How to find out the reason for my error?

Hi. I am new to FENICS. I am currently trying to solve a PDE that is similar to that of Neo-Hookean material model but is different in certain parameters. I have tried following the methods that have been taught in the manuals. I am so far able to replicate some of the problems.

However, for this unique numerical problem for myself I get the following error message:

TypeError: solve(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (A:, x:, b:, method: str = ‘lu’, preconditioner: str = ‘none’) → int

Invoked with: False, Coefficient(FunctionSpace(Mesh(VectorElement(FiniteElement(‘Lagrange’, triangle, 1), dim=2), 50), VectorElement(FiniteElement(‘Lagrange’, triangle, 1), dim=2)), 58), [<dolfin.fem.dirichletbc.DirichletBC object at 0x7f3f05e86b90>, <dolfin.fem.dirichletbc.DirichletBC object at 0x7f3f05e86c50>], ‘default’, ‘default’




solve(Fi==0, u, bcs)

this is the solve formatting I am using. Here Xi is a second order tensor and v is the test function. Here tensor T is also a first order tensor.

Because I am new in FENICS I do not know exactly what is the reason for the problem. I want to correct my code by myself, however, I do not know what might be the cause of the error. If you could let me know what is this error message referring to it would be very helpful.

You are missing integration measures (dx or ds) in your variational form.
For further questions, please make sure that you:

  1. post a minimal code that reproduces the error
  2. use markdown formatting, i.e.
from dolfin import *
def f(x):
    return x