Here I is a vector depend on x.
Suppose now I define a function space like: V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", k))
I wonder how to define a vector function space for I(x) in the weak form as I know the weak form is -\rho I\cdot \nabla v with zero Neumann boundary condition.
Thanks for your kindly reply! However, I don’t want to use ufl.SpatialCoordinate to define the vector functions. I notice that you used to publish a post for the usage of Expression in Dolfinx,
This is the way I define a function used your way:
class K():
def __call__(self, x):
# return x[1]
return np.exp(0*x[1])+np.exp(-((x[1]-100)/100)**2)*np.exp(-((x[0]-300)/100)**2)
k = fem.Function(V)
so I wonder if it is possible to define a vector functions as the same as above for a vector function like (\exp(x[0]), \exp(x[1])+\sin(x[0]))?
I think I asked a silly question. I only need to change np into ufl to obtain a function. However, if I want to define a function which do not have explicit form on spatial coordinate, how to define an appropriate function vector space? For example, I have a matrix A representing values of a vector function on the grids and I want to define this function into my weak form.
How do you define the matrix A with respect to your grid. There either has to be a spatial relation, or an implicit spatial relation by the index in A.
A minimal example of what you want to achieve would be beneficial for understanding your problem.
I will try to give an example of the vector functions.
Suppose the space domain \Omega is a unit square with gird N_x*N_y and I have the values of a vector function f=(a,b) on these grids, which are two matric A_1=[a_{i,j}], A_2=[b_{i,j}], 1\leq i\leq N_x, 1\leq j\leq N_y. Now I create a function space like:
Thanks for your help! I still have some questions. The first is that if I have a function space V and u_1, u_2 are two functions in V, how to define a vector function U=(u_1,u_2) so that I can compute the inner product of <U, grad(v)>, where v is a test function. The second is that I want to define a vector function like:
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
def I_func(x):
if x[0]**2+x[1]**2<0.5:
return (x[0], 2*x[1])
return (0,0)
I = ufl.as_vector(I_func(x))