes we crate meshio meshes for each entity, save it to a temporary location as xdmf, and then
# we read it back.
meshes = []
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as xdmf_dir:
target_xdmf_dir = pathlib.Path(xdmf_dir)
for entity in ['line', 'triangle', 'tetra']:
cells = raw_mesh_data.get_cells_type(entity)
cell_data = raw_mesh_data.get_cell_data('cell_tags', entity)
points = raw_mesh_data.points # 3D Mesh: No pruning needed.
edited_mesh_data = meshio.Mesh(points=points, cells={entity: cells}, cell_data={'marker': [cell_data]})
tmp_path = target_xdmf_dir.joinpath(entity + '_mesh.xdmf')
meshio.write(tmp_path.absolute().as_posix(), edited_mesh_data)
mesh = fenics.Mesh()
with fenics.XDMFFile(tmp_path.absolute().as_posix()) as xdmf_file:
# If everything worked, this will print something like:
# [<dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh object at 0x7f9680b05ca8>, <dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh object at 0x7f9680b058e0>, <dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh object at 0x7f9680b05a98>]
The mesh to run this code is available here. Things look alright: I will get a dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh
object for each type of entity (line
, triangle
and tetra
). I can take a look to the xdmf
files with ParaView and they seem OK:
However, I am not sure how to make use of my 3 dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh
objects. So far, I only used a single mesh object, for example:
mesh = fenics.BoxMesh(
fenics.Point(0, 0, 0),
fenics.Point(1, 1, 1),
Should I merge all the 3 meshes together in one single mesh? If so, how? Or should I just use the tetra one?
The various ID numbers coming from the MED file are all negative. I might have read in some other forum post (which I cannot dig out) that this can cause issues. Should I make them all positive?