XDMF file causes a crash but .pvd files work

Hi, I am running a NS problem in a cuboid pipe, essentially using the methods given in the documentation and tutorials, and whenever I open an file in .xdmf Paraview crashes in the Xdmf3ReaderS and Xdmf3ReaderT readers. It opens in the XDMF Reader, but as soon as I try to visualise the results, an error occurs saying it failed to read the data. The error is shown below:

And the following two images show the code which I used to create the .xdmf file:



I have tried Paraview 5.11 and 5.10.0. The same things happens in each release.

Can someone please provide any help with this problem? I have tried only writing into the file the pressure and velocity separately to see if one of the outputs was the problem, but the error occurs whichever is outputted. Thank you.

Alot of information is missing here.

  1. What version of FEniCS are you using?
  2. how Did you install FEniCS?
  3. what is the content of the XDMFFile?

Apologies -

  1. Legacy FEniCS latest release, version 2019.1.0

  2. Installed on Anaconda latest release on a GUI-less Ubuntu

  3. The XDMFFile contains the velocity and pressure fields and times from a solved time-dependent 3D Navier-Stokes problem. These are ‘u_’ and ‘p_’, respectively, where u_ is initially declared a function of a vector function space and pressure a scalar function space

I mean what are the actual contents of the XDMFFile, please post them here. Also, please make a minimal reproducible example, i.e. With a built in mesh (unit cube or unit square), create the function spaces, some empty functions and write them to file, check if they then open. Without such and example one cannot Give much guidance.

Please note that I just patched the anaconda release a few days ago which fixes some issues with xdmf and conda backport xdmf+boost patch · conda-forge/fenics-feedstock@49e2932 · GitHub