Instant-clean breaks the instant compiler

I changed a variable name in an Expression class, and the JIT compiler threw an error. I ran “instant-clean”, which cleared the ~/.instant directory, but now when I run any code, I get the error:

In instant.build_module: Cache directory ‘/h2/rwoodall/.fenics_cache/…/instant/amsd4b724tbn/dolfin_compile_code_4511601f2c1afd2bda519850bb21aab8f24df8f5’ shouldn’t exist at this point!

I tried running “dijitso clean” as well, but apparently the build of fenics I am using on my server does not use dijitso.

Any help would be appreciated, as none of my code works at all now.

Edit: Here is the log file after running “instant-clean” and “dijitso clean” on my personal machine:

Which version of fenics are you using? Instant is now deprecated in newer versions of FEniCS.