I would like to add a zero-average condition on the fluctuation field on the hyperelasticity demo, by considering an additional vectorial Lagrange multiplier λ. (as in this example neumann-poisson_demo )
But I doesn’t see how to change the derivative of potential energy in order to add the new average condition. Here is my code :
from dolfin import *
# The behavior of the form compiler FFC can be adjusted by prescribing
# various parameters. Here, we want to use the UFLACS backend of FFC::
# Optimization options for the form compiler
parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True
parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "uflacs"
# Create mesh and define function space
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(24, 16, 16)
Re = VectorElement("R", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)
Ve = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Ve,Re]))
(u,lamb) = split(w)
# Define functions
v,Tlamb = TestFunctions(W) # Test function
du, dlamb = TrialFunctions(W)
B = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Body force per unit volume
T = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Traction force on the boundary
# Kinematics
d = len(u)
I = Identity(d) # Identity tensor
F = I + grad(u) + Constant([[0,0.2,0],[0.2,0,0],[0,0,0]]) # Deformation gradient + constant macro strain
C = F.T*F # Right Cauchy-Green tensor
# Invariants of deformation tensors
Ic = tr(C)
J = det(F)
# Elasticity parameters
E, nu = 1e6, 0.3
mu, lmbda = Constant(E/(2*(1 + nu))), Constant(E*nu/((1 + nu)*(1 - 2*nu)))
# Stored strain energy density (compressible neo-Hookean model)
psi = (mu/2)*(Ic - 3) - mu*ln(J) + (lmbda/2)*(ln(J))**2
# Total potential energy
Pi = psi*dx - dot(B, u)*dx - dot(T, u)*ds
# Compute first variation of Pi (directional derivative about u in the direction of v)
F = derivative(Pi, u, v) + dot(Tlamb,du)*dx + dot(dlamb,v)*dx
# Compute Jacobian of F
J = derivative(F, u, du)
# Solve variational problem
solve(F == 0, w, [], J=J)
# Save solution in VTK format
file = File("displacement.pvd");
file << u;