Edit so that bottom line is clear: How does ufl/basix scale bubble functions in enriched elements?
I am wondering about how ufl and basix go about the creation of bubble enriched elements, specifically how the bubble basis is scaled to preserve the partition of unity. Consider a P2+B3 element. The test below passes for the standard P2 basis, but when I add and scale the bubble function, I no longer get what dolfin outputs. I assume my scaling is incorrect, but https://defelement.com doesn’t have this element and I can’t seem to find the relevant source code in either ufl or basix to compare. Thank you!
import numpy as np
import dolfin as d
mesh = d.UnitTriangleMesh.create()
P2 = d.FiniteElement("P", d.triangle, degree=2)
bubble = d.FiniteElement("B", d.triangle, degree=3)
VE = d.NodalEnrichedElement(P2, bubble)
V = d.FunctionSpace(mesh, P2)
W = d.FunctionSpace(mesh, VE)
def P2_basis(pt):
# barycentric coords
L2 = pt[:,0]
L3 = pt[:,1]
L1 = (1 - L2 - L3)
basis = np.array([2*L1**2 - L1,
2*L2**2 - L2,
2*L3**2 - L3,
return basis
def P2_B3_basis(pt):
L2 = pt[:,0]
L3 = pt[:,1]
L1 = (1 - L2 - L3)
basis = P2_basis(pt)
B3 = 27*L1*L2*L3 # bubble
basis[-1] = B3
scale = (np.array([-1/6., -1/6., -1/6., -1/6., -1/6., -1/6., 0.])*B3).reshape(7,1)
scaled_basis = basis + scale
return scaled_basis
for i in range(10):
x = np.random.random(1)/3
y = np.random.random(1)/3
pt = np.array([x,y]).T
my_P2 = P2_basis(pt)
my_P2B3 = P2_B3_basis(pt)
dolfin_vals_P2 = []
dolfin_vals_P2B3 = []
cell = d.Cell(mesh, 0)
for j in range(6):
dolfin_vals_P2.append(V.element().evaluate_basis(j, pt, cell.get_vertex_coordinates(), cell.orientation())[0])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array([dolfin_vals_P2]).T, my_P2) # OK
for j in range(7):
dolfin_vals_P2B3.append(W.element().evaluate_basis(j, pt, cell.get_vertex_coordinates(), cell.orientation())[0])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array([dolfin_vals_P2B3]).T, my_P2B3) # NOT OK