Hi everyone,
I’m currently trying to compute some acoustical scattering in a 3D channel with 1 subdomain and 3 different types of boundaries (2 Neumann and 1 Robin).
I have a costum generated mesh in gmsh using verison 4.3.0:
2.2 0 8
2 1 "ExcitedBoundary"
2 2 "SoundProofBoundary"
2 3 "AdmittanceBoundary"
3 4 "Domain"
1 1.7 0.02 -0.25
2 -1.7 0.02 -0.25
3 -1.7 -0.02 -0.25
4 1.7 -0.02 -0.25
5 1.7 0.02 0.25
6 -1.7 0.02 0.25
7 -1.7 -0.02 0.25
8 1.7 -0.02 0.25
9 0 0 0
1 2 2 1 1 2 7 3
2 2 2 1 1 2 6 7
3 2 2 2 2 8 3 4
4 2 2 2 2 8 7 3
5 2 2 2 3 1 2 6
6 2 2 2 3 1 6 5
7 2 2 2 4 6 7 5
8 2 2 2 4 7 8 5
9 2 2 2 5 1 4 2
10 2 2 2 5 4 3 2
11 2 2 3 6 8 1 4
12 2 2 3 6 8 5 1
13 4 2 4 1 2 7 3 9
14 4 2 4 1 1 4 8 9
15 4 2 4 1 3 8 4 9
16 4 2 4 1 7 8 3 9
17 4 2 4 1 1 2 4 9
18 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 9
19 4 2 4 1 8 5 9 7
20 4 2 4 1 9 5 8 1
21 4 2 4 1 6 2 9 7
22 4 2 4 1 9 2 6 1
23 4 2 4 1 5 6 9 7
24 4 2 4 1 9 6 5 1
Edit: For FEniCS i’m using verision 2019.1.0.
pathname = "./DuctMesh/"
msh = meshio.read(pathname + "DuctMesh.msh")
meshio.write(pathname + "DuctMesh_xdmf.xdmf", meshio.Mesh(points=msh.points,
cells={"triangle": msh.cells["triangle"]}
cell_data={"tetra": {"name_to_read": msh.cell_data["tetra"]["gmsh:physical"]}}))
meshio.write(pathname + "DuctMesh_xdmf_Boundary.xdmf",
cells={"triangle": msh.cells["triangle"]},
cell_data={"triangle": {"name_to_read": msh.cell_data["triangle"]["gmsh:physical"]}}))
mesh = df.Mesh()
with df.XDMFFile(pathname + "DuctMesh_xdmf.xdmf") as infile:
mvc = df.MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, 2)
with df.XDMFFile(pathname + "DuctMesh_xdmf_Boundary.xdmf") as infile:
infile.read(mvc, "name_to_read")
mf = df.cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet(mesh, mvc)
# define measure for excited boundary
ds_excited = df.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mf, subdomain_id=1)
# define measure for sound proof boundary
ds_sound_proof = df.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mf, subdomain_id=2)
# define measure for admittance boundary
ds_admittance = df.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mf, subdomain_id=3)
# define measure for the inside domain
dx_volume = df.Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mf, subdomain_id=4)
# Create function space for complex variable
Vr = df.FiniteElement('Lagrange', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) # function space for real parts
Vi = df.FiniteElement('Lagrange', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) # function space for imag parts
Vc = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, Vr * Vi) # composed function space for complex variable coefficients
# Define variational problem
(p_r, p_i) = df.TrialFunction(Vc)
(w_r, w_i) = df.TestFunction(Vc)
v_s = -df.Constant(1.0) # - sign stems from direction of normal vector on excited boundary
# Define weak form - term by term
# stiffness matrix terms
t1r = df.inner(df.grad(p_r), df.grad(w_r)) - df.inner(df.grad(p_i), df.grad(w_i))
t1i = df.inner(df.grad(p_i), df.grad(w_r)) + df.inner(df.grad(p_r), df.grad(w_i))
# mass matrix terms
t3r = -(df.Constant(k) ** 2 * (df.inner(p_r, w_r) - df.inner(p_i, w_i)))
t3i = -(df.Constant(k) ** 2 * (df.inner(p_i, w_r) + df.inner(p_r, w_i)))
# Summation of matrix terms
ar = t1r + t3r
ai = t1i + t3i
# excitation term - best solution
Lr = omg*rho_f*v_s*w_i # -omg*rho_f*v_s*w_r
Li = -omg*rho_f*v_s*w_r # -omg*rho_f*v_s*w_i
a = (ar + ai) * dx_volume
right= (Lr + Li) * ds_excited
p = df.Function(Vc)
df.solve(a == right, p)
(p_r, p_i) = p.split()
p_real = p_r.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
Output: [nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan 0.]
I already tried the solutions found in this thread, but nothing of this works for me.
I just don’t understand why fenics only gives me NaN as an output.
Thanks in advance!