I defined a function to calculate the weak form
from fenics import *
import numpy as np
from ufl_legacy import transpose
from mpi4py import MPI
from Compute_DC import compute_DC_constants
from compute_SUPG import compute_tau_supg
def assemble_weak_form(V_fluid, Y, Y_n, dt, A0_f, A1_f, A2_f, A1_sp, A2_sp,
K11, K12, K21, K22, A0_s, A1_s, A2_s,
markers, beta=1.0):
Assemble the weak form for FSI problem with 4x4 matrices in parallel
A = PETScMatrix()
b = PETScVector()
# Set up parallel environment
parameters["linear_algebra_backend"] = "PETSc"
parameters["ghost_mode"] = "shared_facet"
parameters["form_compiler"]["optimize"] = True
# Test and trial functions
W = TestFunction(V_fluid)
dY = TrialFunction(V_fluid)
# Get mesh info
mesh = V_fluid.mesh()
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
# Define measures
dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh)
dx_s = Measure('dx', subdomain_data=markers, subdomain_id=1)
dS = Measure('dS', domain=mesh)
# Initialize forms
a = 0
L = 0
# Get gradients
grad_W = grad(W)
grad_Y = grad(Y)
# 1. Mass terms
a += (1 / dt) *inner(W, dot(A0_f, Y)) * dx
a -= (1 / dt) *inner(W, dot(A0_f, Y)) * dx_s
L += (1 / dt) * inner(W, dot(A0_f, Y_n)) * dx
L -= (1 / dt) * inner(W, dot(A0_f, Y_n)) * dx_s
L += (1 / dt) * inner(W, dot(A0_s, Y_n)) * dx_s
# 2. Convective terms
conv_term = dot(A1_f, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(A2_f, grad_Y[:, 1])
a += inner(W, conv_term) * dx
a -= inner(W, conv_term) * dx_s
# 3. Diffusive terms
F_diff_x = dot(K11, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(K12, grad_Y[:, 1])
F_diff_y = dot(K21, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(K22, grad_Y[:, 1])
a -= inner(grad_W[:, 0], F_diff_x) * dx
a -= inner(grad_W[:, 1], F_diff_y) * dx
a += inner(grad_W[:, 0], F_diff_x) * dx_s
a += inner(grad_W[:, 1], F_diff_y) * dx_s
# 4. SUPG stabilization
F_diff_x_n = dot(K11, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(K12, grad_Y[:, 1])
F_diff_y_n = dot(K21, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(K22, grad_Y[:, 1])
div_F_diff = grad(F_diff_x_n)[:, 0] + grad(F_diff_y_n)[:, 1]
Res_n = dot(A0_f, (Y - Y_n) / dt) + \
dot(A1_f, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(A2_f, grad_Y[:, 1]) - \
tau_SUPG = as_matrix(compute_tau_supg(dt, A1_sp, A2_sp, K11, K12, K21, K22, mesh))
tau_Res = dot(tau_SUPG, Res_n)
grad_W_SUPG_x = dot(transpose(A1_f), grad_W[:, 0])
grad_W_SUPG_y = dot(transpose(A2_f), grad_W[:, 1])
grad_W_SUPG = grad_W_SUPG_x + grad_W_SUPG_y
B_st = inner(grad_W_SUPG, tau_Res) * dx
B_st_s = inner(grad_W_SUPG, tau_Res) * dx_s
a += (B_st - B_st_s)
a += (B_st - B_st_s)
assemble(a, tensor=A)
# 5. DC stabilization
K_DC = compute_DC_constants(h, Res_n, Y)
a += inner(grad_W, dot(K_DC, grad_Y)) * dx
a -= inner(grad_W, dot(K_DC, grad_Y)) * dx_s
# 6. Solid domain terms
a += inner(W, dot(A1_s, grad_Y[:, 0]) + dot(A2_s, grad_Y[:, 1])) * dx_s
# 7. Interface terms
a += beta * h * inner(jump(dot(grad_W, n)), jump(dot(grad(dY), n))) * dS
# Initialize parallel matrices and vectors
# Parallel assembly
assemble(a, tensor=A)
assemble(L, tensor=b)
# Ensure proper synchronization
return A, b
and V_fluid is a mixed finite element space, I define the matrices used here by using examples like
def create_coefficient_matrices(V_p, V_T, p_f, u_f, T_f):
# Define thermodynamic expressions
rho_f_expr = project(p_f / (R * T_f), V_p)
v_expr = project(R * T_f / p_f, V_p)
e_expr = project(c_v * T_f, V_T)
h_expr = project(e_expr + p_f * v_expr, V_T)
u_squared = project(0.5 * (u_f[0] ** 2 + u_f[1] ** 2), V_T)
e_tot_expr = project(e_expr + u_squared, V_T)
# Define thermodynamic coefficients
beta_T_expr = project(1.0 / p_f, V_p)
alpha_p_expr = project(1.0 / T_f, V_p)
[rho_f_expr * beta_T_expr, Constant(0), Constant(0), -rho_f_expr * alpha_p_expr],
[rho_f_expr * beta_T_expr * u_f[0], rho_f_expr, Constant(0),
-rho_f_expr * alpha_p_expr * u_f[0]],
[rho_f_expr * beta_T_expr * u_f[1], Constant(0), rho_f_expr,
-rho_f_expr * alpha_p_expr * u_f[1]],
[(e_expr - Constant(1)), rho_f_expr * u_f[0],
rho_f_expr * u_f[1], Constant(0)]
and I also have to calculate the inverse square root of a matrix in SUPG term, which I write the iterative method by hand, and also I modify the source code to compute 4*4 determinant, but it is very slow to assemble it