Unable to successfully call PETSc function 'SNESSetFromOptions'

I’m solving a phase-field fracture problem with a governing equation similar to the Cahn-Hilliard equation in the FEniCS tutorial demo. Specifically, I need to solve a minimization problem with a constraint: 0<phi<1, where phi is a phase-field variable.

The code works when using the nonlinear solver “senes” with “vinewtonssls” method. But I got the following error when using the nonlinear solver “senes” with “vinewtonrsls” method:

*** Error:   Unable to successfully call PETSc function 'SNESSetFromOptions'.
*** Reason:  PETSc error code is: 60 (Nonconforming object sizes).
*** Where:   This error was encountered inside /build/dolfin-pnfrym/dolfin-2019.2.0~git20201207.b495043/dolfin/nls/PETScSNESSolver.cpp.
*** Process: 0
*** DOLFIN version: 2019.2.0.dev0
*** Git changeset:  unknown

The following is a minimal running code:

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
import math

mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0,0), Point(1, 2),20, 40,'crossed')
n_dimension = 2
Gc =0.05
E = 3.0e4; nu = 0.0; 
l0 = 0.04; 

lmbda = nu*E/(1-nu**2) 
mu = E/2/(1+nu)
def epsilon(u):
    return sym(grad(u))
def sigma(u,phi): 
    return g(phi)*(2.0*mu*epsilon(u)+lmbda*tr(epsilon(u))*Identity(len(u)))
def psi(u):
    return 0.5*K*(tr(epsilon(u)))**2+\
def q(u,phi):
    return Gc/l0*Df(phi)+Dg(phi)*psi(u)
def zeta(phi):
    return 2*Gc*l0*grad(phi)
def f(phi):
    return phi**2
def Df(phi):
    phi = variable(phi)
    return diff(f(phi),phi)
def g(phi):
    return (1-phi)**2
def Dg(phi):
    return 2*(phi-1)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1) 
W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
bot = CompiledSubDomain(" near(x[1], 0.0) ")
top = CompiledSubDomain(" near(x[1], 2.0)")
corner= CompiledSubDomain(" near(x[0], 0.0) && x[1]<1")
zero_phi = CompiledSubDomain(" (near(x[1], 2.0,0.05) || near(x[1], 0.0,0.05)) ")
load_y = Expression("u_y", u_y = 0.0, degree=1)  # Displacement loading 
bc_u_bot = DirichletBC(W, Constant((0.0,0.0)), bot)
bc_u_load_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(1),  load_y, top)
bc_u = [bc_u_bot,  bc_u_load_y]
bc_phi  =DirichletBC(V, Constant(0.0), zero_phi)

u = TrialFunction(W)
du, v = TrialFunction(W), TestFunction(W)
dp, w = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
pnew, pold = Function(V), Function(V)
unew, uold = Function(W), Function(W)

F_phi = q(uold,pnew)*w*dx + inner(zeta(pnew),grad(w))*dx
F_du = inner(sigma(unew,pold),epsilon(v))*dx

J_phi = derivative(F_phi,pnew,dp)
J = derivative(F_du,unew,du)

P_phi = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F_phi, pnew, bc_phi, J_phi)
P = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F_du, unew, bc_u, J)

solver_phi = NonlinearVariationalSolver(P_phi)
solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(P)
"Initial constrain on phi"
pmin = project(Constant(0.0), V)
pmax =  project(Constant(1.0), V)

snes_solver_parameters = {"nonlinear_solver": "snes",
                          "symmetric": True,
                          "snes_solver": {
                                  "method": "vinewtonrsls", #  "vinewtonrsls" or "vinewtonssls"
                                          "report": True,
                                          "error_on_nonconvergence": False}}
prm_phi = solver_phi.parameters
prm_phi['snes_solver']['line_search'] = 'basic'
u_r = 1
dt = 0.01
t = 0
t_end = 0.15/u_r
tol = 1e-3
conc_f = File ("./ResultsDir/phi.pvd",'compressed')
iter_max = 5000
# Staggered scheme
while  t  <= t_end :
    load_y.u_y  +=  dt*u_r
    iter = 0
    err = 1.0
    while err > tol and iter <= iter_max:
        iter += 1
        err_u  = errornorm(unew,uold,norm_type = 'l2', degree_rise=0, mesh = None)/(norm(uold)+1e-20)
        err_phi = errornorm(pnew,pold,norm_type = 'l2', degree_rise=0, mesh = None)/(norm(pold)+1e-20)
        if round(iter) % 500 == 0:
            print(t,iter, err)   
        err = max(err_phi,err_u)
        if err < tol or iter == iter_max:
            conc_f << pnew
    t += dt  

Anyone can help? Thanks a lot!

Please use 3x` to encapsulate your code, to make sure that indentation and string quotations " are preserved

Hi Dokken,
Thanks for your reply. The code is encapsulated now.