Module not found error when importing fenics

Hello everyone,

I am on MacOS, Ventura 13.0.1, Apple M1 chip.

I have installed fenics following the instructions:
conda create -n fenicsx-env
conda activate fenicsx-env
conda install -c conda-forge fenics-dolfinx mpich pyvista

I Have installed it in python version 3.10.11.

I then run python -c “import fenics” in the environment fenicsx-env and get the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘fenics’

I have read through posts that reported similar issues but I wasn’t able to solve the problem on my side. I have tried different in different environments with different Python versions (e.g. 3.10.0), but to no avail. It can’t seem to find the package. When I do “conda list” in the environment, it lists the following fenics-related packages:

fenics-basix 0.6.0 py310ha23aa8a_0 conda-forge
fenics-dolfinx 0.6.0 py310h9047b3e_101 conda-forge
fenics-ffcx 0.6.0 pyh56297ac_0 conda-forge
fenics-libbasix 0.6.0 h7396341_0 conda-forge
fenics-libdolfinx 0.6.0 hc88ee7f_101 conda-forge
fenics-ufcx 0.6.0 h56297ac_0 conda-forge
fenics-ufl 2023.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge

I also had a look in the folder anaconda3/envs/fenicsx-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages and I can’t actually see any actual fenics package/code there, only dist-info folders.

Does anybody have any ideas of what else I can do to get it to work on my machine?

Thousand thanks in advance for your help!!!


You have installed FEniCSX, and should import dolfinx, see for instance:

Thousand thanks!! I should have read the correct documentation, sorry! :blush: