This is my another question thread beside the below thread as I was unable to finally get the visualization through the below question thread and I, now, am trying to install fenics through anaconda.
First I installed anaconda in my ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS WSL on windows 10. Then I ran these commands mentioned below (using jupyter notebook):
fenics@DESKTOP-CVH2BNB:~$ source ~/.bashrc
(base) fenics@DESKTOP-CVH2BNB:~$ jupyter notebook
After that, I executed the command
$ conda create -n fenicsproject -c conda-forge fenics -y
in my jupyter cell. The output is given below:
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
Package Plan
environment location: /home/fenics/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject
added / updated specs:
- fenics
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
_libgcc_mutex-0.1 | conda_forge 3 KB conda-forge
_openmp_mutex-4.5 | 2_gnu 23 KB conda-forge
binutils_impl_linux-64-2.36.1| h193b22a_2 10.4 MB conda-forge
binutils_linux-64-2.36 | hf3e587d_10 24 KB conda-forge
boost-cpp-1.74.0 | h75c5d50_8 16.2 MB conda-forge
bzip2-1.0.8 | h7f98852_4 484 KB conda-forge
c-ares-1.18.1 | h7f98852_0 113 KB conda-forge
ca-certificates-2022.5.18.1| ha878542_0 144 KB conda-forge
cmake-3.23.2 | h5432695_0 16.3 MB conda-forge
eigen-3.4.0 | h4bd325d_0 1.2 MB conda-forge
expat-2.4.8 | h27087fc_0 187 KB conda-forge
fenics-2019.1.0 | py310hff52083_30 12 KB conda-forge
fenics-dijitso-2019.1.0 | py310hff52083_30 64 KB conda-forge
fenics-dolfin-2019.1.0 | py310h583d6c0_30 1.2 MB conda-forge
fenics-ffc-2019.1.0 | py310hff52083_30 477 KB conda-forge
fenics-fiat-2019.1.0 | py310hff52083_30 140 KB conda-forge
fenics-libdolfin-2019.1.0 | hd78bcf9_30 2.3 MB conda-forge
fenics-ufl-2019.1.0 | py310hff52083_30 342 KB conda-forge
fftw-3.3.10 |mpi_mpich_h8b92f0a_2 6.5 MB conda-forge
gcc_impl_linux-64-10.3.0 | hf2f2afa_16 46.6 MB conda-forge
gcc_linux-64-10.3.0 | hc39de41_10 25 KB conda-forge
gmp-6.2.1 | h58526e2_0 806 KB conda-forge
gmpy2-2.1.2 | py310h92f7908_0 800 KB conda-forge
gxx_impl_linux-64-10.3.0 | hf2f2afa_16 11.5 MB conda-forge
gxx_linux-64-10.3.0 | h2593f52_10 24 KB conda-forge
hdf5-1.12.1 |mpi_mpich_h5d83325_4 3.7 MB conda-forge
hypre-2.24.0 |mpi_mpich_hed3a557_1 1.8 MB conda-forge
icu-70.1 | h27087fc_0 13.5 MB conda-forge
kernel-headers_linux-64-2.6.32| he073ed8_15 707 KB conda-forge
keyutils-1.6.1 | h166bdaf_0 115 KB conda-forge
krb5-1.19.3 | h08a2579_0 1.4 MB conda-forge
ld_impl_linux-64-2.36.1 | hea4e1c9_2 667 KB conda-forge
libblas-3.9.0 |15_linux64_openblas 12 KB conda-forge
libcblas-3.9.0 |15_linux64_openblas 12 KB conda-forge
libcurl-7.83.1 | h2283fc2_0 344 KB conda-forge
libedit-3.1.20191231 | he28a2e2_2 121 KB conda-forge
libev-4.33 | h516909a_1 104 KB conda-forge
libffi-3.4.2 | h7f98852_5 57 KB conda-forge
libgcc-devel_linux-64-10.3.0| he6cfe16_16 3.3 MB conda-forge
libgcc-ng-12.1.0 | h8d9b700_16 940 KB conda-forge
libgfortran-ng-12.1.0 | h69a702a_16 23 KB conda-forge
libgfortran5-12.1.0 | hdcd56e2_16 1.8 MB conda-forge
libgomp-12.1.0 | h8d9b700_16 459 KB conda-forge
liblapack-3.9.0 |15_linux64_openblas 12 KB conda-forge
libnghttp2-1.47.0 | he49606f_0 824 KB conda-forge
libnsl-2.0.0 | h7f98852_0 31 KB conda-forge
libopenblas-0.3.20 |pthreads_h78a6416_0 10.1 MB conda-forge
libsanitizer-10.3.0 | h26c7422_16 6.0 MB conda-forge
libssh2-1.10.0 | ha35d2d1_2 233 KB conda-forge
libstdcxx-devel_linux-64-10.3.0| he6cfe16_16 9.6 MB conda-forge
libstdcxx-ng-12.1.0 | ha89aaad_16 4.3 MB conda-forge
libuuid-2.32.1 | h7f98852_1000 28 KB conda-forge
libuv-1.43.0 | h7f98852_0 1.0 MB conda-forge
libzlib-1.2.12 | h166bdaf_0 62 KB conda-forge
lz4-c-1.9.3 | h9c3ff4c_1 179 KB conda-forge
metis-5.1.0 | h58526e2_1006 4.1 MB conda-forge
mpc-1.2.1 | h9f54685_0 106 KB conda-forge
mpfr-4.1.0 | h9202a9a_1 2.6 MB conda-forge
mpi-1.0 | mpich 4 KB conda-forge
mpi4py-3.1.3 | py310h37cc914_1 614 KB conda-forge
mpich-4.0.2 | h846660c_100 6.0 MB conda-forge
mpmath-1.2.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 437 KB conda-forge
mumps-include-5.2.1 | ha770c72_11 23 KB conda-forge
mumps-mpi-5.2.1 | h7ee95aa_11 3.3 MB conda-forge
ncurses-6.3 | h27087fc_1 1002 KB conda-forge
numpy-1.22.4 | py310h4ef5377_0 6.8 MB conda-forge
openssl-3.0.3 | h166bdaf_0 2.9 MB conda-forge
parmetis-4.0.3 | h2a9763c_1005 274 KB conda-forge
petsc-3.17.2 |real_h6ce3b2e_101 11.3 MB conda-forge
petsc4py-3.17.2 |real_h5faf7bb_100 1.2 MB conda-forge
pip-22.1.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 1.5 MB conda-forge
pkg-config-0.29.2 | h36c2ea0_1008 120 KB conda-forge
pkgconfig-1.5.5 | py310hff52083_2 13 KB conda-forge
ptscotch-6.0.9 | hb499603_2 1.5 MB conda-forge
pybind11-2.9.2 | py310hbf28c38_1 162 KB conda-forge
pybind11-global-2.9.2 | py310hbf28c38_1 192 KB conda-forge
python-3.10.4 |h2660328_0_cpython 28.6 MB conda-forge
python_abi-3.10 | 2_cp310 4 KB conda-forge
readline-8.1.2 | h0f457ee_0 291 KB conda-forge
rhash-1.4.1 | h7f98852_0 192 KB conda-forge
scalapack-2.2.0 | hd931219_1 2.2 MB conda-forge
scotch-6.0.9 | hb2e6521_2 1.3 MB conda-forge
setuptools-62.3.4 | py310hff52083_0 1.3 MB conda-forge
six-1.16.0 | pyh6c4a22f_0 14 KB conda-forge
slepc-3.17.1 |real_ha2e80f3_100 3.9 MB conda-forge
slepc4py-3.17.1 |real_h7df52cc_102 389 KB conda-forge
sqlite-3.38.5 | h4ff8645_0 1.5 MB conda-forge
suitesparse-5.10.1 | h9e50725_1 2.4 MB conda-forge
superlu-5.2.2 | h00795ac_0 218 KB conda-forge
superlu_dist-7.2.0 | h25dcc4a_0 1.1 MB conda-forge
sympy-1.10.1 | py310hff52083_0 11.7 MB conda-forge
sysroot_linux-64-2.12 | he073ed8_15 31.4 MB conda-forge
tbb-2021.5.0 | h924138e_1 1.9 MB conda-forge
tk-8.6.12 | h27826a3_0 3.3 MB conda-forge
tzdata-2022a | h191b570_0 121 KB conda-forge
wheel-0.37.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 31 KB conda-forge
xz-5.2.5 | h516909a_1 343 KB conda-forge
yaml-0.2.5 | h7f98852_2 87 KB conda-forge
zlib-1.2.12 | h166bdaf_0 90 KB conda-forge
zstd-1.5.2 | h8a70e8d_1 452 KB conda-forge
Total: 314.3 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
_libgcc_mutex conda-forge/linux-64::_libgcc_mutex-0.1-conda_forge
_openmp_mutex conda-forge/linux-64::_openmp_mutex-4.5-2_gnu
binutils_impl_lin~ conda-forge/linux-64::binutils_impl_linux-64-2.36.1-h193b22a_2
binutils_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::binutils_linux-64-2.36-hf3e587d_10
boost-cpp conda-forge/linux-64::boost-cpp-1.74.0-h75c5d50_8
bzip2 conda-forge/linux-64::bzip2-1.0.8-h7f98852_4
c-ares conda-forge/linux-64::c-ares-1.18.1-h7f98852_0
ca-certificates conda-forge/linux-64::ca-certificates-2022.5.18.1-ha878542_0
cmake conda-forge/linux-64::cmake-3.23.2-h5432695_0
eigen conda-forge/linux-64::eigen-3.4.0-h4bd325d_0
expat conda-forge/linux-64::expat-2.4.8-h27087fc_0
fenics conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-2019.1.0-py310hff52083_30
fenics-dijitso conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-dijitso-2019.1.0-py310hff52083_30
fenics-dolfin conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-dolfin-2019.1.0-py310h583d6c0_30
fenics-ffc conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-ffc-2019.1.0-py310hff52083_30
fenics-fiat conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-fiat-2019.1.0-py310hff52083_30
fenics-libdolfin conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-libdolfin-2019.1.0-hd78bcf9_30
fenics-ufl conda-forge/linux-64::fenics-ufl-2019.1.0-py310hff52083_30
fftw conda-forge/linux-64::fftw-3.3.10-mpi_mpich_h8b92f0a_2
gcc_impl_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::gcc_impl_linux-64-10.3.0-hf2f2afa_16
gcc_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::gcc_linux-64-10.3.0-hc39de41_10
gmp conda-forge/linux-64::gmp-6.2.1-h58526e2_0
gmpy2 conda-forge/linux-64::gmpy2-2.1.2-py310h92f7908_0
gxx_impl_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::gxx_impl_linux-64-10.3.0-hf2f2afa_16
gxx_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::gxx_linux-64-10.3.0-h2593f52_10
hdf5 conda-forge/linux-64::hdf5-1.12.1-mpi_mpich_h5d83325_4
hypre conda-forge/linux-64::hypre-2.24.0-mpi_mpich_hed3a557_1
icu conda-forge/linux-64::icu-70.1-h27087fc_0
kernel-headers_li~ conda-forge/noarch::kernel-headers_linux-64-2.6.32-he073ed8_15
keyutils conda-forge/linux-64::keyutils-1.6.1-h166bdaf_0
krb5 conda-forge/linux-64::krb5-1.19.3-h08a2579_0
ld_impl_linux-64 conda-forge/linux-64::ld_impl_linux-64-2.36.1-hea4e1c9_2
libblas conda-forge/linux-64::libblas-3.9.0-15_linux64_openblas
libcblas conda-forge/linux-64::libcblas-3.9.0-15_linux64_openblas
libcurl conda-forge/linux-64::libcurl-7.83.1-h2283fc2_0
libedit conda-forge/linux-64::libedit-3.1.20191231-he28a2e2_2
libev conda-forge/linux-64::libev-4.33-h516909a_1
libffi conda-forge/linux-64::libffi-3.4.2-h7f98852_5
libgcc-devel_linu~ conda-forge/linux-64::libgcc-devel_linux-64-10.3.0-he6cfe16_16
libgcc-ng conda-forge/linux-64::libgcc-ng-12.1.0-h8d9b700_16
libgfortran-ng conda-forge/linux-64::libgfortran-ng-12.1.0-h69a702a_16
libgfortran5 conda-forge/linux-64::libgfortran5-12.1.0-hdcd56e2_16
libgomp conda-forge/linux-64::libgomp-12.1.0-h8d9b700_16
liblapack conda-forge/linux-64::liblapack-3.9.0-15_linux64_openblas
libnghttp2 conda-forge/linux-64::libnghttp2-1.47.0-he49606f_0
libnsl conda-forge/linux-64::libnsl-2.0.0-h7f98852_0
libopenblas conda-forge/linux-64::libopenblas-0.3.20-pthreads_h78a6416_0
libsanitizer conda-forge/linux-64::libsanitizer-10.3.0-h26c7422_16
libssh2 conda-forge/linux-64::libssh2-1.10.0-ha35d2d1_2
libstdcxx-devel_l~ conda-forge/linux-64::libstdcxx-devel_linux-64-10.3.0-he6cfe16_16
libstdcxx-ng conda-forge/linux-64::libstdcxx-ng-12.1.0-ha89aaad_16
libuuid conda-forge/linux-64::libuuid-2.32.1-h7f98852_1000
libuv conda-forge/linux-64::libuv-1.43.0-h7f98852_0
libzlib conda-forge/linux-64::libzlib-1.2.12-h166bdaf_0
lz4-c conda-forge/linux-64::lz4-c-1.9.3-h9c3ff4c_1
metis conda-forge/linux-64::metis-5.1.0-h58526e2_1006
mpc conda-forge/linux-64::mpc-1.2.1-h9f54685_0
mpfr conda-forge/linux-64::mpfr-4.1.0-h9202a9a_1
mpi conda-forge/linux-64::mpi-1.0-mpich
mpi4py conda-forge/linux-64::mpi4py-3.1.3-py310h37cc914_1
mpich conda-forge/linux-64::mpich-4.0.2-h846660c_100
mpmath conda-forge/noarch::mpmath-1.2.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0
mumps-include conda-forge/linux-64::mumps-include-5.2.1-ha770c72_11
mumps-mpi conda-forge/linux-64::mumps-mpi-5.2.1-h7ee95aa_11
ncurses conda-forge/linux-64::ncurses-6.3-h27087fc_1
numpy conda-forge/linux-64::numpy-1.22.4-py310h4ef5377_0
openssl conda-forge/linux-64::openssl-3.0.3-h166bdaf_0
parmetis conda-forge/linux-64::parmetis-4.0.3-h2a9763c_1005
petsc conda-forge/linux-64::petsc-3.17.2-real_h6ce3b2e_101
petsc4py conda-forge/linux-64::petsc4py-3.17.2-real_h5faf7bb_100
pip conda-forge/noarch::pip-22.1.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0
pkg-config conda-forge/linux-64::pkg-config-0.29.2-h36c2ea0_1008
pkgconfig conda-forge/linux-64::pkgconfig-1.5.5-py310hff52083_2
ptscotch conda-forge/linux-64::ptscotch-6.0.9-hb499603_2
pybind11 conda-forge/linux-64::pybind11-2.9.2-py310hbf28c38_1
pybind11-global conda-forge/linux-64::pybind11-global-2.9.2-py310hbf28c38_1
python conda-forge/linux-64::python-3.10.4-h2660328_0_cpython
python_abi conda-forge/linux-64::python_abi-3.10-2_cp310
readline conda-forge/linux-64::readline-8.1.2-h0f457ee_0
rhash conda-forge/linux-64::rhash-1.4.1-h7f98852_0
scalapack conda-forge/linux-64::scalapack-2.2.0-hd931219_1
scotch conda-forge/linux-64::scotch-6.0.9-hb2e6521_2
setuptools conda-forge/linux-64::setuptools-62.3.4-py310hff52083_0
six conda-forge/noarch::six-1.16.0-pyh6c4a22f_0
slepc conda-forge/linux-64::slepc-3.17.1-real_ha2e80f3_100
slepc4py conda-forge/linux-64::slepc4py-3.17.1-real_h7df52cc_102
sqlite conda-forge/linux-64::sqlite-3.38.5-h4ff8645_0
suitesparse conda-forge/linux-64::suitesparse-5.10.1-h9e50725_1
superlu conda-forge/linux-64::superlu-5.2.2-h00795ac_0
superlu_dist conda-forge/linux-64::superlu_dist-7.2.0-h25dcc4a_0
sympy conda-forge/linux-64::sympy-1.10.1-py310hff52083_0
sysroot_linux-64 conda-forge/noarch::sysroot_linux-64-2.12-he073ed8_15
tbb conda-forge/linux-64::tbb-2021.5.0-h924138e_1
tk conda-forge/linux-64::tk-8.6.12-h27826a3_0
tzdata conda-forge/noarch::tzdata-2022a-h191b570_0
wheel conda-forge/noarch::wheel-0.37.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0
xz conda-forge/linux-64::xz-5.2.5-h516909a_1
yaml conda-forge/linux-64::yaml-0.2.5-h7f98852_2
zlib conda-forge/linux-64::zlib-1.2.12-h166bdaf_0
zstd conda-forge/linux-64::zstd-1.5.2-h8a70e8d_1
Downloading and Extracting Packages
cmake-3.23.2 | 16.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
superlu-5.2.2 | 218 KB | ##################################### | 100%
tbb-2021.5.0 | 1.9 MB | ##################################### | 100%
scalapack-2.2.0 | 2.2 MB | ##################################### | 100%
gxx_impl_linux-64-10 | 11.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libgcc-ng-12.1.0 | 940 KB | ##################################### | 100%
bzip2-1.0.8 | 484 KB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-dolfin-2019.1 | 1.2 MB | ##################################### | 100%
hdf5-1.12.1 | 3.7 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libblas-3.9.0 | 12 KB | ##################################### | 100%
expat-2.4.8 | 187 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libev-4.33 | 104 KB | ##################################### | 100%
tzdata-2022a | 121 KB | ##################################### | 100%
binutils_linux-64-2. | 24 KB | ##################################### | 100%
sysroot_linux-64-2.1 | 31.4 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libzlib-1.2.12 | 62 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libffi-3.4.2 | 57 KB | ##################################### | 100%
rhash-1.4.1 | 192 KB | ##################################### | 100%
zlib-1.2.12 | 90 KB | ##################################### | 100%
mpfr-4.1.0 | 2.6 MB | ##################################### | 100%
mpc-1.2.1 | 106 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libcurl-7.83.1 | 344 KB | ##################################### | 100%
boost-cpp-1.74.0 | 16.2 MB | ##################################### | 100%
superlu_dist-7.2.0 | 1.1 MB | ##################################### | 100%
binutils_impl_linux- | 10.4 MB | ##################################### | 100%
openssl-3.0.3 | 2.9 MB | ##################################### | 100%
mumps-include-5.2.1 | 23 KB | ##################################### | 100%
petsc-3.17.2 | 11.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-2019.1.0 | 12 KB | ##################################### | 100%
ld_impl_linux-64-2.3 | 667 KB | ##################################### | 100%
gcc_linux-64-10.3.0 | 25 KB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-ufl-2019.1.0 | 342 KB | ##################################### | 100%
sympy-1.10.1 | 11.7 MB | ##################################### | 100%
metis-5.1.0 | 4.1 MB | ##################################### | 100%
xz-5.2.5 | 343 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libnghttp2-1.47.0 | 824 KB | ##################################### | 100%
gcc_impl_linux-64-10 | 46.6 MB | ##################################### | 100%
eigen-3.4.0 | 1.2 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libopenblas-0.3.20 | 10.1 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libuuid-2.32.1 | 28 KB | ##################################### | 100%
six-1.16.0 | 14 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libsanitizer-10.3.0 | 6.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
lz4-c-1.9.3 | 179 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libstdcxx-ng-12.1.0 | 4.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-ffc-2019.1.0 | 477 KB | ##################################### | 100%
icu-70.1 | 13.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pip-22.1.2 | 1.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pybind11-2.9.2 | 162 KB | ##################################### | 100%
python-3.10.4 | 28.6 MB | ##################################### | 100%
mpmath-1.2.1 | 437 KB | ##################################### | 100%
liblapack-3.9.0 | 12 KB | ##################################### | 100%
tk-8.6.12 | 3.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
hypre-2.24.0 | 1.8 MB | ##################################### | 100%
ca-certificates-2022 | 144 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libuv-1.43.0 | 1.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
python_abi-3.10 | 4 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libgfortran5-12.1.0 | 1.8 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pkgconfig-1.5.5 | 13 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libnsl-2.0.0 | 31 KB | ##################################### | 100%
mpi-1.0 | 4 KB | ##################################### | 100%
kernel-headers_linux | 707 KB | ##################################### | 100%
_openmp_mutex-4.5 | 23 KB | ##################################### | 100%
numpy-1.22.4 | 6.8 MB | ##################################### | 100%
c-ares-1.18.1 | 113 KB | ##################################### | 100%
keyutils-1.6.1 | 115 KB | ##################################### | 100%
gxx_linux-64-10.3.0 | 24 KB | ##################################### | 100%
slepc-3.17.1 | 3.9 MB | ##################################### | 100%
libgomp-12.1.0 | 459 KB | ##################################### | 100%
parmetis-4.0.3 | 274 KB | ##################################### | 100%
mpich-4.0.2 | 6.0 MB | ##################################### | 100%
slepc4py-3.17.1 | 389 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libgfortran-ng-12.1. | 23 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libssh2-1.10.0 | 233 KB | ##################################### | 100%
gmp-6.2.1 | 806 KB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-libdolfin-201 | 2.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
yaml-0.2.5 | 87 KB | ##################################### | 100%
ptscotch-6.0.9 | 1.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
pkg-config-0.29.2 | 120 KB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-dijitso-2019. | 64 KB | ##################################### | 100%
gmpy2-2.1.2 | 800 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libstdcxx-devel_linu | 9.6 MB | ##################################### | 100%
setuptools-62.3.4 | 1.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
krb5-1.19.3 | 1.4 MB | ##################################### | 100%
mpi4py-3.1.3 | 614 KB | ##################################### | 100%
sqlite-3.38.5 | 1.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
scotch-6.0.9 | 1.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
fftw-3.3.10 | 6.5 MB | ##################################### | 100%
readline-8.1.2 | 291 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libedit-3.1.20191231 | 121 KB | ##################################### | 100%
fenics-fiat-2019.1.0 | 140 KB | ##################################### | 100%
suitesparse-5.10.1 | 2.4 MB | ##################################### | 100%
wheel-0.37.1 | 31 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libcblas-3.9.0 | 12 KB | ##################################### | 100%
libgcc-devel_linux-6 | 3.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
ncurses-6.3 | 1002 KB | ##################################### | 100%
zstd-1.5.2 | 452 KB | ##################################### | 100%
pybind11-global-2.9. | 192 KB | ##################################### | 100%
mumps-mpi-5.2.1 | 3.3 MB | ##################################### | 100%
petsc4py-3.17.2 | 1.2 MB | ##################################### | 100%
_libgcc_mutex-0.1 | 3 KB | ##################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
To activate this environment, use
$ conda activate fenicsproject
To deactivate an active environment, use
$ conda deactivate
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Then I executed
$ conda activate fenicsproject
in jupyter cell and I am getting this output:
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use âconda activateâ.
To initialize your shell, run
$ conda init <SHELL_NAME>
Currently supported shells are:
- bash
- fish
- tcsh
- xonsh
- zsh
- powershell
See âconda init --helpâ for more information and options.
IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running âconda initâ.
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Then I ran
$ conda init bash
in cell and I get the output:
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/condabin/conda
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/bin/conda
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/bin/conda-env
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/bin/activate
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/bin/deactivate
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/etc/fish/conf.d/conda.fish
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/shell/condabin/Conda.psm1
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh
no change /home/fenics/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
no change /home/fenics/.bashrc
No action taken.
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
How to solve the problem?