Monitoring the number of iterations of the nonlinear solver

Dear FEniCS community,

I need to monitor the number of iterations (progress information regarding the linear/nonlinear solvers I used).
Could you please guide me?
The FEniCS version: FEniCS 2019.2.0.dev0
IDE: Spyder 3.2.6

Note: I tried almost everything I could find on the FEniCS discourses but couldn’t find a solution. As a last resort, I’m asking you.

Thank you very much

Since you have not specified the way you are solving your nonlinear problem, I will suggest three different ways to get number of iterations.

For example, if you use NonlinearVariationalProblem, you can get number of iterations in a following way:

J = derivative(F, u)
problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, u, bc, J)
solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem)
number_of_iterations, convergence = solver.solve()

However, I would suggest you to design custom Newton solver, as described here.
Then you can get number iterations in a following way:

J = derivative(F, u)
problem = Problem(J, F, bcs)
custom_solver = CustomSolver()
no_iterations, convergence = custom_solver.solve(problem, u.vector())

Alternatively, you can use PETScSNESSolver(), where you get number of iterations similarly

J = derivative(F, u)
problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, u, bc, J)
solver = PETScSNESSolver()
number_of_iterations, convergence = solver.solve()

The simplest way would be the first one, however designing your own solver, or using PETScSNESSolver() provides some options which could help to improve convergence.


Thank you very much for your time and your detailed explanations.
This worked for my problem.
I’m also grateful for the other solver information. I have noted them as well.