Complex number PDE solution

Hi everyone, can the PDE equation with complex number coefficients be solved using mixed function space? Does dolfinx support complex number now? If so, why my dolfinx shows the variable “has_petsc_complex” is False? Thank you in advance.

My understanding is that complex number support needs to be set at build time. You can pull Docker containers of complex-enabled builds from here:

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Thanks for your help. From the dolfinx example, it seems that there is big difference between dolfin and dolfinx. Can dolfinx use the original mesh API, such as polygon and generate_mesh? Now in my computer I installed both dolfin and dolfinx. Once dolfinx is published officially, will dolfin and dolfinx merge into the only one version?

Since the commands you describe above is part of mshr, it is quite unlikely that it will be released a new version of it. However, it should be possible to use mshr along with dolfinx by using the new user interface for loading meshes.

Dolfin and dolfinx will be two separate packages. See the road map for more info.

dokken, thanks for your answer. Now I tried this method “pygmsh->meshio->dolfinx” to create and read the intermediate xdmf files. Will it support cuda in the future?

I cant promise any specific support, But its definitely gonna be considered