How do dolfin Parameters play with pybind11?


I am having some trouble figuring out how dolfin’s parameters play with the new pybind11 method for wrapping C++ functions into python code. In the MWE below I try following the example at dolfin::Parameters Class Reference

Running FEniCS v2019.1.0 via Docker on a Mac OS 10.15.2, this fails with the following error message:


fenics@e2603a6268f7:~/shared/sandbox/pybind$ python3 
------------------- Start compiler output ------------------------
/tmp/tmpjoagxulm/dolfin_cpp_module_2183c0f3006d21321ed4c9ea0b74e338.cpp:27:33: error: expected identifier before string constant
   dolfin::Parameters parameters("my_parameters");
/tmp/tmpjoagxulm/dolfin_cpp_module_2183c0f3006d21321ed4c9ea0b74e338.cpp:27:33: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before string constant
/tmp/tmpjoagxulm/dolfin_cpp_module_2183c0f3006d21321ed4c9ea0b74e338.cpp:28:3: error: ‘parameters’ does not name a type
   parameters.add("par", 1.0);

-------------------  End compiler output  ------------------------
Compilation failed! Sources, command, and errors have been written to: /home/fenics/shared/sandbox/pybind/jitfailure-dolfin_cpp_module_2183c0f3006d21321ed4c9ea0b74e338
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 48, in <module>
    profile = compile_cpp_code(cpp_code)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/dolfin/jit/", line 87, in compile_cpp_code
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/dolfin/jit/", line 47, in mpi_jit
    return local_jit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/dolfin/jit/", line 103, in dijitso_jit
    return dijitso.jit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/dijitso/", line 217, in jit
    % err_info['fail_dir'], err_info)
dijitso.jit.DijitsoError: Dijitso JIT compilation failed, see '/home/fenics/shared/sandbox/pybind/jitfailure-dolfin_cpp_module_2183c0f3006d21321ed4c9ea0b74e338' for details


Following the pybind11 documentation I was able to implement private variables with field-like python interface. Is this approach recommended over the Parameters module now?

Thanks for any suggestions.


from dolfin import *

cpp_code = """
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;

#include <dolfin/function/Expression.h>
#include <dolfin/parameter/dolfin_parameter.h>

class Profile : public dolfin::Expression

  Profile() : dolfin::Expression(){}

  // Set variable
  void set_p(const double &pval_)
  pval = pval_;

  // Get variable
  const double get_p() const
  return pval;

  // Attempt to add parameters
  dolfin::Parameters parameters("my_parameters");
  parameters.add("par", 1.0);


  // private variable
  double pval = 0.0;


  py::class_<Profile, std::shared_ptr<Profile>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "Profile")
    .def_property("pval", &Profile::get_p, &Profile::set_p); // expects set and get functions
# Compile expression
profile = compile_cpp_code(cpp_code)
expr = CompiledExpression(profile.Profile(), degree=1)

# Test access to private variable
expr.pval = 5.0

# Does similar access apply to fenics parameters?


To define an object parameters of type Parameters with the key (i.e. its name) my_parameters you can use this syntax :

  // Attempt to add parameters
  dolfin::Parameters parameters("my_parameters");

Concerning the call to to add, this function must be called inside the definition of another function in order to comply with C++ writing rules. Here is a stackoverflow post about that. For example:

[*In the cpp code snippet*]
  void add(std::string key, double pval)
    my_parameters.add(key, pval);
 // Function for setting a bool--valued parameter
  void add(std::string key, bool pval)
    my_parameters.add(key, pval);

  py::class_<Profile, std::shared_ptr<Profile>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "Profile")
    .def("add_parameter", (void (Profile::*)(std::string, double)) &Profile::add, "Add double-valued parameter.")
    .def("add_parameter", (void (Profile::*)(std::string, bool)) &Profile::add, "Add bool-valued parameter.");
[*In the python script*]
expr.add_parameter("p", 0.1)

However, I cannot use the modified code snippet to generate a FEniCS expression with my current installation. It generates an error similar to the one reported by Nico Schlömer a few weeks ago on this issue.

Thanks for the tips bd1747. I think I have made some progress, although defining the parameter set is a little different. The following code compiles.

from dolfin import *

cpp_code = """
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;

#include <dolfin/function/Expression.h>
#include <dolfin/parameter/Parameters.h>

class Profile : public dolfin::Expression

  Profile() : dolfin::Expression(){}

  // New parameter set
  dolfin::Parameters my_parameters;

  void init_parameters()
    my_parameters.add("p", 1.0);

  void add(std::string key, double pval)
    my_parameters.add(key, pval);


  py::class_<Profile, std::shared_ptr<Profile>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "Profile")
    .def("add_parameter", (void (Profile::*)(std::string, double)) &Profile::add, "Add double-valued parameter.")
    .def("init_parameters", &Profile::init_parameters);
# Compile expression
expr = CompiledExpression(compile_cpp_code(cpp_code).Profile(), degree=1)

# Attempt to add parameters
expr.add_parameter("q", 0.1)

However, the output yields:

>     None
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "", line 50, in <module>
>         print(expr.my_parameters.p)
>     AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'p'

It appears I am failing to add parameters.

To read a value of this Parameters instance you can use this syntax :


Could you tell me which version of dolfin you are using, please ? I try to understand why I can’t create Expressions from cpp snippet anymore.

Oh this is confusing me now. I ran

docker run -ti -p -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared

assuming I would get fenics 2019.1. However,

fenics@ff101e53b6bc:~/shared$ dolfin-version

If you are actually running 2019.1.0, then perhaps something with the Expressions class has broken…

Yes, I am actually running dolfin 2019.1.0, on Ubuntu. (Ubuntu 18.04, installed version of dolfin-bin: 2019.1.0-1~ppa1~bionic4).

OK, I am now running dolfin 2019.1.0 through docker, and I get the same error that I think you and Nico Schlömer are getting

ImportError: generic_type: type “Profile” referenced unknown base type “dolfin::Expression”

I see the Expression header file in the usual place: /usr/local/include/dolfin/function on my install.

psirus seems to have had a related issue a couple years ago This was apparently resolved by rebuilding the pybind Python interface of Dolfin. Does anyone know if this is still an appropriate solution, and if so, how that can be achieved?