Hello everyone.
I’m trying to solve a fluid dynamic problem. For benchmark, I want to compute the difference of pressure in points p(0.15,0.2) - p(0.25,0.2).
I’m using a rectangular channel and a specific number of cells, i.g.:
domain = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2.2, 0.41)) n_cells = 44 mesh = generate_mesh(domain, n_cells)
The problem is that in some refinement cases I don’t have a specific vertex in these coordinates.
To solve that, I’m trying to use MeshEditor() to add those specific vertexes.
editor = MeshEditor()
gdim = mesh.geometry().dim()
tdim = mesh.topology().dim()
editor.open(mesh, tdim, gdim)
But when I use the editor.open I get the following error:
TypeError: open(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (self: dolfin.cpp.mesh.MeshEditor, mesh: dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh, type: str, tdim: int, gdim: int, degree: int=1) → NoneInvoked with: <dolfin.cpp.mesh.MeshEditor object at 0x7fc8ee0f0f80>, <dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh object at 0x7fc8edac3f10>, 2, 2
Does anyone have an idea how can I solve this problem? It is not necessary using MeshEditor(), I just want help to compute those values in a specific coordinate
Thank you and have a nice day