Creation of Functionspace on submesh of codimension 1 raises ValueError

Hi all,

please consider the following MWE:

from mpi4py import MPI
from dolfinx import mesh, fem
from basix.ufl import element
import numpy as np

def main():
    n = 6
    domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, n, n, mesh.CellType.quadrilateral)
    tdim = domain.topology.dim
    fdim = tdim - 1

    def right(x):
        return np.isclose(x[0], 1.)

    facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(domain, fdim, right)
    submesh, entity_map, vertex_map, geom_map = mesh.create_submesh(domain, fdim, facets)

    degree = 1
    fe = element("P", submesh.basix_cell(), degree, shape=())
    V = fem.functionspace(submesh, fe) # raises ValueError

if __name__ == "__main__":

I am currently on dolfinx version 0.7.1 and get ValueError: Non-matching UFL cell and mesh cell shapes.
If the submesh is of codimension 0, i.e. the submesh also consists of quadrilaterial cells, it works.

Is this a bug?

Best wishes,

Hi @dokken ,
sorry for the direct mention, but is this question somehow ill-posed? How could I improve / rephrase the question to receive an answer?

For reference, I get the same error dropping mesh.CellType.quadrilateral from the mesh creation line, i.e. with a triangular mesh. cc @jpdean who may have further insights.

Im not at my computer, but my best guess is that you are missing gdim=submesh.geometry.dim as this will be a space on a manifold.

Hi @dokken, @francesco-ballarin thank you both for your replies.

Indeed, setting

fe = element("P", submesh.basix_cell(), degree, shape=(), gdim=2)

resolves the issue.
It now makes sense to me. The submesh with cell type “interval” has topological dimension 1, but is embedded in 2D space and therefore submesh.geometry.dim equals 2.
