Problems with dolfin, XDMF and MPI

Hi all, I’m dealing with a plasto-elastic problem. I wrote my dolfin code and at the end I’d like to save the mesh in order to start a new calculation with that result. Due to the complexity, I thought that I should use the format XDMF, I red a lot of documentation and I thougth that my code was ok… But it turned out this error: "AttributeError: module ‘dolfin.mesh’ has no attribute ‘_cpp_object’ ". Can anyone please help me?

Here there is my code:

from __future__ import division
from dolfin import *
from ufl import diag
import h5py
import mshr
import numpy as np
import math
from mesh_cyl import mesh_cyl
from mpi4py import MPI
import os

parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True   
parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "uflacs"
parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = True
parameters["form_compiler"]['quadrature_degree'] = 6
params      = {'nonlinear_solver': 'snes',
                'linear_solver'           : 'mumps',
                'absolute_tolerance'      : 1e-10,
                'relative_tolerance'      : 1e-10,
                'maximum_iterations'      : 20,
            #          'error_on_nonconvergence' : False

class Top(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        TOL = 0.001
        return on_boundary and near(x[2], 7., TOL)

class Bottom(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        TOL = 0.001
        return on_boundary and near(x[2], 0., TOL)

class torsion_cyl:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mesh = self.define_mesh()
        self.gamma = Constant(0) = 1
        self.bcs = self.boundary_conditions(self.V)

    def define_mesh(self):
        self.L = 7.
        k = (2*DOLFIN_PI)/self.L
        m = 1
        self.Ri = 0.35
        self.Ro = 1
        mesh = mesh_cyl(self.Ri, self.Ro, self.L, 20)
        return mesh

    def functionSpace(self):
        Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
        Pelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
        VPRelem = MixedElement([Velem, Pelem])
        self.V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, VPRelem)
        boundaries = self.subdomains(self.V)

    def initialize_functions(self):
        self.up = Function(self.V)
        self.u, self.p = split(self.up)
        self.up0 = Function(self.V)

    def subdomains(self, V):
        top = Top()
        bottom = Bottom()
        boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", self.mesh, 2)
        top.mark(boundaries, 1)
        bottom.mark(boundaries, 2)

        return boundaries

    def boundary_conditions(self, V):
        boundaries = self.subdomains(V)
        self.ds = Measure("ds", domain=self.mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)
        bcb1 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(0), 0, boundaries, 1)
        bcb2 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(1), 0, boundaries, 1)
        bcb3 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(2), 0, boundaries, 1)
        bct1 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(0), 0, boundaries, 2)
        bct2 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(1), 0, boundaries, 2)
        bct3 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(2), 0, boundaries, 2)

        return [bcb1, bcb2, bcb3, bct1, bct2, bct3]

    def FirstAndSecondVariation(self):
        boundaries = self.subdomains(self.V)
        X = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        R,Theta,Z = X

        x = X + self.u
        r,theta,z = x
        G = as_tensor([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,-self.gamma*R],[0.,0.,1.]])
        Ge = det(G)
        invG = inv(G)
        F = grad(x)
        invF = inv(F)
        Fe = F * invG
        Ce = Fe.T * Fe
        self.Je = det(Fe)
        I1 = tr(Ce)*self.Je**(-2./3.)
        Iden = diag(as_vector([1,1,1]))

        psi = (*(I1-3)+Constant(100)*ln(self.Je)**2-self.p*(self.Je-1))
        self.W = psi*dx

        FF = derivative(self.W, self.up, TestFunction(self.V))
        dF = derivative(FF, self.up, TrialFunction(self.V))
        return FF, dF

    def monitor(self):
        u = Function(self.up,0,name="displacement")
        p = Function(self.up,1,name="pressure")

    def newton_solver(self):
        FF, dF = self.FirstAndSecondVariation()
        problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(FF, self.up, self.bcs, dF)
        solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem)

my_problem = torsion_cyl()
T = 1.2 # total simulation time
t = 0.0
dt = 0.004
dt1 = -0.01
gamma0 = 0.0
gamma_max = 1.

test = 0
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

while t < T and dt>1e-6:
      t += dt
      my_problem.gamma.assign(gamma0 + gamma_max*t)
      if rank == 0:
          print(f"t: {t}")
          print(f"T: {float(my_problem.gamma)}")
      ok = 0
      while ok == 0 :
              if rank == 0:
                  print("In try")
              ok = 1
          except RuntimeError:
              if rank == 0:
               dt = dt/2.
               t += -dt
               my_problem.gamma.assign(gamma0 + gamma_max*t)

encoding = XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5
file = XDMFFile("mesh.xdmf")

As you have not supplied the mesh generator you use, there is no way to reproduce the error.
Note that you should not supply your whole code, as it should not be required to obtain the error message. Here is a minimal working code example that runs without error.

from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10,10)
encoding = XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5
file = XDMFFile("mesh.xdmf")

Please create a similar example where this is failing.

I tried to run your simplified code and the errror I get is this:
"AttributeError: type object ‘XDMFFile’ has no attribute ‘Encoding’

Please supply how you installed dolfin and Which version you used.
To run the code above I used the latest released version with docker:

docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/home/shared -w /home/shared --rm