I have some code that was working before (when using apt installed Fenics) and doesn’t seem to work with conda installed Fenics:
from dolfin import Mesh,MeshFunction
mesh = Mesh()
... #(some conversion code from meshio mesh)
subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t',mesh,mesh.topology().dim())
subdomains.array()[:] = HexCellsDataID
with XDMFFile(MPI.comm_world,os.path.join(savePath,filename+'.xdmf')) as file:
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world,os.path.join(savePath,filename+'_ID.h5'),'w') as file:
In the apt installed Fenics it saves lines like:
<Topology NumberOfElements="239872" TopologyType="Hexahedron" NodesPerElement="8">
<DataItem Dimensions="239872 8" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">STA26_27.h5:/Mesh/mesh/topology</DataItem>
But now, using the conda installed Fenics it only saves:
<Topology NumberOfElements="239872" TopologyType="Hexahedron" NodesPerElement="8">
<DataItem Dimensions="239872 8" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">STA26_27.h5</DataItem>
Manually adding back in the :/Mesh/mesh/topology
I am able to open the mesh in Paraview. I’ve search for the error but can’t find a good explanation.
NOTE: I check the version and Dolfin is version 2019.2.0.dev0 from PPA and version 2019.1.0 in Conda.