Hello every one, it’s me again, well this post has a personal propose, i’m trying to understand this powerful tool called fenics, but i am new user and i have no idea of several functions that this tool has, my goal is make a model of analysis of elliptical hertz contact of steel wires of strandes-wire helical spring, i appreciate if some one have been working in this topic and has some scripts to read and understand this element i will appreciate it very much.
Also please some one could share me how can i define user expressión to apply to my model for example a load around surface model. thanks again for helping. this is a piece of code, could some one tell me what’s wrong? :
Hello DOken thank you for you answer, i apologize, the true error is in this codelines please tell me what’s wrong and thank you again for your response.
The code supplied in the latest reply is not sufficient to reproduce your error message, as it lacks imports and definitions. Please put some effort into making a minimal reproducible example.