While porting my dolfin
code to dolfinx
, I have stumbled upon the following issue. I have a 3D geometry file (input3D.geo
, attached below) which I used in Gmsh
to generate 3D mesh. This file contains tags for all the physical subdomains (cell_tags) and tags for all the physical boundaries (facet_tags).
To read XDMF mesh file in dolfin
, I followed the (outdated) three-step approach described below:
- Use
to convertinput3D.geo
. - Use
to convertinput3D.msh
import os
os.system("dolfin-convert {0} {1}".format("input3D.msh", "input3D.xml"))
import dolfin as df
mesh = df.Mesh("input3D.xml")
subdomains = df.MeshFunction("size_t",mesh,"input3D_physical_region.xml")
boundaries = df.MeshFunction("size_t",mesh,"input3D_facet_region.xml")
- Use
to convert________.xml
file = df.HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), "input3D.h5", "w")
file.write(mesh, "/mesh")
file.write(subdomains, "/subdomains")
file.write(boundaries, "/boundaries")
Following the above steps, I was successfully able to read the mesh file back into dolfin
import dolfin as df
mesh = df.Mesh()
hdf = df.HDF5File(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), "input3D.h5", "r")
hdf.read(mesh, "/mesh", False)
dim = mesh.topology().dim()
subdomains = df.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, dim)
hdf.read(subdomains, "/subdomains")
boundaries = df.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, dim - 1)
hdf.read(boundaries, "/boundaries")
I went through all the effort to define custom ufl
measures, which proved to be very helpful when imposing boundary conditions weakly.
import ufl
ufl.dx = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=subdomains)
ufl.ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)
ufl.dS = ufl.Measure("dS", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)
I investigated the data by printing the entries in subdomains
and boundaries
variables. As expected, there is an associated tag-id for each cell. Hence the lengths of subdomain
array and boundaries
array are equal to the total number of cells in the mesh. The boundaries
array contains either zero
(for inner cells) or a tag-id
(for cells on the boundary) as defined in the gmsh
I want to achieve the same end result in dolfinx. To this end, I converted the input3D.geo
file to input3D.msh
using Gmsh
software. I then used the following snippet to obtain the numerical tags.
import dolfinx as dfx
from mpi4py import MPI
mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = dfx.io.gmshio.read_from_msh(\
"input3D.msh", MPI.COMM_WORLD, gdim=3)j
Upon investigation the length of facet_tags
is not equal to the number of total cells in the mesh. It only returns the non-zero id
, which on the first look makes sense.
In short, I want to use facet_tags
just as I have used boundaries
in old dolfin
. Could anyone confirm if the boundaries
in dolfin and facet_tags
in dolfinx mentioned above in my explanation are equivalent?
Ultimately I’d like to define some custom ufl
measures using these tags like below.
import ufl
ufl.dx = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=mesh_dfx, subdomain_data=cell_tags)
ufl.ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh_dfx, subdomain_data=facet_tags)
ufl.dS = ufl.Measure("dS", domain=mesh_dfx, subdomain_data=facet_tags)
Here is the (long and complicated) input3D.geo
file for testing in case you’re interested.
//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 1;
//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature = 1;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 0.5;
lc = 0.1;
//Mesh.RandomFactor = 5.e-10;
// Choose 2D Algorithm
// 1 : MeshAdapt
// 2 : Automatic
// 5 : Delaunay
// 6 : Frontal-Delaunay
Mesh.Algorithm = 5;
// Choose 3D Algorithm
// 1: Delaunay
Mesh.Algorithm3D = 1;
vane_diagonal = 1.414235;
radius = 2 * vane_diagonal;
xmid = 0.75 * vane_diagonal;
ymid = 0;
zmid = 0.75 * vane_diagonal;
vane_start = xmid - (vane_diagonal/2);
vane_thickness = 0.005;
lx = vane_start + vane_diagonal;
ly = vane_diagonal;
lz = vane_start + vane_diagonal;
// Right Vane
// (Hot) POINTS
p01 = newp; Point(p01) = {+vane_start, +ymid, +vane_thickness, lc};
p02 = newp; Point(p02) = {+xmid, +ly/2, +vane_thickness, lc};
p03 = newp; Point(p03) = {+lx, +ymid, +vane_thickness, lc};
p04 = newp; Point(p04) = {+xmid, -ly/2, +vane_thickness, lc};
// (Cold) Points
p05 = newp; Point(p05) = {+vane_start, +ymid, -vane_thickness, lc};
p06 = newp; Point(p06) = {+xmid, +ly/2, -vane_thickness, lc};
p07 = newp; Point(p07) = {+lx, +ymid, -vane_thickness, lc};
p08 = newp; Point(p08) = {+xmid, -ly/2, -vane_thickness, lc};
// Bottom Vane
// (Hot) POINTS
p09 = newp; Point(p09) = { +vane_thickness,+ymid, -vane_start, lc};
p10 = newp; Point(p10) = { +vane_thickness,+ly/2, -zmid, lc};
p11 = newp; Point(p11) = { +vane_thickness,+ymid, -lz, lc};
p12 = newp; Point(p12) = { +vane_thickness,-ly/2,-zmid, lc};
// (Cold) Points
p13 = newp; Point(p13) = { -vane_thickness, +ymid, -vane_start, lc};
p14 = newp; Point(p14) = { -vane_thickness, +ly/2, -zmid,lc};
p15 = newp; Point(p15) = { -vane_thickness, +ymid, -lz, lc};
p16 = newp; Point(p16) = { -vane_thickness, -ly/2, -zmid, lc};
// Left Vane
//(HOT) Points
p17 = newp; Point(p17) = {-vane_start, +ymid, -vane_thickness, lc};
p18 = newp; Point(p18) = {-xmid, +ly/2, -vane_thickness, lc};
p19 = newp; Point(p19) = {-lx, +ymid, -vane_thickness, lc};
p20 = newp; Point(p20) = {-xmid, -ly/2, -vane_thickness, lc};
p21 = newp; Point(p21) = {-vane_start, +ymid, +vane_thickness, lc};
p22 = newp; Point(p22) = {-xmid, +ly/2, +vane_thickness, lc};
p23 = newp; Point(p23) = {-lx, +ymid, +vane_thickness, lc};
p24 = newp; Point(p24) = {-xmid, -ly/2, +vane_thickness, lc};
// Top Vane
// (HOT) Points
p25 = newp; Point(p25) = { -vane_thickness, +ymid, vane_start, lc};
p26 = newp; Point(p26) = { -vane_thickness, +ly/2, zmid,lc};
p27 = newp; Point(p27) = { -vane_thickness, +ymid, lz, lc};
p28 = newp; Point(p28) = { -vane_thickness, -ly/2, zmid, lc};
p29 = newp; Point(p29) = { +vane_thickness,+ymid, vane_start, lc};
p30 = newp; Point(p30) = { +vane_thickness,+ly/2, zmid, lc};
p31 = newp; Point(p31) = { +vane_thickness,+ymid, lz, lc};
p32 = newp; Point(p32) = { +vane_thickness,-ly/2, zmid, lc};
//Connecting Lines
// Right vane
// HOT
l01 = newl; Line(l01) = {p01, p02};
l02 = newl; Line(l02) = {p02, p03};
l03 = newl; Line(l03) = {p03, p04};
l04 = newl; Line(l04) = {p04, p01};
l05 = newl; Line(l05) = {p05, p06};
l06 = newl; Line(l06) = {p06, p07};
l07 = newl; Line(l07) = {p07, p08};
l08 = newl; Line(l08) = {p08, p05};
// HOT
l09 = newl; Line(l09) = {p09, p10};
l10 = newl; Line(l10) = {p10, p11};
l11 = newl; Line(l11) = {p11, p12};
l12 = newl; Line(l12) = {p12, p09};
l13 = newl; Line(l13) = {p13, p14};
l14 = newl; Line(l14) = {p14, p15};
l15 = newl; Line(l15) = {p15, p16};
l16 = newl; Line(l16) = {p16, p13};
// LEFT vane
// HOT
l17 = newl; Line(l17) = {p17, p18};
l18 = newl; Line(l18) = {p18, p19};
l19 = newl; Line(l19) = {p19, p20};
l20 = newl; Line(l20) = {p20, p17};
l21 = newl; Line(l21) = {p21, p22};
l22 = newl; Line(l22) = {p22, p23};
l23 = newl; Line(l23) = {p23, p24};
l24 = newl; Line(l24) = {p24, p21};
// UP
// HOT
l25 = newl; Line(l25) = {p25, p26};
l26 = newl; Line(l26) = {p26, p27};
l27 = newl; Line(l27) = {p27, p28};
l28 = newl; Line(l28) = {p28, p25};
l29 = newl; Line(l29) = {p29, p30};
l30 = newl; Line(l30) = {p30, p31};
l31 = newl; Line(l31) = {p31, p32};
l32 = newl; Line(l32) = {p32, p29};
l33 = newl; Line(l33) = {p01, p05};
l34 = newl; Line(l34) = {p02, p06};
l35 = newl; Line(l35) = {p03, p07};
l36 = newl; Line(l36) = {p04, p08};
l37 = newl; Line(l37) = {p09, p13};
l38 = newl; Line(l38) = {p10, p14};
l39 = newl; Line(l39) = {p11, p15};
l40 = newl; Line(l40) = {p12, p16};
l41 = newl; Line(l41) = {p17, p21};
l42 = newl; Line(l42) = {p18, p22};
l43 = newl; Line(l43) = {p19, p23};
l44 = newl; Line(l44) = {p20, p24};
l45 = newl; Line(l45) = {p25, p29};
l46 = newl; Line(l46) = {p26, p30};
l47 = newl; Line(l47) = {p27, p31};
l48 = newl; Line(l48) = {p28, p32};
rh_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rh_cl) = {l01, l02, l03, l04};
rc_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rc_cl) = {l05, l06, l07, l08};
rt1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rt1_cl) = {+l01,+l34,-l05,-l33};
rt2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rt2_cl) = {+l02,+l35,-l06,-l34};
rb1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rb1_cl) = {-l04,+l36,+l08,-l33};
rb2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(rb2_cl) = {-l03,+l35,+l07,-l36};
dh_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(dh_cl) = {l09, l10, l11, l12};
dc_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(dc_cl) = {l13, l14, l15, l16};
dt1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(dt1_cl) = {+l09,+l38,-l13,-l37};
dt2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(dt2_cl) = {+l10,+l39,-l14,-l38};
db1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(db1_cl) = {-l12,+l40,+l16,-l37};
db2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(db2_cl) = {-l11,+l39,+l15,-l40};
lh_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lh_cl) = {l17, l18, l19, l20};
lc_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lc_cl) = {l21, l22, l23, l24};
lt1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lt1_cl) = {+l17,+l42,-l21,-l41};
lt2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lt2_cl) = {+l18,+l43,-l22,-l42};
lb1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lb1_cl) = {-l20,+l44,+l24,-l41};
lb2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(lb2_cl) = {-l19,+l43,+l23,-l44};
// UP
uh_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(uh_cl) = {l25, l26, l27, l28};
uc_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(uc_cl) = {l29, l30, l31, l32};
ut_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ut_cl) = {+l25, +l26, +l47, -l30, -l29, -l45};
ub_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ub_cl) = {-l28, -l27, +l47, +l31, +l32, -l45};
ut1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ut1_cl) = {+l25,+l46,-l29,-l45};
ut2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ut2_cl) = {+l26,+l47,-l30,-l46};
ub1_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ub1_cl) = {-l28,+l48,+l32,-l45};
ub2_cl = newcl; Curve Loop(ub2_cl) = {-l27,+l47,+l31,-l48};
// Surfaces
rh_s = news; Surface(rh_s) = {rh_cl};
rc_s = news; Surface(rc_s) = {rc_cl};
rt1_s = news; Surface(rt1_s) = {rt1_cl};
rb1_s = news; Surface(rb1_s) = {rb1_cl};
rt2_s = news; Surface(rt2_s) = {rt2_cl};
rb2_s = news; Surface(rb2_s) = {rb2_cl};
dh_s = news; Surface(dh_s) = {dh_cl};
dc_s = news; Surface(dc_s) = {dc_cl};
dt1_s = news; Surface(dt1_s) = {dt1_cl};
db1_s = news; Surface(db1_s) = {db1_cl};
dt2_s = news; Surface(dt2_s) = {dt2_cl};
db2_s = news; Surface(db2_s) = {db2_cl};
lh_s = news; Surface(lh_s) = {lh_cl};
lc_s = news; Surface(lc_s) = {lc_cl};
lt1_s = news; Surface(lt1_s) = {lt1_cl};
lb1_s = news; Surface(lb1_s) = {lb1_cl};
lt2_s = news; Surface(lt2_s) = {lt2_cl};
lb2_s = news; Surface(lb2_s) = {lb2_cl};
uh_s = news; Surface(uh_s) = {uh_cl};
uc_s = news; Surface(uc_s) = {uc_cl};
ut1_s = news; Surface(ut1_s) = {ut1_cl};
ub1_s = news; Surface(ub1_s) = {ub1_cl};
ut2_s = news; Surface(ut2_s) = {ut2_cl};
ub2_s = news; Surface(ub2_s) = {ub2_cl};
// Physical Surfaces
Physical Surface("RightHot",188) = {rh_s};
Physical Surface("RightCold",183) = {rc_s};
Physical Surface("RightTop",1820) = {rt1_s, rt2_s};
Physical Surface("RightBottom",182) = {rb1_s, rb2_s};
Physical Surface("DownHot", 48) = {dh_s};
Physical Surface("DownCold",43) = {dc_s};
Physical Surface("DownTop",420) = {dt1_s, dt2_s};
Physical Surface("DownBottom",42) = {db1_s, db2_s};
Physical Surface("LeftHot",128) = {lh_s};
Physical Surface("LeftCold",123) = {lc_s};
Physical Surface("LeftTop",1220) = {lt1_s, lt2_s};
Physical Surface("LeftBottom",122) = {lb1_s, lb2_s};
Physical Surface("UpHot", 218) = {uh_s};
Physical Surface("UpCold",213) = {uc_s};
Physical Surface("UpTop",2120) = {ut1_s, ut2_s};
Physical Surface("UpBottom",212) = {ub1_s, ub2_s};
r_sl = newsl; Surface Loop(r_sl) = {rh_s, rc_s, rt1_s, rt2_s, rb1_s, rb2_s};
d_sl = newsl; Surface Loop(d_sl) = {dh_s, dc_s, dt1_s, dt2_s, db1_s, db2_s};
l_sl = newsl; Surface Loop(l_sl) = {lh_s, lc_s, lt1_s, lt2_s, lb1_s, lb2_s};
u_sl = newsl; Surface Loop(u_sl) = {uh_s, uc_s, ut1_s, ut2_s, ub1_s, ub2_s};
Volume(1000) = {r_sl};
Volume(1001) = {d_sl};
Volume(1002) = {l_sl};
Volume(1003) = {u_sl};
Sphere(900) = {0, 0, 0, radius};
Physical Surface("Wall", 23) = {99};
Physical Volume ("VOLUME", 8888) = { BooleanDifference{ Volume{900}; Delete; }{ Volume{1000}; Volume{1001}; Volume{1002}; Volume{1003}; }
//Characteristic Length {188, 183, lh_s, lc_s} = 0.01;