No logging output from FFCX

I modified the poisson example so it should give me some information on the FFCX compilation, but unfortunately, it does not. Any hints what I’m doing wrong?

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc

import numpy as np

import ufl
from dolfinx.fem import Function, assemble_scalar, form, functionspace
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import LinearProblem
from import XDMFFile
from dolfinx.mesh import create_unit_square
from ufl import dx, grad, inner

# Wavenumber
k0 = 9 * np.pi

# Approximation space polynomial degree
deg = 1

# Number of elements in each direction of the mesh
n_elem = 128

msh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, n_elem, n_elem)

# Source amplitude
if np.issubdtype(PETSc.ScalarType, np.complexfloating):  # type: ignore
    A = PETSc.ScalarType(1 + 1j)  # type: ignore
    A = 1

# Test and trial function space
V = functionspace(msh, ("Lagrange", deg))

# Define variational problem
u, v = ufl.TrialFunction(V), ufl.TestFunction(V)
f = Function(V)
f.interpolate(lambda x: A * k0**2 * np.cos(k0 * x[0]) * np.cos(k0 * x[1]))
a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx - k0**2 * inner(u, v) * dx
L = inner(f, v) * dx

# Compute solution
uh = Function(V) = "u"
problem = LinearProblem(a, L, u=uh, petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"}, form_compiler_options={"verbosity": 10})

# Save solution in XDMF format (to be viewed in ParaView, for example)
with XDMFFile(
    MPI.COMM_WORLD, "out_helmholtz/plane_wave.xdmf", "w", encoding=XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5
) as file:

Also, is there a way to let me know whenever a compilation happens in this script, i.e. settings the form compiler option globally rather than at one particular form or problem? Ideally without creating a ffcx_options.json file. Btw, I’ve tried that also, and that did not work either.

ffcx version 0.8.0
dolfinx version 0.8.0
python version 3.12.2
MacOSX 14.5

ffcx uses a logger from the python logging library ffcx/ffcx/ at 20f0dbdf1cb97a6a280849536d1b94b959f0e0ca · FEniCS/ffcx · GitHub

Can you getting that same logger and changing the level?

So I added the following after the FEniCS imports, assuming this is what you meant. Unfortunately, still no output.

from ufl import dx, grad, inner

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("ffcx")

# Wavenumber
k0 = 4 * np.pi

I would do something along the lines of:

import logging

from mpi4py import MPI
import dolfinx
import ufl
import ffcx
options = ffcx.get_options({"verbosity": 10})


mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, 10)
J = 1 * ufl.dx(domain=mesh)
dolfinx.fem.form(J, form_compiler_options=options)

which yields:

INFO:ffcx:Final option values
INFO:ffcx:{'epsilon': 1e-14,
 'scalar_type': <class 'numpy.float64'>,
 'sum_factorization': False,
 'table_atol': 1e-09,
 'table_rtol': 1e-06,
 'verbosity': 1}
INFO:ffcx:Final option values
INFO:ffcx:{'epsilon': 1e-14,
 'scalar_type': <class 'numpy.float64'>,
 'sum_factorization': False,
 'table_atol': 1e-09,
 'table_rtol': 1e-06,
 'verbosity': 1}
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 1: Analyzing UFL objects
INFO:ffcx:Integral 0, integral group 0:
INFO:ffcx:--- quadrature rule: default
INFO:ffcx:--- quadrature degree: 0
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 1 finished in 0.0341 seconds.
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 2: Computing intermediate representation of objects
INFO:ffcx:Computing IR for integral in integral group 0
INFO:ffcx:Computing IR for form 0
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 2 finished in 0.0085 seconds.
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 3: Generating code
INFO:ffcx:Generating code for integral:
INFO:ffcx:--- type: cell
INFO:ffcx:--- name: integral_cf300663e5655cc5df57ced894f7f3bf99c04c6d
INFO:ffcx:Generating code for form:
INFO:ffcx:--- rank: 0
INFO:ffcx:--- name: form_49433a30d987ab3f0fca907e7d46f6f88db3cfb2
INFO:ffcx:Generating code for file
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 3 finished in 0.0020 seconds.
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 5: Formatting code
INFO:ffcx:Compiler stage 4 finished in 0.0001 seconds.
INFO:ffcx:Calling JIT C compiler

You would need to pass the options around (I guess the only workaround would be to make the json file.

import logging

from mpi4py import MPI
import dolfinx
import ufl

import json

json.dump({"verbosity": 10}, open("ffcx_options.json", mode="w"))

mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, 10)
J = 1 * ufl.dx(domain=mesh)