Axisymmetric question

Hi there,

I’m solving an equation with an axisymmetric formulation. I obtain the solution
u which depends on variables r and z. I use u as the rhs of another problem, which is in an axisymmetric setting too. The rhs f , of the second problem, is defined by

f := \frac{1}{r} \int_0^r u(t,z) dt

How can I to implement this rhs in Fenics? i.e. the term \int f v dr\, dz

Thanks a lot for your help!!!


Take a look at Jeremy Bleyer’s implementation of axisymmetry for elastic structures:

Thanks Rudy to take the time to answer my question, but my problem is not how to implement an axisymmetric problem.

To clarify things, independent of the kind of formulation, if you have a function u=u(x,y), my problem is how to compute a function f given by the expression

f(y) := \int_0^x u(t,y) dt

using Fenics!!

After that, I use f to compute a rhs of type \int_\Omega f\, v\, dx dy. Any idea how to proceed?

Thanks a lot!!
