Time-stepping of nonlinear time dependent problem with time-dependent BC


I am trying to solve a heat-diffusion problem with a Robin boundary condition. For an evaluation at a given time I manage to solve the problem without any issue. However, as soon as I try to perform a time-stepping algorithm I get an infinite loop where the topolgy computation tries to find the connectivity:

2024-09-27 15:45:59.163 (1787.682s) [main ]topologycomputation.cpp:799 INFO| Requesting connectivity (2,0) - (1,0)
2024-09-27 15:45:59.163 (1787.683s) [main ]topologycomputation.cpp:799 INFO| Requesting connectivity (1,0) - (2,0)

The lines above repeat in an infinite loop.

I am using the latest release of dolfinx-fenics (https://fenicsproject.org) on a Lenovo Think Pad with an Intel(R) Core™ i7-8550U CPU @1.80GHZ. It’s a 64-Bit-System with Windows 11 Pro version 23H2. I have an Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 graphic card.

And the code I am running is as follows and the error occures in the time-loop when I instatiate problem = NonlinearProblem(L, Tnew, bcs=bcs)

# Importing the functino space and numpy
import ufl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyvista

# Importing the solver bases
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc

# Importing the packages of fenicsx
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io, log, default_scalar_type, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver

# Creating the mesh and the function space
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 100, 100)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)                           # x is the 2D coordiante vector
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))

# Creating the trial function and the test function
T = fem.Function(V)                     # Function for Temperature (necessary as the problem is non-linear)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)                 # Test function

# Defining numpy functions to find the boundaries
boundaries = [(1, lambda x: np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[0], 0),np.isclose(x[0], 1), np.isclose(x[1], 1))),
              (2, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 0))]

# Seperate as a function of the type
facet_indices, facet_markers = [], []
fdim = domain.topology.dim - 1
for (marker, locator) in boundaries:
    facets = mesh.locate_entities(domain, fdim, locator)
    facet_markers.append(np.full_like(facets, marker))
facet_indices = np.hstack(facet_indices).astype(np.int32)
facet_markers = np.hstack(facet_markers).astype(np.int32)
sorted_facets = np.argsort(facet_indices)
facet_tag = mesh.meshtags(domain, fdim, facet_indices[sorted_facets], facet_markers[sorted_facets])

domain.topology.create_connectivity(domain.topology.dim-1, domain.topology.dim)
with io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "facet_tags.xdmf", "w") as xdmf:
    xdmf.write_meshtags(facet_tag, domain.geometry)

# Define the surface increment
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain, subdomain_data=facet_tag)

# Defining the outward normal of the boundaries
n = ufl.FacetNormal(domain)

class BoundaryCondition():
    def __init__(self, type, marker, values):
        self._type = type
        if type == "Dirichlet":
            u_D = fem.Function(V)
            facets = facet_tag.find(marker)
            dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
            self._bc = fem.dirichletbc(u_D, dofs)
        elif type == "Neumann":
                self._bc = ufl.inner(values, v) * ds(marker)
        elif type == "Robin":
            self._bc = values[0] * ufl.inner(T ** 4 - values[1] ** 4, v)* ds(marker)
            raise TypeError("Unknown boundary condition: {0:s}".format(type))
    def bc(self):
        return self._bc

    def type(self):
        return self._type

# we define the Infinity distance air temperature function
T_inf_ex = lambda t: np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t - 17) / 24) * 10 + 7.5     # Daily variation [C°]

# define the boundary temperature
T_fix = lambda x: T_inf_ex(5) * x[0] ** 0 * x[1] ** 0                  # Boundary temp fix [C°]

# Defining the coefficients
epsilon = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))         # Thermal emmisivity      
sigma = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(100))         # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
k = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Thermal conductivity
rho = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))             # Material density  
c = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Specific heat capacity
Q = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1E-5))            # Internal Heat generation

# Define the Dirichlet condition
boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                       BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(0)))]

# Combining the system
L = k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx

# Adding Dirichlet bc
bcs = []
for condition in boundary_conditions:
    if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
        L += condition.bc

# Solving the non-linearvariational problem
problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
solver.rtol = 1e-6
solver.report = True

ksp = solver.krylov_solver
opts = PETSc.Options()
option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"

niter, converged = solver.solve(T)
assert (converged)

# Define temporal parameters
t = to = 0  # Start time
tF = 96 # Final time
dt = 0.5
num_steps = int((tF - to) / 96)

xdmf = io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "diffusion.xdmf", "w")

# Define solution variable, and interpolate initial solution for visualization in Paraview
xdmf.write_function(T, to)

Tnew = T

for i in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    Told = Tnew
    V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))
    Tnew = fem.Function(V)
    v = ufl.TrialFunction(V)

    # Define the Dirichlet condition
    boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                           BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (dt * sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(t)))]

    # Combining the system
    L = dt * k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(Tnew), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - dt * ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx  + rho * c * ufl.inner(Tnew, v) * ufl.dx - rho * c * np.dot(Told.x.array, v) * ufl.dx

    # Adding Dirichlet bc
    bcs = []
    for condition in boundary_conditions:
        if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
            L += condition.bc
    problem = NonlinearProblem(L, Tnew, bcs=bcs)
    solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
    solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
    solver.rtol = 1e-6
    solver.report = True

    ksp = solver.krylov_solver
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
    niter, converged = solver.solve(Tnew)
    assert (converged)
    xdmf.write_function(Tnew.x.array, to + (i+1) * dt)


Can anyone see where the problem lies?

One possible mistake is that in your BoundaryCondition class, type == "Robin" case, you seem to be using T, which is the unknown for the steady state solution. The unknown for the unsteady solution is called Tnew.

You could keep using T also for the unsteady case. Just define a Told = fem.Function(V) outside of the for i in range(num_steps) loop, and at every iteration copy whatever T or Tnew currently has into Told.

Hello Francesco

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

I had already a similar setup previously with no luck. I have adapted the code as follows, the output remains the same.

Told = fem.Function(V)

for i in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    Told = T
    T = fem.Function(V)
    v = ufl.TrialFunction(V)

    # Define the Dirichlet condition
    boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                           BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (dt * sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(t)))]

    # Combining the system
    L = dt * k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - dt * ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx  + rho * c * ufl.inner(T, v) * ufl.dx - rho * c * np.dot(Told.x.array, v) * ufl.dx

    # Adding Dirichlet bc
    bcs = []
    for condition in boundary_conditions:
        if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
            L += condition.bc
    problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
    solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
    solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
    solver.rtol = 1e-6
    solver.report = True

    ksp = solver.krylov_solver
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
    niter, converged = solver.solve(Tnew)
    assert (converged)
    xdmf.write_function(T.x.array, to + (i+1) * dt)


Please avoid redefining your fem.Functions. Use one T and one Told, defined outside the loop, and update the content of the T.x.array.

Dear Francesco

this was what I had before. I have tried it again now and the switch does not change anything to the outcome. The problem remains.

Please post the updated code with the above changes. The more you are able to simplify it, the higher the probabiltiy someone will be able to have a look in detail.

Here the updated code as currently in use:

# Importing the functino space and numpy
import ufl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyvista

# Importing the solver bases
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc

# Importing the packages of fenicsx
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io, log, default_scalar_type, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver

# Creating the mesh and the function space
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 100, 100)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)                           # x is the 2D coordiante vector
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))

# Creating the trial function and the test function
T = fem.Function(V)                     # Function for Temperature (necessary as the problem is non-linear)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)                 # Test function

# Defining numpy functions to find the boundaries
boundaries = [(1, lambda x: np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[0], 0),np.isclose(x[0], 1), np.isclose(x[1], 1))),
              (2, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 0))]

# Seperate as a function of the type
facet_indices, facet_markers = [], []
fdim = domain.topology.dim - 1
for (marker, locator) in boundaries:
    facets = mesh.locate_entities(domain, fdim, locator)
    facet_markers.append(np.full_like(facets, marker))
facet_indices = np.hstack(facet_indices).astype(np.int32)
facet_markers = np.hstack(facet_markers).astype(np.int32)
sorted_facets = np.argsort(facet_indices)
facet_tag = mesh.meshtags(domain, fdim, facet_indices[sorted_facets], facet_markers[sorted_facets])

domain.topology.create_connectivity(domain.topology.dim-1, domain.topology.dim)
with io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "facet_tags.xdmf", "w") as xdmf:
    xdmf.write_meshtags(facet_tag, domain.geometry)

# Define the surface increment
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain, subdomain_data=facet_tag)

# Defining the outward normal of the boundaries
n = ufl.FacetNormal(domain)

class BoundaryCondition():
    def __init__(self, type, marker, values):
        self._type = type
        if type == "Dirichlet":
            u_D = fem.Function(V)
            facets = facet_tag.find(marker)
            dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
            self._bc = fem.dirichletbc(u_D, dofs)
        elif type == "Neumann":
                self._bc = ufl.inner(values, v) * ds(marker)
        elif type == "Robin":
            self._bc = values[0] * ufl.inner(T ** 4 - values[1] ** 4, v)* ds(marker)
            raise TypeError("Unknown boundary condition: {0:s}".format(type))
    def bc(self):
        return self._bc

    def type(self):
        return self._type

# we define the Infinity distance air temperature function
T_inf_ex = lambda t: np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t - 17) / 24) * 10 + 7.5     # Daily variation [C°]

# define the boundary temperature
T_fix = lambda x: T_inf_ex(5) * x[0] ** 0 * x[1] ** 0                  # Boundary temp fix [C°]

# Defining the coefficients
epsilon = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))         # Thermal emmisivity      
sigma = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(100))         # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
k = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Thermal conductivity
rho = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))             # Material density  
c = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Specific heat capacity
Q = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1E-5))            # Internal Heat generation

# Define the Dirichlet condition
boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                       BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(0)))]

# Combining the system
L = k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx

# Adding Dirichlet bc
bcs = []
for condition in boundary_conditions:
    if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
        L += condition.bc

# Solving the non-linearvariational problem
problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
solver.rtol = 1e-6
solver.report = True

ksp = solver.krylov_solver
opts = PETSc.Options()
option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"

niter, converged = solver.solve(T)
assert (converged)

# Define temporal parameters
t = to = 0  # Start time
tF = 96 # Final time
dt = 0.5
num_steps = int((tF - to) / 96)

xdmf = io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "diffusion.xdmf", "w")

# Define solution variable, and interpolate initial solution for visualization in Paraview
xdmf.write_function(T, to)

Told = fem.Function(V)

for i in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    Told = T

    # Define the Dirichlet condition
    boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                           BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (dt * sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(t)))]

    # Combining the system
    L = dt * k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - dt * ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx  + rho * c * ufl.inner(T, v) * ufl.dx - rho * c * np.dot(Told.x.array, v) * ufl.dx

    # Adding Dirichlet bc
    bcs = []
    for condition in boundary_conditions:
        if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
            L += condition.bc
    problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
    solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
    solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
    solver.rtol = 1e-6
    solver.report = True

    ksp = solver.krylov_solver
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
    niter, converged = solver.solve(Tnew)
    assert (converged)
    xdmf.write_function(T.x.array, to + (i+1) * dt)


Fixed version that seems to work for me. Look for lines with # CHANGED comment.

# Importing the functino space and numpy
import ufl
import numpy as np

# Importing the solver bases
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc

# Importing the packages of fenicsx
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io, log, default_scalar_type, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import NonlinearProblem
from dolfinx.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver

# Creating the mesh and the function space
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 100, 100)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)                           # x is the 2D coordiante vector
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1))

# Creating the trial function and the test function
T = fem.Function(V)                     # Function for Temperature (necessary as the problem is non-linear)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)                 # Test function

# Defining numpy functions to find the boundaries
boundaries = [(1, lambda x: np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[0], 0),np.isclose(x[0], 1), np.isclose(x[1], 1))),
              (2, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 0))]

# Seperate as a function of the type
facet_indices, facet_markers = [], []
fdim = domain.topology.dim - 1
for (marker, locator) in boundaries:
    facets = mesh.locate_entities(domain, fdim, locator)
    facet_markers.append(np.full_like(facets, marker))
facet_indices = np.hstack(facet_indices).astype(np.int32)
facet_markers = np.hstack(facet_markers).astype(np.int32)
sorted_facets = np.argsort(facet_indices)
facet_tag = mesh.meshtags(domain, fdim, facet_indices[sorted_facets], facet_markers[sorted_facets])

domain.topology.create_connectivity(domain.topology.dim-1, domain.topology.dim)
with io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "facet_tags.xdmf", "w") as xdmf:
    xdmf.write_meshtags(facet_tag, domain.geometry)

# Define the surface increment
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain, subdomain_data=facet_tag)

# Defining the outward normal of the boundaries
n = ufl.FacetNormal(domain)

class BoundaryCondition():
    def __init__(self, type, marker, values):
        self._type = type
        if type == "Dirichlet":
            u_D = fem.Function(V)
            facets = facet_tag.find(marker)
            dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
            self._bc = fem.dirichletbc(u_D, dofs)
        elif type == "Neumann":
                self._bc = ufl.inner(values, v) * ds(marker)
        elif type == "Robin":
            self._bc = values[0] * ufl.inner(T ** 4 - values[1] ** 4, v)* ds(marker)
            raise TypeError("Unknown boundary condition: {0:s}".format(type))
    def bc(self):
        return self._bc

    def type(self):
        return self._type

# we define the Infinity distance air temperature function
T_inf_ex = lambda t: np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t - 17) / 24) * 10 + 7.5     # Daily variation [C°]

# define the boundary temperature
T_fix = lambda x: T_inf_ex(5) * x[0] ** 0 * x[1] ** 0                  # Boundary temp fix [C°]

# Defining the coefficients
epsilon = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))         # Thermal emmisivity
sigma = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(100))         # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
k = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Thermal conductivity
rho = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))             # Material density
c = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1))               # Specific heat capacity
Q = fem.Constant(domain, default_scalar_type(1E-5))            # Internal Heat generation

# Define the Dirichlet condition
boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                       BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(0)))]

# Combining the system
L = k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx

# Adding Dirichlet bc
bcs = []
for condition in boundary_conditions:
    if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
        L += condition.bc

# Solving the non-linearvariational problem
problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
solver.rtol = 1e-6
solver.report = True

ksp = solver.krylov_solver
opts = PETSc.Options()
option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"

niter, converged = solver.solve(T)
assert (converged)

# Define temporal parameters
t = to = 0  # Start time
tF = 96 # Final time
dt = 0.5
num_steps = int((tF - to) / 96)

xdmf = io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "diffusion.xdmf", "w")

# Define solution variable, and interpolate initial solution for visualization in Paraview
xdmf.write_function(T, to)

Told = fem.Function(V)

for i in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    Told.x.array[:] = T.x.array  # CHANGED

    # Define the Dirichlet condition
    boundary_conditions = [BoundaryCondition("Dirichlet", 1, T_fix),
                           BoundaryCondition("Robin", 2, (dt * sigma * epsilon, T_inf_ex(t)))]

    # Combining the system
    L = dt * k * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(T), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx - dt * ufl.inner(Q, v) * ufl.dx  + rho * c * ufl.inner(T, v) * ufl.dx - rho * c * ufl.inner(Told, v) * ufl.dx  # CHANGED

    # Adding Dirichlet bc
    bcs = []
    for condition in boundary_conditions:
        if condition.type == "Dirichlet":
            L += condition.bc

    problem = NonlinearProblem(L, T, bcs=bcs)
    solver = NewtonSolver(MPI.COMM_WORLD, problem)
    solver.convergence_criterion = "incremental"
    solver.rtol = 1e-6
    solver.report = True

    ksp = solver.krylov_solver
    opts = PETSc.Options()
    option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "gmres"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_rtol"] = "1.e-8"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "hypre"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg"
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_iter"] = 1
    opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_hypre_boomeramg_cycle_type"] = "v"
    niter, converged = solver.solve(T)  # CHANGED
    assert (converged)
    xdmf.write_function(T, to + (i+1) * dt)  # CHANGED

1 Like

Hello Francesco

this indeed solved the issue, now I have a convergence problem but that’s on my model setup side. Thank you very much.

Could you tell me why the update of the values of T (through T.x.array) instead of the entire function did the trick? It is a bit strange to me how this worked and I would like to learn from this mistake.

Could you tell me why the update of the values of T (through T.x.array) instead of the entire function did the trick

In ufl (and also in your BoundaryCondition class) you define forms using a dolfinx.fem.Function. Once T is in the ufl form (or in the BC), if you suddenly rename the python variable T to be someting else, the new variable will not replace the old one in forms/expressions where you had previously used the old variable.

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num_steps = int((tf - to )/dt)