timeNS L2,H1 error

Everybody, this is a program that I’ve been working on for a long time, and since I’m new to Fenics, Mr.Dokken has helped me run it. Now I want to ask for your help. The program out of L2, H1 errors are very large, error order is also wrong. I guess the problem may be a circular problem, but it still outputs errors after correcting according to the textbook. Here is the code:

import math

from dolfin import *
from fenics import dx

#def boundary(x):
    #return abs(x[0])<tol or abs(x[1])<tol or abs(x[0]-1)<tol or abs(x[1]-1)<tol

def boundary(x, on_boundary): # define the Dirichlet boundary
    return on_boundary

def E_L2_H1(n):
    T = 1.0
    num_steps = pow(n, 2)
    dt = T / num_steps


    P1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange",mesh.ufl_cell(),1)
    B = FiniteElement("Bubble",mesh.ufl_cell(),3)
    V = VectorElement(P1+B)
    Q = P1
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh,V * Q)


    #U条件  Define manufactured exact solutions : OK  定义已有的精确解
    u1_ex = """10 * pow(x[0],2) * pow((x[0]-1),2) * x[1] * (x[1]-1) * (2*x[1]-1)"""
    u2_ex = """10 * x[0] * (x[0]-1) * (2*x[0]-1) * pow(x[1],2) * pow((x[1]-1),2)"""
    u_D = Expression(('10 * pow(x[0],2) * pow((x[0]-1),2) * x[1] * (x[1]-1) * (2*x[1]-1) *cos(t)',
                      '10 * x[0] * (x[0]-1) * (2*x[0]-1) * pow(x[1],2) * pow((x[1]-1),2) *cos(t)'), degree=3, t=0)

    # P条件
    p1_ex =  """10 * (2*x[0]-1) * (2*x[1]-1)"""
    p_D =  Expression('10 * (2*x[0]-1) * (2*x[1]-1) * cos(t)', degree=3, t=0)

    # force term of momentum equation 动量方程的力项
    f1_ex = """20 * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) - 40*pow(x[0] ,2) * cos(t) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1) - 20 * pow(x[0] ,2) * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow((x[0] - 1),2)\
     - 40 * pow( x[0],2) * x[1] * cos(t) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) - 20 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * (x[1] - 1) \
     - 20 * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1) - 40 * x[0] * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 2) * (2*x[1] - 1) * (x[1] - 1) \
     - 10 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * sin(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow( (x[0] - 1),2) * (x[1] - 1) - 10 * x[0] * pow( x[1],2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2) * (10 * pow( x[0],2) * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1) \
     + 20 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1) + 10 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2))\
     + 10 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * (20 * x[0] * x[1] * cos(t) * (2 * x[1] - 1) * pow( (x[0] - 1),2) * (x[1] - 1)\
     + 10 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 2) * (2*x[1] - 1) * (x[1] - 1)) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1)"""

    f2_ex = """2 * cos(t) * (20*x[0] - 10) + 40*pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2) + 20 * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2)\
     + 40 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * pow( (x[1] - 1),2) + 20 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (2 * x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) \
     + 20 * x[0] * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2) + 40 * x[0] * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) *( 2*x[1] - 2) * (x[0] - 1)\
     + 10 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * sin(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2) - 10 * pow(x[0] ,2) * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[1] - 1) * pow((x[0] - 1) ,2) * (x[1] - 1) * (10*pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2)\
     + 20 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (x[0] - 1) * pow( (x[1] - 1),2) + 10 * x[0] * pow( x[1],2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2)) \
     + 10 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (20 * x[0] * x[1] * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (x[0] - 1) * pow((x[1] - 1) ,2) \
     + 10 * x[0] * pow(x[1] ,2) * cos(t) * (2*x[0] - 1) * (2*x[1] - 2) * (x[0] - 1)) * (x[0] - 1) * (x[1] - 1) * pow( (x[1] - 1),2)"""
    f = Expression((f1_ex, f2_ex), degree=3, t=0)

    bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), u_D , boundary)


    #Uw= Function(W)

    (u, p) = TrialFunctions(W)
    (v, q) = TestFunctions(W)
    (uk, pk) = Uw.split()

    k = Constant(dt)
    f = (dot((u - uk), v) + k* inner(grad(u), grad(v)) + k * inner(dot(uk, grad(u) ), v) - div(u) * q + k * div(v) * p + 10e-8 * inner(p, q)) * dx - k * inner(f, v) * dx
    a = lhs(f)
    L = rhs(f)


    A = assemble(a)

    U = Function(W)

    t = 0
    for n in range(num_steps):
    #while (t <= T):
        t += dt
        u_D.t = t

        b = assemble( L )
        bc.apply(A, b)

        #U = Function(W)
        solve(A, U.vector(), b)
        #solve(A == b , U , bc)

        (u, p) = U.split()

        u_error_L2 = errornorm(u_D,u,'L2')
        u_error_H1 = errornorm(u_D,u,'H1')

        p_error_L2 = errornorm(p_D,p,'L2')
        p_error_H1 = errornorm(p_D,p,'H1')

    return [u_error_L2,u_error_H1, p_error_L2,p_error_H1,num_steps]

def EOrder(e_L2_f,h_f,e_L2_a,h_a):
    return error_order

print('%d 等分u_error_L2=%.15g'%(n1,a1))
print('%d 等分u_error_H1=%.15g'%(n1,c1))

print('%d 等分p_error_L2=%.15g'%(n1,b1))
print('%d 等分p_error_H1=%.15g'%(n1,d1))

print('%d 等分u_error_L2=%.15g'%(n2,a2))
print('%d 等分u_error_H1=%.15g'%(n2,c2))

print('%d 等分p_error_L2=%.15g'%(n2,b2))
print('%d 等分p_error_H1=%.15g'%(n2,d2))

print('u L2error_order:',EOrder(a1,e1,a2,e2))
print('u H1error_order:',EOrder(c1,e1,c2,e2))

print('p L2error_order:',EOrder(b1,e1,b2,e2))
print('p H1error_order:',EOrder(d1,e1,d2,e2))

If you need additional information, please leave a message, it is greatly appreciated!

I have already commeted on this question in your topic: Time-dependent Navier–Stokes equations - #16 by dokken
The addition to your code is not justified, and you are not constraining the pressure at any boundary.

Please do not make new threads with the same topic.

I’m sorry, I was too hasty and reckless, and I’m sorry for the bad impact on the community. This is a stable term that my teacher said to add to keep the result stable.