Cell type is tetra10

Hello everyone, greetings!
I recently installed FEniCS.In my work ,I convert .msh file to xdmf format,which is readable by FEniCS.
However, the cell type is ‘tetra10’.
The following code was used to convert a mesh from .msh format to xdmf format.
meshio.write(“mesh.xdmf”,meshio.Mesh(points = msh.points,cells = {‘tetra10’:msh.cells_dict[‘tetra10’]}))
After that,I use the following code to read ‘mesh.xdmf’

with XDMFFile(“mesh.xdmf”) as infile :
error message :Unable to recognise cell type,Unknown value “tetrahedron_10”.

Which step should be taken to correct this error

You Need to use dolfinx to be able to use second order tetrahedrons in your mesh

Thank you for your instructions
Is it possible to convert a second-order mesh to a first-order mesh?
Can I have some tutorials?

There is, if you read your mesh in with meshio, you can remove the cell connectivity corresponding to the higher order nodes. If you look at cell_dict of tet10, lets call it cells, cells[:,:4] should remove all higher order data.

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Thank you for your reply.
I will follow your instructions.
Thank you again for your reply.