Resolution in meshr.generate_mesh

I would like to know how the mesh resolution in mshr.generate_mesh(geometry, resolution) impacts in a mesh. If there is already an answer for this here please leave the link to it.

For example, suppose that I have a geometry given by a triangle and I want to create a mesh on it. Then I would write

meshr.generate_mesh(triangle, 10)

How many cells does 10 create in the triangle geometry? Is there a pattern to the mesh resolution argument in generate_mesh? I couldn’t find anything in the internet that explains this clearly.

I would suggest looking at the source code. In particular Bitbucket

By what I could grasp from the code the resolution is the number where we divide the diameter of the bounding circle of a geometry. The result is the cell size of the triangulation. That’s already something for me.
The other parameter called segment granulaty is the one I am not familiar with. After some readings at the internet, I found that granularity refers to the amount of pieces of information necessary to display the data in more or less datail/precision. This should be related to the number of triangles of the generated mesh, but I am not sure. I need to dig deeper on that. If anyone has some answer or insight on this, I would appreciate sharing it here.