Complex support in dolfin


I’m trying to solve a generalized eigenvalue problem by specifying complex values of shift for the shift-invert algorithm. My matrices A and B are real.

Does any version of dolfin (not dolfinx) currently support complex shifts to the SLEPcEigensolver object? I see that complex support is possible according to
, is this a reference to dolfinx?

Given that A and B are real themselves, if dolfin can be built from source against complex PETSc this should solve the problem right?


There is a bit of discussion on this question at Solving complex-valued PDE

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Thanks, I did see that but that talks more about splitting the problem into real and imaginary parts. My question is more about applying a complex shift to real matrices A and B in the eigenvalue problem.

The SLEPcEigensolver object is just a wrapper around the PETSc EPS object which can support complex shifts if built against complex PETSc right?

Is it at all possible to build dolfin against complex PETSc? I dont want to solve the complex GEVP just apply a complex shift.

As discussed in that thread, you’ll need dolfinx if you want complex number support in the software.

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