Solving equations on different subdomains results in PETSc.ERROR: code 73

I am working on a problem consisting of multiple equations that need to be solved on different subdomains. Everything works fine when I solve the coupled equations on the whole domain. As soon as I try to solve the equations on particular subdomains, I get an error that I cannot solve by myself.

To reproduce this error, I have written a code for solving the pure elasticity problem of a rectangle consisting of an outer and an inner subdomain. Here the equation is to be solved on the outer subdomain. See the following figure:

Consider the following the MWE:

from dolfinx import la
from dolfinx.fem import (dirichletbc, form, Function, FunctionSpace, locate_dofs_geometrical)
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import (apply_lifting, assemble_matrix, assemble_vector, create_matrix, create_vector, set_bc)
from import XDMFFile
from dolfinx.mesh import (create_rectangle, locate_entities, meshtags)
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from petsc4py import PETSc
from ufl import (derivative, dx, grad, Identity, inner, lhs, Measure, rhs, sym, TestFunction, tr, TrialFunction, VectorElement)

#--------------------------Create mesh--------------------------
nxy = 50
mesh = create_rectangle(comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, points=[np.array([-2, -2]), np.array([2, 2])], n=[nxy,nxy])

#--------------------------Boundary conditions--------------------------
def Top(x):
    return np.isclose(x[1], 2)

def Bottom(x):
    return np.isclose(x[1], -2)

def bc_l(x):
    result1 = np.isclose(x[0], -2)
    result2 = np.isclose(x[1], -2)
    return np.logical_and(result1, result2)

u_el = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, u_el)

U_0, submap0= V.sub(0).collapse()
U_1, submap1 = V.sub(1).collapse()

dofs_u_top = locate_dofs_geometrical((V.sub(1), U_1), Top)
dofs_u_bot = locate_dofs_geometrical((V.sub(1), U_1), Bottom)
dofs_u_left = locate_dofs_geometrical((V.sub(0), U_0), bc_l)

u_Ly = Function(U_1)
with u_Ly.vector.localForm() as bc_local:

zero_u = Function(U_1)
with zero_u.vector.localForm() as bc_local:

bc_u_top = dirichletbc(u_Ly, dofs_u_top, V.sub(1))
bc_u_bot = dirichletbc(zero_u, dofs_u_bot, V.sub(1))
bc_u_left = dirichletbc(zero_u, dofs_u_left, V.sub(0))

bc_u = [bc_u_top, bc_u_bot, bc_u_left]

#--------------------------measure dx--------------------------
Tol = 1e-1
def outersub(x):
    result1 = x[0] <= -1+Tol
    result2 = x[0] >= 1-Tol
    result3 = x[1] <= -1+Tol
    result4 = x[1] >= 1-Tol
    return np.logical_or(result1, np.logical_or(result2, np.logical_or(result3, result4)))

def innersub(x):
    result1 = x[0] > -1
    result2 = x[0] < 1
    result3 = x[1] > -1
    result4 = x[1] < 1
    return np.logical_and(result1, np.logical_and(result2, np.logical_and(result3, result4)))

boundaries =    [(0, outersub),
                (1, innersub)]
cell_indices, cell_markers = [], []
for (marker, locator) in boundaries:
    cells = locate_entities(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, locator)
    cell_markers.append(np.full(len(cells), marker))
cell_indices = np.array(np.hstack(cell_indices), dtype=np.int32)
cell_markers = np.array(np.hstack(cell_markers), dtype=np.int32)
sorted_cells = np.argsort(cell_indices)
cell_tag = meshtags(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, cell_indices[sorted_cells], cell_markers[sorted_cells])
dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=cell_tag)

#--------------------------Variational form--------------------------
#~~~~~~~~Introduce manually the material parameters
E       = PETSc.ScalarType(15.96)
nu      = PETSc.ScalarType(0.2)

lamda = PETSc.ScalarType((nu*E)/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu)))
mu    = PETSc.ScalarType(E/(2*(1+nu)))

#~~~~~~~~Constitutive functions
def epsilon(u_):
    return sym(grad(u_))

def sigma(u_):
    return  2.0*mu*epsilon(u_)+lamda*tr(epsilon(u_))*Identity(len(u_))

u = Function(V, name="displacement")
v = TestFunction(V)
E_u = (inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)))*dx(0)

#--------------------------create solver--------------------------
class NonlinearPDE_SNESProblem():
    def __init__(self, F, J, soln_vars, bcs, P=None):
        self.L = form(F)
        self.a = form(J)
        self.a_precon = P
        self.bcs = bcs
        self.soln_vars = soln_vars

    def F(self, snes, x, F):
        x.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD)
        with x.localForm() as _x:
            self.soln_vars.x.array[:] = _x.array_r
        with F.localForm() as f_local:
        assemble_vector(F, self.L)
        apply_lifting(F, [self.a], bcs=[self.bcs], x0=[x], scale=-1.0)
        F.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
        set_bc(F, self.bcs, x, -1.0)

    def J(self, snes, x, J, P):
        assemble_matrix(J, self.a, bcs=self.bcs, diagonal=1.0)
        if self.a_precon is not None:
            assemble_matrix(P, self.a_precon, bcs=self.bcs, diagonal=1.0)
#~~~~~~~~displacement problem
dU = TrialFunction(V)
a_u = lhs(E_u)
L_u = rhs(E_u)
J_u = derivative(F_u, u, dU)
F_u, J_u = form(F_u), form(J_u)
Jmat_u = create_matrix(J_u)
Fvec_u = create_vector(F_u)
problem_u = NonlinearPDE_SNESProblem(F=F_u, J=J_u, soln_vars=u, bcs=bc_u)

#~~~~~~~~KSP solver
b_u = la.create_petsc_vector(V.dofmap.index_map, V.dofmap.index_map_bs)
J_u = create_matrix(problem_u.a)
solver_u_snes = PETSc.SNES().create(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
solver_u_snes.setFunction(problem_u.F, Fvec_u)
solver_u_snes.setJacobian(problem_u.J, Jmat_u, P=None)

with u_Ly.vector.localForm() as bc_local:

solver_u_snes.solve(None, u.vector)

xdmf = XDMFFile(mesh.comm, "./MWE.xdmf", "w")

The source of the solver is: dolfinx/ at 611361eb24a6b8f6a9480b2034f53dc67feecf7e · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub

The output/error message reads:

Form has no parts with arity 2.
WARNING:UFL:Form has no parts with arity 2.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/shared/PhaseField/Different H's/Fenicsx/2D/", line 157, in <module>
    solver_u_snes.solve(None, u.vector)
  File "PETSc/SNES.pyx", line 590, in petsc4py.PETSc.SNES.solve
petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code 73
[0] SNESSolve() at /usr/local/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c:4756
[0] SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() at /usr/local/petsc/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c:222
[0] KSPSolve() at /usr/local/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:1078
[0] KSPSolve_Private() at /usr/local/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:843
[0] KSPSetUp() at /usr/local/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:407
[0] PCSetUp() at /usr/local/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c:990
[0] PCSetUp_LU() at /usr/local/petsc/src/ksp/pc/impls/factor/lu/lu.c:93
[0] MatLUFactorSymbolic() at /usr/local/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c:2966
[0] MatLUFactorSymbolic_SeqAIJ() at /usr/local/petsc/src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aijfact.c:304
[0] Object is in wrong state
[0] Matrix is missing diagonal entry 838

Dolfinx version (installed via Docker dolfinx/dolfinx):
petsc4py version: 3.17.0

Thank you in advance!

With kind regards

There are several issues with your code. However, your code is quite lengthy, and there are several redefinitions of variables throughout the code.
I’ll start with

which stems from

which returns nothing as there is no trial function here.

However, the general problem is that you are trying to solve something on a sub domain, but using a function space defined on the whole mesh.

If you actually want to decouple the problems, and only solve in the outer sub domain, you need to use create_submesh as illustrated in the following test:

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Thank you very much! This is exactly what I needed. And thanks for the additional advice!

For future readers: another example of how to use create_submesh can be seen in