Convert grid file of Comsol to xdmf

Hello everyone, greetings!
I recently installed FEniCS. In my work, I need to convert .stl file to xdmf format, which is readable by FEniCS.
The following code was used to convert a mesh from .stl format to xdmf format but I am getting an error:
meshio.write(“mesh.xdmf”,meshio.Mesh(points = msh.points,cells = {‘tetra’:msh.cells_dict[‘tetra’]}))
error message:KeyError: ‘tetra’

Other methods of switching formats of comsol to xdmf are also needed

Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you,

-Xiao Li

Your error message is quite clear, the read in mesh has no tetrahedral elements. What is the output of

Thank you very much for your reply.
the output of print(msh.cells_dict.keys()) is dict_keys([‘tetra10’])

With your help, the problem has been solved, thank you again!