Plotting a 3d mesh in Dolfin using `Pyvista`

I was working through the “Built-in Meshes” tutorial in the Dolfin docs, but had trouble with plotting 3d meshes in matplotlib, as many people have commented on in the forum.

One recommendation was to use Pyvista, however, I was trying to find an example of plotting a 3d mesh from Dolfin in Pyvista. There is a good example for using Dolfinx, but not for Dolfin. In the Dolfinx package, setting up the mesh requires the topology and geometry. The link is provided here for Dolfinx. Does anyone have a similar link to code for using Pyvista to plot a Dolfin mesh?

See GitHub - jorgensd/dolfin_pyvista_adapter: Adapter for Pyvista for arbitrary order (discontinuous) Lagrange with Legacy Dolfin.

Ahh okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the direction. Yeah, I can use that package.

I really appreciate your help with all of these questions :).