Hi all,
I am working to on upgrading a specialized solver class to run on Fenics v2019.1, from v2017.2. There appears to be an issue with the handling of parameters for the solver that I do not understand. I have included a MWE below, and the resulting output when run on fenics v2019.1 through Docker on a mac. Any guidance or tips are much appreciated!
from dolfin import *
class TestClass:
def __init__(self):
# Create parameter set
self.parameters = \
Parameters(type_one = Parameters("type_one"),
type_two = Parameters("type_two"))
self.parameters.type_one.add("p1", 1.0)
self.parameters.type_two.add("q1", 1.0)
self.parameters.type_two.add("q2", False)
def _solve(self):
# Run solver class
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create Solver
solver = TestClass()
solver.parameters.type_two = True
# Solve
fenics@093c63af784a:~/shared/sandbox/issue_par$ python3 myclass.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “myclass.py”, line 30, in
solver = TestClass()
File “myclass.py”, line 13, in init
type_two = Parameters(“type_two”))
TypeError: init(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters()
2. dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters(arg0: str)
3. dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters(arg0: dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters)
4. dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters(arg0: str, **kwargs)
Invoked with: kwargs: type_one=<dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters object at 0x7f241f2a49d0>, type_two=<dolfin.cpp.parameter.Parameters object at 0x7f241f2a4d18>